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THE AT L A.NT A INQUIRER Saturd ay, October 14, 1961 ,< • :. No ' Blockbust i ng' In Ca scade Height s . · Dear Sir : Mem,1:>ers o f t he Empi re Rea l Estate Board are . much conc erned about erroneou s a ccusati on s o f b lock bus ting" in the Cascade He i g h ;;. o area . In conformanc e ~i t h t he realtists c ode of ethics we al~ .· ways· hav e cooperated ' with c ivic and c omi'"Tlu ni ty group's i n develop-. ing peac e ful and or der ly t ransa c ti on o f h ou s i'ng wh e r e tens ions have ar i sen fr om the a cute· h ousing s.i.tuat ion a ffect ing Negroes , mostly thr ough :the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Ou3: members _h ave never part i c ipated . in Or encouraged "block ··b ust ing" at any · time . · ,. 11 r . ,· r


i '. Invest i gati on reveals t h at . no : Negro , broker h as initi a ted action to secure listings in the Cascade ar e a, but we f ound .numbers of , r occasions where white property owne~s in the Gor don Road and ad~ jacent Adamsville s e ctions have soli c ited servi c e s o f our members .

_ Many o f the lis tings have been refused and t h e r e is no i n tention

. •· .. of these real tists to seek listings in the v ast Cas.c ade Heights area. • •I_'~


j .. . . · I ,l ·I' I'• ·· · · What is nee de d by Negro homeseck er s is s maller new and used hous'es in pr i c e range from $_6 , 000 to $ 1~,_0_9..9__• The new Tit l e 221 housing meet _s the r e quirement only wher ·e our clients can quali.t y Xvi th FH.l\ regu l ations . Ag e and income restrictions , therefore r equir e , con~ v entiona l f inan cing for new and us e d houses of th~ c las s mentioned ' .': · which incidentally , are not avai l able . · • ! ' , I .1• i . 1. . 'I .j' ',"'; ' I I 1 .... ,

. ;

···· 1 .. j .\ . Casc ~~e Height_s ~s not , therefo_,!'~ , ~ soluti~J:?,__ t~ __the_p..r.ob.l_em_. and .',, ;_ aTarme d white property owners are a avi s e d to seek the advice of · the Metropolitan · Planning Commiss ion , , -at the outset , whe n they are · faced with personal and community situati ons 1 which might lead to " t ensions from u nfounded rumors. Again we call upon and urge Atlanta 1 s Board of Aldannen and the Fulton County ~ommissions to assume t h e ir responsibility in relieving a situation where 38 p e r c ent of the population is restricte d to 16 per cent of the land, when there are thousands of acres of vacant land in our fine community . ' ., J. T . Bickers , 'president Empire Real Estate Board I, ? . ·' �