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__ , Atlanta Children and Youth 1201-B CITY HALL PHONE Services 522-4463 - EXT. 437 ATLANTA, IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR JOHN W. COX, Exc:c:UTIVE w. GEORGIA THOMAS, v. 30303 CHAIRMAN MICHAEL H. TROTTER, SECRETARY D1RCCTOR MRS. RHODES PERDUE, M£MBCR AT LARCl£ FLETCHER COOMBS, TR£ASRU£R MEMBERS: FRANKLIN City of Atlanta ROBERT M . WOOD, CHAIRMAN Council July :L3, 1968 FRANK R. CARMINES FLETCHER COOMBS DEJONGH FRANKLIN G. ARTHUR HOWELL MRS. VIVIAN W. HENDERSON OCIE J . IRONS JERRY LUXEMBURGER 7 FRANK A. PLAYER MRS. MARY B . SANFORD MRS. C . R. YATES c:)>_ MEMORANDUM TO THE MAYOR FRO!-i: John W. C o x ~ As you kno~, the Youth Council and several other agencies submitted a Rodent Control Proposal to DHEW. The proposal. was submitted t,y E.O.A. The City's Sanitary Department and several other agencies will be co-sponsors. We thought at the time that the Rodent Control Funds would have been appropriJted. It was passed by the House, but not by the Senate. It looks pretty dim to me that special rodent money will be availe~le. However, I do understand that HEW has some funds tnat it might make available for some special project. The request is that you do whatever you can to help us get this project funded. Since this was to have been a part of the YOP effort, the Vice President, as well as Senator Talmadg e might be helpful here. E x - O Fn c 1o ~C H 1EF' O F' P O L ICE, H E RB E RT T . JE N K INS - S UPT. O F" S c:H o o L. s, JOH N W . LETSO N - GE NE R A L MaR . O F' P A R KS , J A C K C . DELI U S �