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, -- - - - SenaIe i6?.fee Gels ivil .Rigb1s~ H~~rings July :16 1. • A '( ' BY JOHN HERBE RS lJniled Press International · , WASHTNO'OON - (UPI) - ·rhc Senate Judiciary Committee, nead- by Mississippi 'Democrat James '-'· E~ and, announced Tuesday 1t will begin hearings on President Kennedy's civil rights b!ll on July 16,.,~ith Atty. Gen. Rober-t F. Kenneuy as fi'rst witness.

The announcement a ppeare'd to confirm predictions bhat the f.u11 committee would conduct the hearings rather than turn them ove1. to a subcommittee flrst. :Thls means it will· be a one-stage procedure, I but does not necessarily sb.ovten coqsideration of the issue. ., · Senate Democrat.'-' leaders a.re conviuced there , le hope of g etMn t Kennedy's tlUlr. oMl, rights lbill , out oI Easttaritl's , committee. Thij.5 ,they lta,e devised . alterna t ive methods to get it to the Senate floor for consideration. DIVERTED 'TO CALE!liDAR This strategy c;alls for diverting, the H.ouse civil rig!Jts bl11 to. the Senate calendar when it arrives, -thereby avoiding having it assign~ ed t o the so-.called "graieyard" of the -Judiciary Committee. It could be then ca11ed up {or the begfunlng of what Is expected to be a deter. milled southern -filibuster. '11he Judiciary Committe~ will deal with all Uons Qf the PresJclei;it 's pr oPQIM ltlli~llt the public a,c,commoclat,191111t,. .a11111"e, which is under corudde n by the Senate Commeroe Committee. U 4or judiciary s tudy will be p ls Involving ,votlng rights, school· desegregation and tho possible cut- off deral funds for ·wb rl11)ina tion is =s Everett M . the publb a the ranking. . pubtlcan on tland's Jud.lcia-ry Committee. He favors other port,\ons of the administration progra.in, but Eastland and fellow southern senators oppose it general. )y , . MARK THIRJ> APPEARANCE The ·J uly 16 hearing!! will mark Atty. Gen . Kennedy's third major appear ance before a congressional commit tee on the President's civil r ights leglslatiop . He '8stifled bet e he.Hou~ J ~ Q>mbl hu;t wee)t and W8'1~ befele 1111 Senate Commerce Oommlt t-'t Mol'ldt!.Y a11d Tuesday. He will· r,bUrn 'Wed~esj:lay._ �