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- a s :rea Loans Sale.s 947 HuNTEn ST., N. W. e 525-2800 o ATLANTA Lease., y lmurance Tradea Property Management 14, GA. July 19, 1962 Mr. Rex Wilson 377 Peyton Road S. W. Atlanta, Ge.orgia Dear Mr. Wilson: You want a fast sal e , at top market pri ce, with no inconvenience to you, don't you? If so please list your property located on Peyton Road "Fo r Sale" with us. Ma ny years of un fa iling service to th e A tl,rnta people explains why propert y owners, and buyers t oo, have complete confidence in ADAr,1s REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Thi s e:>..1)eri ence, plus our aggressive advertising poli cies, legul facilities and ot her services, a re at your disposal. If you or a ny of your friends are th inking of disposing o f property now, or in the future , we would appreci a te the op portunity to discuss confidentially these mat ters without obligation to you.


I t· I t.· '·' Sincere ly yours, ADAMS n::AL ESTATE COMPANY t. «;, ~ E. Q. Adams, Broker "We Depend on You e You Can Depend on Us"