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l(ennedy Rights 13 ·11 Di,£t_!\torial--HerniiU-, "Never In the h i ~ ~ igion or national origin," men and free women has a blueprint for a federal dictator"Nothing in the history ofour country that extreme has ever ship more cunningly been con6-ived," been proposed," declared the Thus declared U. S, Sen, Georgia junior Senator. "The Herman E, Talmadge In a recent POR .\LA:\ Y ~l'O~TH S now busin ~ssmen in practically eve1..y Constitution of the United Statt he f ederal g overnment, espe- a r ea or free enter p n se now to television-radio report to the es vests the power to levy cially the judicia r y, has allowed run t neir artairs. .r'u n hermore, people of Georgia in which he taxes In the Congress, The t he A t t orney Gener al would be -even encouraged-rowd y asConstitution of the United Statdiscussed President Kennedy's sault s on prh·at e p roperty by ,·estecl w1t n vast a ncl pot ent ially rproposed civil rights legislaes vests the power to expend a bush ·e power in tne enfo r cemobs from t he street s 1 federal funds in the Congress, tion. Said the Senator: Racia l a gita t o1·s ,ri ha Ye been men t of the statute. "Congressman AdamClayton "Yet that provision of the Thi. would ta ke t he federal gh·en t he go-ahead by r ecent New York contends law, if adopted by the Congress Powell of goyernment int o a !'eas wnich cou r t r uling s, e\"entuall y could lead to a police that he rewrote more than half and signed by the President, and state a nd i st at e a nd ul t imat ely dest ro y of the President's civil rights would enable some little burc it y law e n_ ! e\"er yone's li ber t ies . message, Certainly certain eaucrat in some federal agency fo rcement offi:, lncliYitlua l liberties, which provisions In this message to that has never . been elected to cers haYe had eYel'y citizen of t nis count r y is the Congress and In the act that any political office, and never the ir h a n d s g ua ra nteed by t he Con. t1tutwn, tie d. H e n c e, is nqw pending before Congress could be, the right to wi"thhold _I 1 ,,·oLild be sacl'ihced Ill tne name these troubleIndicates that 11omeone as exa grant from any state, the lt would mean tile of equa lit y. rn a k e rs h ave treme as Con1ressman Powell right to ca:;cel _a contract on end of our free societ y. g o n e u n pu ndid write the message, any bank or savings and loan

ished for thei r inva ion. "I favor the full enjoyment association, the right to cancel private p ropert y. THE SUPHEi\lE CO Ul{T in of every American citizen of a contract or loan on any house Supposedl y, they a re demon- 188;j made itself clea r on t he all rights paranteed him by the or any other program, the right strating a g a inst wha t t hey al- 1·ight of t ne Congress t o leg 1sConstitution 11 f the United to cancel any insurance policies lege t o be unjust treatment . In late a g a inst t he r ig nts of pdStates, I know of no citizen who that was r elating to the federal other inst a nces, when peo ple . vate busm ess, a nd its ru ling is ha,·e p rot e t ed what t hey still in force. Heferring to the government, any guaranty or contend11 del'i"ivation of rights t hought t o be un just , f ede ral F ourteent h Amendment, the otherwise, that any individual that haa ,one itnto the very favt r oops a rmed wi t h ba yonet s ha Ye Court said: orable court1"8fourcountry and may complain that he had been heen call ed out. _" It does not inve~t Cong r ess has not ~2111 right11 granted di11criminated again11t, T here a re la wfu l a nd orderl y with power . to legis late_ up on to him in , "It would be 110 broad that if •e ues open for re<lres of . u bJect which are w1thm t he

But In recent year11 there

11 om e citizen of California a, n · 1 I · f St t I · l t · grieYance!. of t hose who clai m < oma m o a e e1ps a ion · · · haa developed a tendency o r thought he had been disc rimit o ha ,·e ha d their r i\'il r igh t!. Lt doe not a utho n z_e C.ong~·ess ·· philoaophy of some of the more nated against in welfare bene\'iolate<l. T here are plent y of to create a code _o f n1;un1c1pal extreme 1roup11 in our country fits, 1ome bureaucrat could p rntecth·e lawH now on the l_aw fo~·, t he regulat1oh of pnvate that all other citizens ought to deny to the State of California hook. , and no new onPH a re ug? ts. . . be denied their rights for the all their welfare beneifts , It needed. HoweYer, the p ressu re Su~}1 a pu?IIc accommoda_t wns particular and 11pecial benefita would enable them, by the same is on- not ju:-:t fo r so-culled law s~ep~ m to t he dorna m of of a certain privileged group," , token, to withholdhighwayfunds equa lit~·. hut fo r equa litr-plus. j loc.:al JU l"l prudence an d lays It ,-pem:-: t o me ~hat ,,·_hat we ~lo\~'~- rules _fo r t~~ c1onduct _of to Arizona or any other state Sen, Talmadge then r ead Title ha\"C' is ·i rc\·olution with the mcll\ 1dua ls m soc1et~ t owa1ds '", VI, Section 601 of the pending if 11ome individual complained go \ 11 ;nt 011 the s i<le of the ~ach other," the Court hel~. "It Civil Right11 Bill, It 1tate11: that he did not receive a Job of rrrnlutiona ri e,-;, wh ich I believe 1s repug na nt to t he 1 e_n th 11 Notwith11tanding any procutting weeds on the highways of i:-: unpre<"edented in the a nnals ~ me~c(ment of t he Const1tuviaion to the contrary in any the State of Arizona, of hi story. t 1on, it added. . . law of the United State11 provid"It would enable the bureau* ,.. * It has been a long time smce ing or authorizing direct or incrat, if he saw fit, to withhold the Supreme Court held some:\OW A:\ ATTE.\IPT is being direct financial assistanc e for funds from any state because made, despite its unconstit ut ion- t hing to be against t he Tent h or in connection With any prothey voted wrong and say that Amendment, whic ides fo r ulitr according to "the law of if gram or activity by way of discriminati was the cause th1.> " on t he books Rince states righ ts. a grant, contract, loan, in11uranther eof, N in the his tory of 188, prh·ate prnperty this Amendnt valid part of free m ......_......,..,.e women has a ce, guar anty or otherwtae. No I i:tatute. blueprlf eral dictatorsuch law shall be interpreted ubli<' ac·t·nmmo- ~ ship moM ingly been conof the Admini. - 1 ~ aa r equiring that 11uch financial right. package, trived, ' a1111istance shall be fllmiahed try to t ell priYutc "I fNI that if die American in clrcumstan MMl,r which 11 r, 1 11n 1,11 1 , ,I 111 11 , ·11, l1 tl ,11 •1or,· r11 111111 / , ·.r 11111.'11 1 I peo9l• alized t w11 inIndividuals pardc tinJ in or this program they Hm or volvec1 benefiting fr activity are d d a• up and 11trUce do~ ese iniqultou progainst on the e r ecited onl)> e, color, religion 1 origin or are denied participation but l!IIIIIIIIWlilf'e several prevlaions or benefits therein on the ground of thil itct that are equally as extreme, and I shall discuss them in the future," I ern; 0 - �