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TELEGRAM To : Mr. A. T. Walden and Q . V. William on Co -c hairman, Atlant.a Negro Vot re Lea~ Mr. J. T. Bickers , President, Empire REal Estate Board Mr. DuP1"ee Jordan , President, Wecit End Businessmen's Assn. Mr. Vii-gil Copeland, President, South West Civic Association At the reque t of Mr. Virgil Copeland. President, Southwe t Civic Associ tion, 1 am a king that you appoint · committee of three people k>=c from your body tom et jointly with the Southwest Civic A aoci tion The Atlan N gro Voters L ague,, th and the Empi:re Real E West End Busines men's A sociation te Board, to make citizen study of the problem, in the rea ~ Your recomm ndation • e tbf ctory to all of you, would Utoy be of gr rea. outh of Ciordon Road and in the Peyton For th lp in maintaining Atl nta' I very fin n Allen, reputation.

r r.

Mayor of Atlanta t �