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JOINT REAL ESTATE MEETING -- 2:00 p. m. Thursday , March 7 Atlanta Real Estate Board Empire Real Estate Board Ward Wight Arthur Burdette, Jr. Henry Robinson (Cone Maddo x is out of Town W. L. Calloway Calv in Thornton T. M . Alexander , Sr. Q. V . Williamson Mr. Calloway advised me that the Empire Board elected these people to come to this meeting and "listen to what you have to say" . INTERESTED PARTIES IN PEYTON RD. DISTURBANCE -- 2:30 p . m . Friday, March 8 .,._ [ ~ / virgil Copeland, Southwest Citizens Association Jack Bohler, Director, West End Businessmen's Association / A. T. Walden, Atlanta Negro Voters League Dr. C . Miles Smith, All Citizens Committee for Better City Planning Milton D . Farris, Alderman, 7th ward Jack Summers, Alderman, 7th Ward. Note :. . Whe n I officially inv ited Mr . Callow ay, he said that he could not come w ithout appro v al of his board. . and that he w ould talk w ith you about this Thursday morning. . . Sid Avery Call e d, and said he h e ard of the meeting, that you have chos e n the w rong person from the Southw est Citizens Association , and Virgil Copeland JG- did not repr e sent the fee lings of the g roup , and that you w ould hav e to inv ite the three men designated by the Association to deal w ith the p r obl em. • . I told him that you inv ited the P re s i d e nt , since h e wa s e l e cte d as P re s i d e nt by the m e mb er s . Ivan , this s o unds like thes e t w o m ee ting s w ill be a o ne- s h ot deal ; u n l es s na t i ona l p u blicity is us e d a g ainst the N eg ro community to show the i r unwillingness . . . The only agreeabl e r espon s e I have ha d in m y t e l ephoning ha s been fr o m D r. S m i t h, w ho seems delighte d and anxious to c o me , and fee l s that y o u have h a n dl ed t hi s pr o perl y . . he also s aid that me expected the All Citizen s Committee fo r Better C ity P lanning to make "an official expression this aft ernoon ( 3 /6) as to t h eir endorsement of your action" . Naturally , Col. Walden is ready to mee t with you on whatever you want to talk about and when you want to talk about it. �