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Excerpt s~ •eta I to The N• Tutt '1'flill WASHINGTON, Jt'1'1/ 15 Foll.owing are e3:csrpfa t1&e testimony t oday by aou. M'fltl O. Wallace of Alabama before the Senate Commerce Conimi ttte on the bill to prohibit racial discrimination in public facilitie&: The leaders of the Federal Government have so misused the Negroes for selfish political reasons that our entire concept of liberty a.nd freedom is now in peril. We daily see our Government go to ridiculous extremes and take unheard-of actions to appease the minority bloc vote leaders of this country. I was a p ~ and a.ma.zed to read of t statement by Pentag~ cials relative to proposed rights investigations Qn military install&tlons. e was a. time when mili Installations in accordwere estab requirements ance with ' of the nation defense posture. Today these fficials use the threat of thdra.wal of military bases to accompl sh political purposes. Any officer or official who issues such orders should have his background investigated. Refers to Purple Hearts The Air Force is encourag~ging its personnel to engage m street demonstrations with rioting mobs and is even offering training credits as an inducement. Perhaps we will now see Purple Hearts awarded for street brawling-heretofore they were awarded on the field of combat. I note that by way of further intimidation, one of the President's committees has recommended that any business be placed off limits to military personnel unless they surrender to current Federal ideologies. Is the real purj'ose of this integration movement to disarm this country as the Communists have planned? I personally repent the actions of the Fed I Government which ha.v ated these ya! Americonditions. As I Southern can and as a. I Governor, who never belated with longed to or any subversh,e ment, I resent the f&,W llllllll":liUld pawing . over I\ICII as Martin Luther g s pro-Comassociates. munist f nd Last • [Ross D.] Barnett.J ssissippi] ttee a. picshowed ture of tber King and a. Communist a meeting leaders toge ly reported in tn P:!!111',1,n·~ he last two months, top lieutenant in Alabama, Fred L. Shuttlesworth, a self-styled "reverend," was elected president of the "Southern Conference Educational Fund" which is headquartered In New Orleans a.nd active in seventeen Southern states. A&ks Bill's Defeat This organization has been described by both the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and the House Un-American Activities Committee as an organization "set up to promote Communism throughout the South. I come here today as an American, as a Governor of a sovereign state and as an individual with full respect for constitutional government. I appear to respectfully ca.II upon the Congress of the United States to defeat in its entirety the Civil Rights Act of 1963. The President of the United States stated in his message accompanying Senate bill 1732 that enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 a.t this session of Congress however long It may take and however troublesome it may be - Is Imperative." The President might well have further stated: "And however many people it hurts or businesses it destroys and regardless of the eights of the vast majority of our people." In my judgment, the President of the United States and the Attorney General of the United States, by design and political motivation, are sponsoring and fostering a complete and all-Inclusive change In our whole concept of government and society- The President so much 1u1 admitted this In his nationwide telecast .which prefaced .t he Introduction of this civil rights legislation. He wooed and ..von the minority· bloc vote. Since then he has committed a. series of blunders in trying to appease the mob leaders. These leaders have now . pressured the President Into the ridiculous position of placing his stamp ·of approval on mob violence and rioting in the streets of this country. The entire handling of this racial situation by the present Ad'm inistration has shown an ineptness and total lack of understan g in handling Assocl&t•d P.r'5s bich have been Senator Warren G. Magnu- the prob e political efson, Washington Democrat, created to these votes. who is conducting hearings forts ·The pr w Frontier 0111 civil rights legislation. is a na.ti strife and turmoil of civil a revolution of goven1ment warfa The against the people. tion i ena.te Bili 1732-the so- and in c ed Public Accommodations to reco es of polis shifted Bill - would, together with tical prestfj;e. It ti\ President's full civil the burdliat oll i dl oss misriglits package, bring about takes i~itldeltelllidll! the Congress of the Uni ed Statesgovernment of the gov- all the .1t..vtilei t: ing to a ch shows ernment, by the government lawless nNIWt utter disregar nd contempt and for the government. The free and uncontrolled for law remedy use of private property is the This b1l basic and historic concept of the situation. Ttrts bill will Anglo - Saxon jurisprudence. inflame the majori,t,y of, the One of the primary reas ons citizens o ~ · y. When i:. you will our forefathers came from you dete private Europe to carve this nation control an Be out of a raw and savage wil- property rights-you invite derness was the purpose of chaos. If you intend to pass this using, controlling and enjoying their private property and bill, you should make prep;trato pursue their chosen pro- tions to withdraw all our fessions without fear of inter- troops from Berlin, Viet Nam ference from kings, tyrants, and the rest of the world bedespots, and I might add, ca.use they will be needed to Presidents. police America. You are goGentlemen, I'll te]J you what ing to make the American peothis Senate Bill 173:>. does,-it pie law violators because they places upon all businessmen are not going to comply with and professional people the this type legislation. No part of the Civil Rights yoke of involuntary servitude, ~it should be designated as Act of 1963 is acceptable and the "involuntary servitude act we people in the state of Ala.of 1963". ha.ma and the South will take The President, the Attorney the lead for all freedom-lovGeneral, and every member ing people of this countryof this Congress who has , black or white-in an all-out

sponsored this legislation stand effort to defeat any man who

indfcted before the American supports any feature of the people. · civil rights package. r -The Executive branch of Score!l Negroes, Tactics this Government has ignored He [the Negro] no longer the Constitution of the Unitwants mere equal treatment, ed States and fostered the he expects and apparently in- march toward eut?W\~ation tends to bludgeon the major- and the ultimate ~ ction lty of this country's citizens of our system. i, into giving him preferential Tile judicial bran treatment. verted the Constit He shows his sense of re- United States i sponslbility by flouting law which shocks the nscience and order throughout this of the American people. country, even th1·eatenlng to The Congress of the United intimidate the Congress of States is the las t rem aining the United States.· And all of bulwark against the destructhis is done with the tacit tlon of our system of governapproval of the sponsors of ment. Asks Referendum Senate Bill 1732. A President who sponsors legislation such as the Civil I challen.ge the President Rights Act of 1963 should and the Congress to submit be retired from public life. this· proposed·legislation to the And this goes for any Gov- people as a national referenernor or other public official dum. I promise you that you will who has joined in this mad bloc vote. get the shoclt of your life beDoes not the present sltua- · cause the people will overtlon In Washington, D.C., give whehnlngly reject this enyou some idea, of th~ result croachment upon their right you would obtain with this to own and enjoy private legislation? The nation's cap- property. ital is supposed to be the I say tha,t It is high time supreme example of what freedom-loving people of this civil rights legislation can ac- nation stand up and be countcomplish. It's an example a.It ed and if the tree of liberty r~ght, an example of a city needs refreshing by the politipra.ctlcally deserted by white cal blood of those who igpeople. If you in the Congress nore the heritage establishecl are really sincere about this for us qy tl_1e founding fathers, civll rights business, why don't then so be 1t. . you give home rule to the G~tlemen, I appreciate this people of Washington? Let's opportunity to appear before see how the local residents you today a.nd before leaving I have a. request I would like can run this city. I believe In local self gov- to make. I have charged here ernment. I challenge you to today that there a.re Commuvote for home rule in Wash- nist Influences in the lntegra.lngton, D.C. I suspect that If tlon movement. From t11e you attempted to do this, the mountain of evidence availSecretary of State would have able everyone should realize to testify behind closed doors that they are true. You hav.e t hat this would result In dam- heard these charges before age to our Image before the you-You have seen the evlrest of the world. dence - Why don't you do I thlnlt you gentlemen a.re something a.bout it ? Don't well a.ware of the reason you sweep this matter under the are having to consider Senate rug-Jet's expose these enf)bill 1.732. The President of mies ... they are enemies of the United States arid the both black and white fn this Attorney Genera.I of the Uni- country-bring them out in ted States have used the the open. ·-"'""1- i:int I �