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Mayor :i.van Alle!l, Jr. and Arthur J\.1ontg0mery, Chair1nan of the Stadium Auth~rity, invited tne to visit Atk.~1ta to look at the new municipal .,;tadium being built and l.0 make a first-hand inspection of the growth and 1:!Xpansion irL tbis fine city and its supporting region. The Stadiur.1 A-ithority has given me. a firm contract for consideration of th~ Braves. I am taking thio back to Chicago a$ pa.:-t of tht evaluation I am making rt>g::trdi::ig the Braves I future. ';_'he 61·a.vcs ri:!i:- 01,r iz c ·-.he reifPonsibility and publi1.: trust invol~_,ed in .:-ven considering th,c: rnoving of u. rJrof-::ssional sports franchi s 1:.- frorn on.e area to another. How<"ver, since baseball is truly a national sport, we can no long e r ignore the vaf:>t

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thi:-; country whi<..h cio not currently enjoy our gr e at gam1:.,, Montgomery, t he .S tadi .!th /'_ut~1 -J rity aud t"1 ,:; other E::l e cted officials fur t he ir for e sight in c- re ating tl.;; facilitit::s anc! 3.tmospht:: r e for the in':!vitabh· introduction cf m;1j0:r l 2agu..: s p orts to th e southt::astern ar ea of the United ':>tates. STATEl\iENT B:· i,,\-l.LLI/'M C, f~A RTHOLOMAY CHAIRMAN OF THE BG .. .. Kr_·, MIL-NA 1TKZ:S BRAVES ..)ctober 14, 1Yb4 �