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I regret very much that you have ta.ken what I consider an to be/ arbitrary position in the Peyton-Harland R oad problem. The abandonment of the portions of these roads by the Board of A ldermen and signed by me was for the purpose of stabilizing an unwarranted condition in the Pe yton Forest area. The closings exercised the same restraint on all citizens and discriminated againat no one. The right of purchase and sale, access and egress has been denied no citizen of Atlanta into any area of the city. The Board of Aldermen reconfirmed their pos i t ion on this matter last Monday. It had been my hope that you as a group, taking the position that you represent the entire Negro community, would discuss the overall problem and work out a voluntary agreement that would help in protecting the interest of all our citizens, stabilizing property values and eliminating the unfair tactic that have previously been used by om parties . Your r fu al to appoint any member of your group to di cu s this matter openly in an effort to reach an amicabl solution is d eply regretable. Howev l', your unwillingne in no way det r determination to ee that the matter i end I will continu to work through whatev r repr s ntativ (Ivan Allen, Jr. - 1/11/63) sati factorily re olved my nd, to that group ar available. �