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June 13, 19 62 LO.st Sunday evening my husband received a telephone oall from l'!r . F. Bennett stating that (Mr~) Calloway of Calloway Real ty,,Co. had oontacted him and said he could show proof that he (Mr.) Calloway had the listing on two houses for sale in our area. Mr. Bennett told ·my husband that he had an appointment With Calloway Monday ev6ning nt 7:0 'olook at his (Mr. Bennett's» home a.nd asked my husband to be there . Our house is for sale and lJr. Bennett knew this information would be of inter est to us.


,, The following hlonday afternoon I r eceived a telephone call from (Mr_) Jewell a. salesman of Calloway Realty Co., inquiring about our 'house. I ·1 immediately told him that it wa s not for sale to colored. He asked if we would contact him if we should change our minds. Monday evening 11r. Bennett ca lled our home ana aske d for my husband or me to come to his home i mme dia t el y and since my husband was out , ! went . ~hen I · arrived I found t hat in a ddition to {~!I'. ) Calloway being there, his salesmen Je well and Ed Billing sley we re t her e a l s o. The first thing tha t Ilfr. Be nne tt sa id when I got the re was t !:io.t he want ed it clearly unders tood by me t hat he had not cont acted themo (Mr.) Cal loway stated in my presenc e that he had contacted Mr. Benne t t. I aske d (1iroi Ca lloway Who ha d listed t hei r prope rty with him a.nd he sai d that he cou ld not t ell ma tha t, but he oould give me t he loca tion - whi oh he di d. He said one house wa s looa t ed on Harlan Rd. near Pe yton Rd. and the other one was on Shelley Dr. I ~ n't go into de t ai l s about t he discus s ion, but t he subj eot of ethio s came up and I a sked (Mr. » JeVv8 l l if it wasn't unethica l f or colored real es t a t e ope ra to rs t o cont a c t white people about buying t hei r proporty and he sa id absolutely not - that t hey we r e in the real e sta t e business and t hey could solici t from (for t heir clients) and se l l to, anyone . I a sked him if hi had a client who ·was i nt erested i n our hous e and he said he did have . Signeds 0~ 0- ·ft~ J'J /3 a/o.,,..,/ 7 3-~ ~{P J{ /h , $ 4J '))--; /va r �