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Macon , Ga, 74 5- 587 7 Frank Ba ker '• ' October 16, 1964 ·. Mr. William C . Bartholomay 2 No. Riverside Plaza Chicago, Illinois ··~ I • Come to the land where people have craves ,:· ' ...r '.• t, .. ·~ F or women, money and the Milwaukee Braves. .... r I •. . .. ,. ' ., .. ,-: \ , ... ',:, Frank H. Baker Macon, Georgia Credit card: 745-5877-H316 October 16, 1964 Mr. William C. Barthol omay

2 No. Riverside Plaza

Chicago, Illinois We in Atlant a are looking forward to you and maj or league baseball. Gordon Sharpton ,, �- -~ .,. - ~ .. 000 - .1. .1. '-J .1. .1.v1c1.r i e vv c:1.u;er s Octobe r 16, 1964 •A t' ,'1. T here are approxi mately one - half million fema l e bas e ball fa ns in Atlanta . W e need " B rave II me n . F r om sixteen of them - M arie, R uth , Nanc y .,. Virg inia, Linda , R ita ,' ... ' PO 1~8582 Bill Rollins rJO · October 16, 1964 Mr / William C . Bartholomay

2 Riverside Plaza

Chicago, Illinois Braves, please advise flight number and time of arrival. I will meet you at the airport. Bill Rollins J �~-.- ··~ l ..,. '• ' ' .. .DL :J-U U.'.>"z J:..Q . VV lll5.LOW Octobe r 16, 1964 ~ (), Mr / 4 illiam C. Bartholomay

2 Riverside Plaza

Chicago, Illinois This i s a baseball town. you. Come on down! .. W ill break attendance records Ed Winslow ., ~· ·' .,. I • ' ., 255 -1367 Octobe r 16, 1964

2 Riversi de

Chicago, Illinois I was a fan of the Braves when I lived in Boston ; to Atlanta. Come on I . " �. ,. •' ' ,;<i"i 'I ( .tSL 5 -b 4 ~4 John Ca r nes Oc t o be r 16, 19 6 4 ,, C . Bartholoma y Plaza Chicago, Illinois ' . ..... ' . ,., . II . . • .. ,.,'.~ , R eserve b ox seat for op e n ing gam e in Atlanta. ' .. A dvise. ,,, l ,: ~. \ ( 344-4869 Gene October 16, 1964 Chi cago, Illinois As convention chai r man, can plan events to coi n cide with your opening date in Atlanta. P lease advise . Gene Ownby 3400 A rdley R oad, S. W . Atlanta, Georgia �;«f' r· I ~ • I

' '11 . , .... ', , "" ~ H~ !)-1441 (.ieorge M cLrraw I' October 16, 1964 \ Chicago, Illinois B e "brave", come to Atlanta. I M .. ,··-~ TR 4 -1877 Octobe r 16 , 1964 Chicago, Illinois Available in Atlanta: One large baseball fans. Taylor ~ ·. �·, I ! • 1 .. ,,_ l. ' PO 6-2416 Ed Carithers Octob e r 16, 1964 C. Illinoi s Urge you to occupy Atlanta ' s stadium in 1965. E d C a r ithers . ,. ,.. ' •,t•• ., ., t, .,, .. ' • r I!•' • \~I t t "' ' ·~t •' October 16, 1964 Chic ago, Illin oi s Y ' all come, h ere (Atlant a , 1965) ! �