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BY: ALDERMAN MILTON G. FARllIS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI G THE MAYOR TO CAI.L T ETHE RESPECTIVE GROUPS CONCERNED WITH THE PEYTON-wUTOY•FOREST AREA. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board ·of Aldermen of th C ty of . directed to cal tlanta th t the Mayor be and h is hereby together the respective groups and parties at intere tin the Peyton-Utoy•Forest Ar ea for t he purpose of di cussing and seeking a fair and just agreement on a voluntary basis to fix a cooling-off period for all parties concerned in the Peyton-Utoy-Forest disturbance ; that all parties at interest be urged to approach the difficulties presented w:th fair and open minds in an effort to reach a solution to the controversaries which are now existing and which may exist in the future o �