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I lATIONAL A SSOCIATION FOR THE ADVA CEMENT OF COLO ED PEO PLE SEVENTEEN NIN ETY BROADWAY NEW YORK , N. Y. 10019 . • 212-245-2100 May 29, 1968 Mayor's Office Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir, The Youth and Coll e g e Divisi on of the Nat ion a l Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAA CP) is prese ntly developing a yout h emp loyment project~ - Tn:i.s oper at i on will cover ten cities, one of which is yours, and will be a cooperative effort of NAA CP natio n a l staff and our local units in each community. The project will b e des igne d to include both long -r ·.n g e and part-time or summer youth empioy--rnent. So that th e best possible pro ject be desi gned, it is necessary for us to catelog ue all effort~ now being conducted in this prog ram area in your locatjon. Thus, we wo uld appreciate it if you would let us know as soon as possible exactly what o pe rations you a r e fundin e or conducting in your city. Critical informa tion about pro gram d es i gn, hi story, · scope, etc., would be in va lua b le, if avail ab le. We would a ppr e ciat e hearing from y ou as soon as p ossible. Sincerely, l-<~ ~~ Karen Meader Youth Employment Researcher ~Lku~· v&i-~ cl~ - ' �