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For release upon receipt of Judge Whitman's Decision adversing the City's action in putting up Road signs on Peyton and Harlan Roads I am issuing immediate instructions to Mr. Ray Nixon, Chief of Construction for the City, to immediately remove the road closing signs on P e yton and Harlan Roads, in keeping with the court order rendered by Judge Whitman. I am asking the City Attorney, the Honorable Jack Sav age to take no f urthe r action in this case until directed by the Board of Alder m e n . The difficulties which brought about the necessity .for the abandonme nt of the portions of Payton and Harlan Roads have served to focus the attention of the p e ople of t hi s great city to the many problems of finding ample living spac e for a large Negro population. In order to pr e vent any r eoccurrenc e o f a similar nature as that i n the P eyton Forrest A rea , and in o r d e r to c onf o r m with t h e d ecisio n of the courts , I am as k ing t h e Board o f Aldermen to t a k e the following a ttion a t their regular m eeting , Mon day, Ma r ch 4: (1) That the B o ard of A lde rmen instruct the C ity A ttorney n o t to a ppe a l the d ecision rendere d b y Judge W h itman. (2 ) In order t o as s is t in the h a ndling o f transitio nal ar e as i n the City of Atlanta, I a m re que sting the B oa rd to pass a r e sol u ti o n to c reat e a spe cial real e sta t e c ommi s sion of six r eal estate men charged with the responsibility of pr e pa r ing a code of e t hic s c o verin g the sale a nd us e o f p ro perty in suc h area s , so that p eac e and h armo ny may prevail among a ll races in the City o f Atlanta. ( 3 ) F u rther, I am requesting tha t the Board pa s s a resol ution which will instruct the City Planning Depar t ment to immediately instit ute a complete and comprehensive study of all available land within the limits of the City of Atlanta ---more --- �that in the past has been zoned for commercial and manufacturing establishmentsi. for the purpose of determining which of said areas could properly and equitably be zoned for open housing. (4) I am also requesting the Board to pass a resolution directing me, as Mayor of Atlanta, to call together the respective groups and parties at interest in the Peyton Forest area for the purpose of discussing and seeking a fair and just agreement on a voluntary basis to fix a cooling - off period for all parties concerned in the Peyton Forest disturbance; and, furthermore, that all parties at interest be urged to approach the difficulties presented with fair and open minds in an effort to reach a solution to the controversaries which are no,v'existing and which may exist in the future. - 30 - �fJr f ~ I Jt,t;! , ?e f //; f )J /l,{ ; · l'/-tw p tr /4 t .I 12.;!111<! (P/cl pq/Jt?.J lf' /3tu /~ !)a y' 1/-q1c,), �