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Mississipp.i Governor here next Tuesday All Northsiders invited to hear Ross Barnett~s battle plan for South Mississippi's Governor Ross R, Barnett, crisis-tested guardian of Southern conservatism whose strength of mind forced the impulsive U,S, Attorney General Kennedy to retreat in shame and seek other opponents, will address Atlantans next Tuesday night to (July 16) on how the South can restore Constitutional Government, ly He will speak in the ballroom as it will as a tax burden over of the Dinkler Plaza Hotel, start- tne next 30 years for property 1_ ing at 7:30 o'clock, before a owners of this state, first anniversary meeting of the • • • 1_ fast-growing Atlanta Citizens TODAY, Governor Barnett's Council to which admittance is 'p I an for Southwide political free for all white patroitic At- solidarity in the 1964 Presilantans. dential election has Southwide J,K, Callaway of Old Ivy Road, interest, Recently, some 1,000 president of the Atlanta Citizens persons from virtually every Council, says arrangements have Southern state attended a $25-a been m~e to accomodate all who plate dinner meeting in Jackson come, Miss., to cheer Governor Barnett • • • and Alabama's Governor George JAMES H, GRAY, editor and Wallace as they urged the Deep. publisher of The Albany Herald South to unite behind the plan to and until his resignation was ac- block any liberal candidate for cepted by newl y-electedGov- President,. ,and just which nonernor Sanders was chairman of liberal candidate the South will the Georgia St ate Democratic endorse will be the result of unp arty, will introduce Governor emotional, politically-expert deBarnett at the meeting next Tues - cision to get this whole nation day night, Mr, Gray is an able off the hook of communism. speaker, fully informed on the Georgia 's Jim Gray offered pr oblems the South faces and he delegates to that Jackson dinner ,has never wave,;:ed in his res is- me e ting a resolution calling on tance to the indignities offered citi zens in every Southern state_ Southerners since the Kennedys to take all necessary actions for moved into their Washington ·adoption of the Barnett plan and powerhous e. He is the man who that resolution was unanimously e bought the integr ation-threatened adopted, public park in the heart of Albany • • • and made it a pr ivate, segreIn urging all Norths iders to atgated park, His forewor ds in his tend the Tuesday night meeting, introduction of Governor Barnett Northsider Callaway said: • 'Govundoubtedly will be as enlighten- ernor Barnett, by his courageous i ng to Northsiders as will be the actionl:I°, has become the symbol m a in address b Y the notable of Southern determination, He has , Mississippian. been on the firing line, and he has Governor Barnett's plea for not yielded, He has earned the Southern unity in the 1960 Presi- admiration and respect of the dential race resulted in 15 ?eople of Georgia, and of loyal: •electoral' vo tes being cast for Americans everywhere, L e t's . Senator Harry F. Byrd, the Vir- ihow Governor Barnett thatwe 1n, ginia Democrat, for President, Jeorgia share his determination·

Georgia Democrats missed the to ~n this fight!" boat in 1960, preferring to barter with Kennedy through a $100 - ·- - - - - - - - - - ~ -·

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million bond issue which will .never be forgotten, _coi:itinui . Al ,...- , • ..,,., r. . l ~

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