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December 20 - - 12:25 p. m. Ivan: Virgil Copeland called me and said that he had baen talking to C. A. Scott (Mr. Scott h ad called me, too and I returned his call and he's out till 2: 30) Virgil said that Mr. Scott told him that he thought they had not been talking to the right Negroes. . Mr. Scott is doing a couple of articles showing the "other side" and suggested that Virgil get in touch with the Atlanta Negro Voters League. Virgil. said he told Scott that he thought that was an excellent suggestion, and he said to me that "even though the barrier is up we would like to reach a more favorable solution, and we don't ¥NK want you to have to take the brunt of all the bad publicity". He wants you advice as to how to go about re opening the I would call him this afternoon . 424=4230. This is good Ann �