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Protest pe -C<ife Lp:_ 1f22J President J ohn F . Kennedy will push hard f~r his_controversial " public accommodations:· le~islation, the executive director of the Southern Regional Council said here Monday. Dr. Leslie W. Dunbar said this that school_ " drop-outs" pose a was the impres n he received at serious racial problem ~:cause a recent White House conference drop-outs and, later, the impact with Kennedy tw 30 and 40 of unemployment," fall much organiza- " more heavily on th~ N~~ro proleaders of tions attend eting. portion of the population. "I went i ting not beEducators attending one White stration really House meeting, he said, recoglieving th thought the pass public ac- nized the need for a "better guidcommodations egislation," Dw1- ance program." bar said, adding that .President The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, AtKennedy and Vice P resident Lyn- lanta minister and an official of don B J O h n s o n effectively of the Southern Leadership Con"argued their sincerity in this." ference, said that P resident Ken. Dunbar spoke at a dinner mee~- nedy "did not seek to evad_e . the ing of the Greater Atlanta Council issues" at a meeting of religious on Human Relations, one of sev- leaders. eral Atlanta speakers to report on President Kennedy urged relithe recent series of White House gious leaders to serve on bi-racial conferences on race relations. committees in their own comFrom 25 to 30 Atlanta citizens munities, the Rev.r¥-t.: bernathy were invited by the President to said.


attend the special meetings. The Rev. Vine Dr. John w. Letson, superi~- also attended the tendent of Atlanta schools, said ligious leaders, L==-===.,.,.,.~= 16:31, 29 December 2017 (EST)-=~=-~1was almost " t·- - . . - t• public relations meetings. There many people for him <President Kennedy ) r eally to talk to the people there." • Red p1 ed, W ilkins Says . ~~\}J'l ' ~ NAJ\tCP ·Secretary ·Spe·aks Ben Rights Heari C GTON-(UPl)-NAACP leader · Rov gfa,,s th~t the Negro protest m.o veme ' 1Wherein,_is a atlon a. 1 gainst police ,b rut t discrimination in em nt, against exclu sion from ·voti ths, lunch counters ran d · 'public r ecreational !acilitles judged to be un-Am.etlctU\ . or . subversive?" ..,,..,.- -_..,,,=,.,_,! In recen t testimony before the oominittee, Oovs. :Ross Barnett of Ml.$Slssippl and George Wallace of Ala:bama. charged tha t the mass N~gro , demonstro.tions . were f ollowing a Communist pattern. Wilkins a lso took issue with t hose who have said that Negroes were h urting their own cause by con tinued demonstrations. ' IHe commented: !How can a cause -wb loh ha-s been betrayed by every possible device, beaten back in the crudest a nd most overt f1lShion, and distorted ir'l high sounding misrepresentations by · suave kinfolk of ,the .mob.tiow oen a oo,use •in such conditl 1>e butt by crying out of those w suffe~ • ?" He the tnittee that if Ben. 'RI , D-Oa., leader of the- aou ~ pposltion bloc· •• sw;i.llav,r our , In Cong t r.ea.t mentl llll'lil!IM , Jie would be on a pictet llDe Ill ne.zt following 20 "


upon or said, "tn rective action." fore t he Senate lttee on behalf of edy's ci,vil rights xecutive secret,a.r y of ·:Association for t he of Colored !People '---~-=

~~- ~. . . . . "Th P.V he <added lack of r lish .Parlia~t. I day protest tbelr ation in the Carolina leglslabu "In trut h," the llinued, "the resolu and action of our upon the civil rights exemplai·ly Americ " If we desire to k1 duct and to fashion a cautious crawlers." he said, "we should cease t he teaching of American !history. -· �