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M essrs. A . T . Walden, Q . V. William son, Co - Chairmen; C . R . Yates , Treasurer, W. R . Cockrane and J . H . Calhoun, co .: Sec retarie s , A tlanta Negro Voters L ea§ue Atlanta, Georgia Gentlemen : T hank you for your teleg ram o f De c ember 16, in rega r ds to t he P eyton and Harlan R oad clo s i ngs. I suggest that you m ake a careful inves tigation o f all the unna tural circum s tances surro unding t his action._ I am convinced that a fter y ou do so, you will a gree w i th m e that this is a p r a cticable s olution. ~~ F An ar ti£ricial s i tuation i n the a r ea has been create d mainly b y unsc rupulous dea lings i n o rder to bi d u p the p ric e o f real estate hold~ng s. Nei ther of the r oads has served a s a thro ugh fare , nor i s either a majo r sourc e of ac c ess . Th ~ proposed action lle;l-1 relea s e hundreds of acres of land for residential and apartment dwelling - - which land ha previously been artifically zoned nd which has b en denied its normal use for a number of years. ~ The proposed action wtn stabliz the nth; area a.nd bring about a much b tt r attitude on the part of 11 citizens re iding there. The City has established and maintain d a prescedent of not interfedng with the normal laws of supply and demand, of sale and ~ ~ u r a l expansion. factors i evident. However~ in this in tance, no of th e �My own consideration of the misuse of zoning privileges was evidenced by my action in 1·egards to the cemetery property and in other instances . The openin g up of all this large tract of land on the south ide of Gordon Road would provide greatly needed living areas c/ for thousands of Negro citizens who now badly need such space . I sincerely hope you will reconsider what you aid in your telegram and take all factors into consideration in suppbrt of my firm stand. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr . �