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t Memo to Mayor's Office Supplements 3-11-63 memo on Peyton Forest 623 Fielding Lane SW. Roy W. Forrester house. Vacant. Mortgage has been assumed by Withca, Inc. 483 Fielding Lane SW. the Bennett house. Dr. Warner has some furniture moved in. Mortgage loans have been paid off. Refinanced by Mutual Eederal S. & L. Assoco New item 579 Fielding Lane SW Sold 1-14-63 by F.E.Bennett to brother-in-law T.David Trammell, Lakewood Cleaners, lives Forrest Park,Ga. Re-sold 2-22-63 by Trammell to H.L.Self (of Bibb County) assumed to be Negro. Mortgage assumed by Withca, Inc. New item Three vacant lots on Fielding Lane SW, immediately south of Bennett house. Transferred by F .E. Bennett (date unknown) to his father , C.W.Bennett,Sr., have been resold 1-4-63 by Bennett, Sr. to a H. L. Spicer (of Florida). Real ~state Code violation, at 1044 Peyton Rd.SW (2nd house off Sewell) facts misrepresented to J. Thos Holloway on Marc h 14, 1963, by Negro F.M. Fouch of Paramount Roa.l ~state & Investment Co.,Inco Auburn Ave. 427 Peyton Rd. SW, t he R.J.Bright house, sold 2-7-63 to C.C.Thornton, still occupied by Bright who has made current mortgage payment. Legal advice obtained by South West Citizens Assoc. is that this is a very weak case to try to 0 break the sale". SA 3-15-63 �