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A /,<J . House Conferences . 7-/ To Report O n I day, July 22, 7 •p.m., a t S tou~feur's p bli~ is invi ted. Reservations for ton ·Abernathy, R estaurant, Hearth Room (Peach Hollowell, a nd Dr. tr ee Level) . report on t h e Ot'her Atlantans wh o atten ded t'he : onferen ::es called by Presiden t K ennedy have been invited to attend the meetings a n d particip3.t e in th e infor mal discussion. The ~ ===;::::~=::::::-=---;:;-------....:., cees ,.(JWi ·1 .ffe H iffman, Council ch ail'man t he dinner <$2.40 ) can .be 11111-de by said. "Figures p rovided b y the U.S. calling the ol flce of t he Gr ea ter Qensus Burea u sh ow tbe following At lant a Council on H_uman R ela - con ditions of Atlanta N r oes as tions 523- 1581. c ompared wit con of Ne"I n spite of the progress m ade in . gr ::ies thrO'Ughout t he . coun~ry a s Atlanta , Negro citizens still have far 1 r eported by the Pr esiden t m tus less chan ~e fo r success," Mrs. Clif- r a dio a nd television speech : - "All Atlanta . ., :nc~ llke oth er ,L

1-.;r,- - - -- -- ---~-- ----

Atia nta high of one-seventh , as mu~h cl:.,n:!e mu At n of earnin g 0 ,000 a y . The a nd one-fourt h instead of third as mu Jh 1/JV The Atlan ba. Junior Chamber of Commerce h as voted ·to op.pose all -of Pre3ident Kennedy's cimrent cival · rights ,legislation but made it clear i t would continue to suppor t 0 wh a t it called ",a ll justified demands for equal •opportuhi ty for all c itizen s." or the public a1~::omodations biJ.l t he chamber said it den!'es the ba sic prin::iples of free enterp1·ise forbidding a business man from ch oosing his own customers. To d!.~c-riminate on color, ra::e, or any oti:er iteason are i.;:sues of moral and b!Miness judgement to be left up t o t he ,WASHINGTCN• - (UPI) - E.en . jndivldual, sa id tJ11e ch qmber irt a H erman E. T almadge, D-Gu. said t wo-pa-ge statemen t r ele:isect 1his :Thursd ay t h a t en actment of President Kennedy's civil r igh ts proweek. The Junior Chamber of C::im- gr am would produce "terror m er ce a lso said looa.l legisla tion throughout the land" and require sh ould ncourage ,lhd ~nforced federal troops for its enforcemen t in the tter ot v~ri righ ts because it would create a "police thr, ' hastily pas - stat~." . He sa id t h at if th e Presiden t's o=:a..-:-:id it was Jer r esolu - omnibus civil righ ts bill com es beAtlanta Cham- fore th e 1Sen ate in its presen t eaWng for the form "all who ch er ish our system a,atlon or private of government will r e !st it ." But h e said "no plans" h ad ~ en made I' for a Southern filib us ter. Talmadge, appearing on a r adio program CBS ,capi tol asked if th e S outh wo the plied : bill If · b ecomea · •·If t)1l1 is p t ,p resen t t tt .N>ul tat e tr s all over A rtca to oroe it. Th e law-abidpeople of the SOtlt ing-th ey abide by I.he la,w as t h e'.Y see it .. . but tr u tel1 t h ey ople h ave got to associate wlt th ey don't . wan t t o assoc! with , Sen. Talm~.. Speaks Again .R.ights.Bn s Pf Cloal,was nC) t they Ls with vie terror ,"'2. It would r equire !oroe Q enforce." T alm adge also said it is doubLful that action can be completed t his year on a tax reduction bill. He sa id t h e civil rights <proposals "greatly complicate" the likelih ood of t ax action. S imilar ly, h e said h e was "not optimistic about passing a coLLon ill." Although P resident K en nedy h as 'lost con iderable :p pularlty" in eorgia and th e South, h e said, political t rends ch ange rapidly" nd it would be foolhardy to prcict t h e situation In 1964. n ational scene) but white citizens irl only one- th irtieth, instead ing a profession :;il man." �