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News Release IVAN ALLEN, JR. Mayor of Atlanta Ja F or further information call - 2 - 4463 Mrs. Ann Drummond Executive Secretary October 20, 1964 FOR USE UPON R E CEIPT STATEMENT BY IVAN ALLENJ JR o, MAYOR OF ATLANTA The B r ave s are to be congr.atulated on making a brave decision ... t o petit ion t h e National League to move their franchise to Atlanta. They have chosen to make the 11 national pastime 11 truly national, to g i ve t h e 24 million people who live in these seven Southeastern States a share in the major leagues, The peopl e of Atlanta, with their courage in building an $18, 000, 000. Stadium to attract a major league team are also to be congratulated, They r epresent the n e w, dynamic south, which is no longer willing to be side-lined on the back benches. Our Stadium is a southern project, built on southern soil, with southern money , by southern architects and contractors. We feel i t is uniquely fitting that this decision has been made today, a date which marks almost exactly the centennial of the day when Atlanta w as le ft an a s h str e wn ruin, symbol of a region's defeat. Today we we lcome the opportunity to become a symbol of southern ze s t and d r i ve , a major l e ague city, a major league state , in a major league regi ono - 30 - �