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W II GTON, July 18 ( giv n his blessi ngs to the ]at : str ·on planned f~r the !1~~ look forward to bemg here. This was the hi ghlight of a Kennedy news conference Wednesday in which he app lau?ed peace_ful racial protests while decrym., those which can lead to violence and bloodshed. THE SESSION with newsmen-:Ken nedy's firs t in Washmgton m 8 weeks- covered a wide range of topics including : -Business and taxes: The President said business is better than e}..1)ected, tax receipts consequently have exceeded pred1ct1ons a nd, as a result, last year's budget deficit totaled $6. 2 billion compared with a J anuary fo recast of $8.8 billion He sa id thi s bolsters his qrg~ ment that a $10 billion tax cut would boost U1e eco nomy sti ll further and eventually balance the . budget. -Cold war tal ks: Kennedy a_1d be is "still hopeful" u, at the Un_1ted Slates, Britain and the _Soviet Union can achieve some kind of nuclear lesl ban treaty in the current Moscow talks. But . he lh1~ks talk of a possibl e summit meet111g is prem ature, saying such a se~; sion is not " indicated oi~ needed. - Moon race : The chief executive wants a continued effort ~o put an America!'\ on the moo~ m this decade in order to show the capacity to dominate _space.". !le treated as inconclusive Br1t1sh scientist Bernard Lovell's report that the Ru ssians may be loSmg interest in the moon race. - Rail strike: Kennedy again urged the railroads and operating unions. to ettle their work rules dispu te before a threa tened nationwide strike Ju ly 29. He sa id bot.h sides \\oul d be " much better off" to work things out themselves "and not depend upon the government to do . If a stnke comes, Kennedy said ile will ask Congress to end il bf legislation. IN T AL ·r. ABOUT c iv i I rights, Kelllll1'!ii scoffed at a claim by Alabama Gov. George C. \:Vallace that racial demonstrat10ns have been Communist-inspired. "We m e no evidence," he said, "I.hat any of the leaders of civ· r1 h movements in the a re Commun ists. evidence that the s are Communist.in. I think it is a con vent to suggest that all • 11... _, 1ties are CommuY said those who complam about orga nized protests shou "do something about the grievances" tha t prompt them . He s uggested it is illogical to say, "Don' t protest," and at th e _same time assert, "We are not gomg to let you come into a store or a resta urant." He said he sees the situation as "a two-way s tree t. " AS F OR THE Washington demonstration, scheduled for Aug. ~~, Kennedy aid it shapes up as a peaceful asse mbly calling for a redress of gri evances" and tmd~rtaken through cooperation with tqe police. Kennedy said "this is not _ a march on th e Capitol" -somethmg.. he suggested ea rli er would ha rm the cause of civil r ights advocates. . In prom isi ng to be in th e capital at the tim e, Kennedy added wha t a mounted to a challenge to Congress by adding, "I 8n:i sure mem bers of Congress will be here. There has been some talk th a t the legislators might take ~ long Labor Day holiday - starling m late August. Kennedy contr as ted the planned Washingto n demons tion with at ·Camthose now in progr bridge, Md., where th e has.been rioting and bloodshed. Speaking of C a m said : sight " They have almos of wha t the demon ation is about." . In such cases, he said, "I think the cause of advancing equal opportunities only loses." ON OTHER TOPICS, Kennedy said: - There is no need fo r more form al diploma tic contac ts with the Vatican bec,use th ere is no lack of two-way comm un ica tion at prese nt. -He hopes Sou th Viet Na m will resolve its religious disputes beca use the military situa tion there looks more hopeful and a stable government is needed. , .. -A trip to the Far East 1s something the President would li ke to undertak e but he expects to be busy enough a t home fo r some months. -Red China seems bent on promoting nuclear wa r but Kennedy doubts the Soviet Un.ion is anxi ous to face des truction by supplying the weapons th at would be needed. - The United States condemns the raci al policy of the Republic of South Afr ica but doesn't believ in expelling countries from the United Nations. -There is no of peacefully coexisting with a oviet satellite, like Cuba, in the Caribbe an. nesses. The directors fou nd " part icular ly objectionable" the public accommodations section of the President's bill, which wou ld r equi re businesses to serve all customers withou t r egard to r ace. " The bill is calculated to narr ow the role of voluntary action a nd to substitute the for ce of the federa l government," the resolution said . This poses "a grave threa t to local r esponsibility and personal freedo m whi ch fa r ou tweighs any possible improvement in the opportun ities o( minority groups." THE DffiECTORS of the 3,000m ember chamber ca!Jed for volunta ry desegregation of Atlanta b1,1sinesses in a May 29 policy sta tement. Bu t they , ~ phasized they were not "trym ~fu ;!~II any proprietor how he shO\lld' conduct his business." The May appea l to encl discri mina tion "as expeditiously as good judgm ent will dictate" came after a month of Negro demonstrations a nd arrests a t Atlan ta restaurants. A number of res taura nts have desegregated in the pas t month . · Fourteen hotels h2ve agreed to accept a limi ted num ber of Negroes . The boa rd of directors said its resolution opposing the President's legislation is " consistent with its earlier stand for local and volunta ry elimination of discrimina ti on. " The resolu tion was adopte<I: at a meeti ng attended by 20 of the 27 dire ctors. The vote was not annou nced. �