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Septembe r 2 3, 1963 Hon. Eleauor P . Sheppard, Mayor City of Richmond Richmond 19, Virginia Dear Mayor Sheppard: In the absence of Mayor Allen, I would like tor ply to your letter of Se·p tember 20th. There is very little information written down regarding bi-racial committees in the City of Atlanta . I am enclosing a copy of Mayor Allen's te timony before the Senate Commerce Committee which tells in a general way what has taken place in Atlanta. As you will note from reading it, we have not appointed one large bi-racial Committee but w have appointed such committees to work Gd.th. specific problems. Should you have any further questions,. we will be glad to try to answer them. Sincerely yours, A nn Drunimond, E xecutiv Secretary AD /br Encl osur �