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newspape r s , atlanta 10 , georgla AIR AI L DUPR EE J ORO AN , J R . P " ES I OENT AND CH AIR M AN SPECIAL DELIVERY BO A.A D O F DI RECTO RS January 16., 1963 T . C H A RLES ALL EN OU P IU[ I: J O RD A N, SR . M ARGAR £T M . J O RDAN ROSLY N M . JOR D AN NORTH D EKALB R ECO R D AA.AA P RESS, INC . 5396 PEAC HTREE R OA D C HAMDLEE, GEORG IA E itcr TI~ Hagazine Time arrl Life Building Rockefe D.er C nter - e ~ York 20 , New York P . 0 . Box 388. G L . 7 -63 9 1 D UPREE J ORDAN , P UOLISHER Gentlemen : MAR T H A F . BROW N , E D IT OR L . R . DALI!: , ADVERTISIN G P . K . JOHNSON , CIR C ULATIO N TH E W EE K L Y STAR W ll!:9T E NO PUDLISHING CO . • INC . 935 GO"O ON Snu!:l!: T , s . ATLA.N T A P. o. w. 10 . GEORGIA B ox 10888 • PL . 5 - 66 7 6 DUPRE E JORDAN , PUDLISHER Atl., t . h been a used and misrepresented so badly in recent days that you are to bG co.!Jil'lended for y ur report; of January 18. Yom- s,munery was a out as accurate and we 1 blllanced as •ch short dispatch cruld be. The action of city in andoning a 93 ction of t e ao rt'-reet s (la ga.l ly., reot s were not closed, but irrevocably bandoned ) was f rtunnte, ut se ad to be n cessary mder the cir oumst no s. MARGRET B . R oss. EDI T OR s know, Atle.nta is not mly one of the wrld ' a most sive cities, but has an onlight n.ed and cournf;eous s.dm st r tion. Our mayor and o d of aldermen hav . not done the popul ar or polit ically expedient t hins in t his o:l.t uation ., but they h v acted uith c our g nccordin g to t he dictatec of their conscie ca. If everyone 1 olved can simply see thi s ., the pl" oblems ill soon b worked out . pro Th nk 7011 in for your und st ding. Du.Pr DJ;mr cc: Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr. ord , Jr. �