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January 2.9, 1963 MEMORANDUM TO Hon: Jack Savage FROM Ivan Allen, Jr. 1. Propo ed call for special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to con ider pa sage of resolutions and ordinances concerning the handling of transitional areas in the City of Atlanta and such other busine s as may come before the Board. Z. A re olution instructing th Mayor to call together representatives of the Atlanta Real E tate Board and the Empire Real Estate Bo rd, asking for a voluntary code of ethics to control transitional property. 3. A re olution instruqing the City Planning Department to make a complete and comprehensive tudy immediately of all vailabl land that in the pa.st baa been zoned for c:ommerci l and m nufacturing establishment • which could be properly oned for open hou ing. 4. A re olution in tructing the Mayor to c:aJ.l together th in the Peyton Fore t are di turba.nee to ba is to eatabliahia cooling of£ period. respective groups eek an agreernant on a voluntary �