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Dear Sir: .A:fter reading you3: ed:t torial l'#C~lm Cooperation Pa:y;s o:e:f" t 1n The Atlen ta Journ.al. 1 Wednesday- 1 Qctober 10,. 1961• regar ding Casoo.de He igi ·S 11 -we agree that a community organize.• tion is the best instrument f or a workable s olution to our ·. raoiaily trouble housing :pro bl ems .. OUl" ·communities, 0-rove P ark and Oen ter Hill, have bad. an organ iza·t ion. of this typs chartered by the State of Georgie. aino e 1941:i known. as the Wast Side Developlllf)nt Company. '

'···· The people of cur oo.nmunities have stood by us with tb.eiimoney and rupport. In the past nine years. we. have pu.rehased thirty nine houses iD. OJ;."der to preserve our Wbite 0oJD.mUD.it1is.i - ·. We have .mad agreen:ents 'With the Mayar 1·s formar Bi-Racial Com.TJ1ittee and tile Empire Realty Board and while wa have faith• fully honored our ag:reeme.,qt, -we regret that the agreement h 8 been em is still b()iX)S violated by son)) members of the Empire Realt,- Board. As a result~ we· have been a target ot blook•busting taotios far th~ past three years at a great JV , .. 1 I.'.,. VI '-_,,. ' :,./ ti iI �. '. . .. ·~ . · '·.· .... .r:·.~ =,··

' . -1 ':i L' - 2 ·-


l \ Our _people ere also ent i t le d t :> be put et ease and we weloo.ITla the calm cooperat ion of the responsible p~ties es_peoiallY since cur agreements were nego t i ated :pre'tlious . /::r:Ii.:./ . to . ·the :promises n~ being o:f'.fere.d,'oommun:tt ies ~ Should . any-one conscientiously :thiI'..k that it thes~ agree:me nts not honored with the peoples or ~ Northms~ Atlanta~ the cl tizens of Cascade Heigi ts and southwest Atlanta can be put Yours truly-•· J'. Homer Clark,, President WEST S ll;E DEVE WPME~ CO• '\ ~ '.P-lf.) -~ :J )~/ . ~ ~ /' V,L, P.1 'I ,I ) �