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NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES For Immediate Release 1 7 August 1968 BLUE WATER SAFARI For Navy League Cadets A group of Atlanta boys, age 12-13, will have an opportunity to satisfy Youth's natural interest in the ways of the Sea. They are to spend several days on hoard the Navy's newest Mine countermeasures ship the USS OZARK )MCS-2). enclosed). (photograph The Ozark has just returned from its arduous task of searching for the nuclear submarine Scorpian. The Commanding Officer of the Ozark is Captain William B. Hooffstetter. (photograph enclosed). Navy League Cadets are recruited from all walks of life. voluntary. Cadets assume no military service oblig ation. Membership is enti rely Cadets may re sign a t any time or they may ~ mplete an entire 5 year program by advancing to the Sea C a det Corps at age 14. If the Cadet wishe s, at a g e 17, provided his scholastic standing in hig h s chool is satisfactory, he will b e e l igible t o take adva ntage of the N avy 1 s m a ny educ a tional opportunities at the college of h is choic e, i n cluding Ana poli s . could mean the equiva lent of a $15, 000. schola rship . known Atla nta citizens . e n joy it. Thi s All Cade t Of fic e rs ar e w ell These men a re exp e rie n c ed in w o rking wit h boys and they They a re cap abl e inst r ucto r s . The y serv e without p a y. The C o mmanding Officer of t his group of Atlant a boy s is L i e ute nant: C o mmander Delb ert D . Spr a gue . w h ich w e re at sea. M r. Sprag u e s erved w ith t h e Navy fo r m o re than 24 y ears . 16 of H e i s a sub ma riner by c h o ice and is a m u ch deco rated o fficer. Sinc e M r . Spragu e is a nuclear e n gineer , o ne of hi s a ssig n ments wa s o n bo ard t he Savannah. ( Cur rently h e i s w ith t he fi rm o f R o bert & C ompany Ass ocia te s of Atlanta, Ge o rgi a . Altho ugh a ny boy age 12 - 13 may j o i n the Navy League C adet Co r p s they must first pass the Navy's standard AQT test and physical e xamination , T h es e t e sts and �Page 2 For immediate release (17 Aug 1 68) examinations are given each applicant without cost or obligation to the applicant. Every boy age 12-13, and his parents, is entitled to know something about that boys mental and physical apptitudes._ Standard Navy tests and examinations such as those given to Cadet applicants sometimes reveal unknown talents. Cadets · are required to have very high ratings. Navy League After review of the results of these tests and examinations by an impartial Board, the applicant is notified as to whether he should come in for counciling, should repeat the tests, or has successfully passed the requirements. If the applicant then w ishes to take advantag e of Cadet training, a deposit of $ 35. is required to cover the cost of insurance and administrative expe nses for o n e ( - year and the replacement cost of uniforms and personal equipment . Unifor ms and equipment issued to Cadets by thei r Offic e rs are the p r ope rty of the Navy League o f the United States a nd ar e lo a n e d to t h e C a de ts during the i r traini ng per iods , Sh ould a Cad e t l e ave the Co r ps fo r any r e a son h e is re q uir e d to t u r n i n all uni fo r ms and equipment issue d to him a n d he will be refund ed $1 0 . when all unifo r ms and equi pment a r e r et u r n e d t o the N a vy L eague. All ~ adets t rain at drill and i n cla ss r ooms in t h e Nava l T r a inin g Center o n t h e G eorgia Tech C a mpus . D rill and Cl as s r oo m pe r i o d s curr entl y fr om 7: 00 P M to 9 : 00 P M e ve r y F riday. s hip, fir st a id, a nd safety . They a r e p r ovi de d wit h ar e t w o h o ur s ea c h week, H e r e they lea rn bas i c s e amanm ent al , mor a l a nd phys i cal tr a ining thru the m e dium o f N aval and o t he r in st ructi ons. ( \ They have an oppor - 1n tunity to qualifyA s wimmi n g a nd marks man s hip. They develope p r incipals of p at r iotism, good c h aracter, and good citizenship. They becom e i n stille d w ith a �Pag e 3 For immediate release (1 7 Aug '68) / I sense of duty and discipline, self-respect and respect for others. Should later in life a Cadet decide to enter the military forces he will, by virtue of having completed Sea Cadet Training, be eligi ble to enlist i n the United States Naval Reserve as a Seaman, two pay grades ·above the normal enlistee. All practical factors training of Cadets is not necessarily on Naval Ships, Naval Stations and Installations. Here they learned about backpack - They constructed shelters, learned how to build fires, and to cook their own meals from dehydrated ingredients. to snare trout in the trouts native habitat. ~- at Last June their survival training took them to remote areas in the mountains of Tennessee. ing and trail recognition. or They were shown how They saw a part of the forrest w h ich never had been i nhabited by man and w here no t re e s had ever been cut ·or any ( forrest fires had burned. This is the primeval forrest just as it w a s w hen the first w hite man set foot on Ame r i c an soil. moss . T he fo r res t floor i s c arpet ed with The re i s no underbrus h e x c e pt n ear the streams. And sunlight is broke n i n to shafts as it streak s thru tre es as tall as highrise building s. At Sea on board t h e Ozark there will b e a n entirely differ ent life . T he C adets will be mixed with t he r e gula r c r e w and will p erform t he s ame dut ies and stand the same wat ches. T hey will b e b i lle ted wit h the crew and will e at wit h the c re w . Each Cadet will have a p e r sonal instructo r to show and demonst r ate the m yriads of c hores ne ed ed to k eep a man- o f-w a r o n act i ve d uty. He w i ll have an opportun- ity t o put t o us e the contents of the Blue Jac ket s M anu a l w h ich he ha s been study( ing. Accompa nying the Cadet s on this crui s e will b e the Navy Leagues Sixth Naval �Page 4 Fo::!: irmnediate release (17 Aug 1 68) ( District National Director of Youth Programs, Mr. Thomas T. Tucker. the son of Mrs. Cornelia Tucker of 21 Lamboll Street in Charleston. Wava Dell, is an Officer in the Navy League Cadet Corps. He is His wife, While the men are on "Blue Water" she and their daughter Deveney Tucker will be staying in Charleston at 21 Lamboll Street. Their son, .John Hyrne Tucker, is one of the Cadets w ho will be on board the Ozark during its sea maneuvers. Another son, Roger St. George Tucker, is a Sea Cadet and is in "Boot Camp" training at the Naval Air Facility, Orlando, Florida. on the seas. Being a native Charlestonian Mr. Tuc.ker is at home His listing in "Who's Who" reads like a story book and show s that he has always breathed life into Youth Programs. C When he was President of the Atlanta Council of the Navy League he established the Sea Cadet Program. program is designed especially fo r boys from ag es 14 thru age 17. Thi s He wa s Chair- man of the special council cormnittee which started training the age 12-13 C a dets. These Cadet Programs are the United States Navy Leagues national ans w er to training teenagers for a useful life in our society. that he is trustw orthy and of good cha racter. able to perform the duties of a Cad e t. Each Cadet must demons t rate He must prove that he is p h ysically He must show that he has sufficie nt edu - cati o n al b ack g r oun d to abso r b t h e t r a i n i n g offere d to h i m . Cade t t rai ning str e s ses the Naval virt u e of p e r son a l hygiene , neatness , courtesy , obedie nc e, d ependability, a s·ense of respo n s ibilit y fo r d e veloping good cha r a c te r, a nd a motivation of self dicipline. ( �