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~ll4.T ABOUT TOMORRO·W? he ebOOlel not to 1erve. Jf • .1torekeeper can be compe1led to 1e"e in hil ,tore, people he wouJd rather not sen-e, the imtitution of private property i, endangered. Hi, ,tore ha, become public. property-and your private property right1 hne liecome eadU1gered. Yet that ii precieely what the pre.. eat adminimation ia ieek.ing to accompliah by invoking the ..intentate commerce" clauee of the Comtitution. Top lffel, ,tnteglcall:, planned racial dl'!IDomtratJom 111'11 qringinc up ·,ponuneou,ly' all OTer America, Theae poape wam of national rnolution unleat racial demand. are met. What WU once •a problem for the South• hu beceme a problem for e-rery ctate. city ud community. It threaten, the Nqro. ju,t • well u the white man. Thele ume organised. r .. .!ial agitaton, who proclaim and cite their comtitutioaal right of 'peaceful integration' are at deetruction of orderly freedom. HilltOry of the lut IO yean renala a lon1 li,t of JHtiom taken over by Commu• 11lm, throu1h me of nci.d a11tatioo. Under thi, kind of dictatorehip, i,he doctor, who prcfcn to 1elect hia office location, chooee hi, nune and he 4 heart apeciali1t, can be required to he a general practitioner, told whom to employ ,u.d where he , hall work. If he refuse,. he CUI have hit oftice 1eized and occupied by the favorite, of the bureaucracy. The aame would become the cu e for editor,. Jawyen, taleamea, etc. aimina: Tbeee qitaton ue not me~e1y ukin1 for 'equal righll' for the Ne,rc,1 they ara demudiq 'apeci.al righta' in Tiolation of the rip,. of .U people. They are cfemmdin1 the ript to nolate city ordinancee and 1tate lawa. - They are demuuling-md getting-immunitlee and apeeW pririlepa for Nesro citisem which white citisme do not If the Jiaht of private property i, taken away from the eitba lll UI artificial emergency, created by profea1ionaUv ,poi*)red racial riotl, then CongreM might be 'prc1aured1 lllto puaing Federal 'Emergency' mea,urn under the label of aaTUlg our nation from internal di10rden. Thia could n1uh in a total dictatonhip, and our hard fought-for-freedom, wilJ hne vanW..ed. Thia would prove a, diautrou1.!or the Negro Q for the white man, Demomtraton claim they are fi1htinc for their 'dipity", but la there any 'dipity' ahown bete in ibae bytterioal dem· omtratiom? Do th.er not 111gge1t that they are a phony front for oamethins alarminslY clillermt! In other ccnmtrlet racial upbeanlt ban been created to brim.a: aboa, artificW eoaditiom deeiped to climax a !Leed for military dietaconhip. America wu born in the hearta of men bccaUN of the ur,ent need for freedom from oppreMion and dictatonhip. Lon of God ad fellow man wa, the 1trong fabric from which it wu comtru.cted. Today there are Hletmen telling hate of their fellow man and inflamiq racial ten1ion1, rather than teekiag fah ,olutiom, m,,.,, There ia now ,uhataatial agreem , nt that the Negro should have equal voting opportunitiee and equal opportunity in the uac of all public facilitiee. But to give the Negro hi, due i1 one thina:. To aacrifice any of our basic libertie, in the proc, e11 ii quite mother...Eternal Yigilance it the price of liberty," and in thia day and hour the Negro agitator ia asking for more than equality; he ia demanding, and getting 1peci1J ri111ht1 (in the form of _deci,ion, by our courta) which invade the ri!llhll of aH citizem. The voice• of the reepon1ible Neira leaden who are alert to. the1e dangen are drowned out in the moUDtin& hy1teria over the attainment of fahe goalt. mu1 &,pon.ibilitiu Prlnte property, ,uch a• a re.tauru.t, CUI not 'be Hp· lated u though it were a public highway.1t ii up to each indmdnal to .., the owulardt for hit emhli,bment, to- wbicb hil clienteJe mu1t conform. Private rightl inelude the right to be left alone, u well a, the privilege to make or loee money, accordmg to the way the individual chOOMII to conduct hi, bndneN, no matter how wile or how foolilh. It b the re, ,pomibility of all men to re1pect the rigbt1 of Othen. Until now it bu been the ,torekeeper'• Jicht (and that meam eYery man'• right under the Comtitutioa) to ICITe the penom of bla el,o;-to ..... to wbom I,e. ..i.o- Thia la a Conaitntional llilbt, incident to the .....ablp of pmaie property. lie bu.Jie. !no to NI... to ,_.. - Canltitution and Congre,s -L,n,, of lhe Land Accordin1 to the ConatituJon of the United States, the lawa of the land are made by the Congreaa. The Supreme Court D1,erely renden ' ID opinion, H to the applicability of the.e lawa to a ,pecifie ca11e before iL Ill opinion becomea 1M a o/ IMI cue. Al mch, it i, indicative of how the Court (u oarratly comtituted) may be expected to decide • aim• llar oae. Howeffl', to declare an opinion of the court to be What Savannah Citisens are urged to do: 2. Urp the City Council to lmmediatoly ..,... new md - . . . better control U1d repl.ate demon1tration1 and paradee. 'the Jaw of the land' II to dttlare that the Supreme Cout and not tbe CongreH make, the laws. Thi, ia UDeomtita.tiaaat But you may be 1ure that thia 11 what• dietatonhip in c:ontro] cf the court, but not of the Congreaa. would like to have you helieve. Senator Ruuell Charge, or the plann~d rar.e rioh gcing on all over the United Statr8 Scnatcr Richard B. Ru~sell charged on June 12, 1963 tlut Prr:aidrnl Kennedy W H raising the •pectre of maH racial ,·iolence to puah Civil Ri ghts prcposa1s th1t were a atep la the direction of Socialism or Communi1m, "I WH •• , ahockcd" he 11id "to bear tl1e Preeldent juetify, if not encourage, the preaent wave of m... dem• on1trationa, accompanied by the practices o( 1ittin1 or lying in public 1treet1 and blocking traffic, form.ins human waU, before the doon of legal bu,ioeuea and •~1aulting with dtadly wrapon, cfficen of the law, whose only offense WH tc maintain order and protect private property." el IM "Cau,e" Be Remo.,ed Ir the Commnniett aucceed in America it will be becau• er a ccn1tant whittling away of our con1titutional rightl. To auccced in thi,, he mmt line a 'cau,e' with which to brin111 about chao,. H the "•r.auae' is removed, another mu1t he ere, atcd, and the pattern repeated. Without 'cause' the Com• munist, are 1oldicn without ammunition. In Brasil their r.auee wae 'inrlation' ; in China-agrarian reform; in Cuba it was to 1aboli1h the Batista dictatonhip'. After a 7-year 11tru11:gle in Algeria, Communi1t,led Moalem,, u,ing racial di• cord , 1ucceeded· in gaining control of the govenment from the French. A, in Algeria, the 'cause' they .have adopted iD America i, racial conflict. There can be no doubt that the Communbt ta debghted at the opportunity being preaented him to adopt thia 'eaaae'. He will r ender every aid to the •preuure-demaad' tactice which 11erve hie end. For him every auault on one of our ba1ic libertiee is a atepping atone towardt a Commoniat America. There are none ao blind aa thot0 who will not ace, and none eo dangerouely blind today H thoee wlao Hfa• to reeogni.ze the blueprint for - the Commnnilt takeover of America. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT ,. 3. 4. Support and encourage by thone or letter, the merebU1t1 who are delendina f:'.C::,-~a'::pi~: are t e frontline10ldienforyou l Purdwefl'ODlthem 5. Every American 1hould ditteontinue bayi111 ma1uiDe11 that gin uatnul reporll of the new1, In,iat on moral ,tandard, in e,,erything you do. What Atlantans are urged to do: and the cuulidatel wlto will bi nm. They ahould evaluato thi, carefully. It i, time both political parti,. learn that th- wha 'lbe time ~' come for every voter to eon1ider future election, were able to l'I themselvea elected on either ticke~ could jwt •• well be oleetecl Oil llll incl.. pendent ticlot. To get proper repreoentation, people of prineipleo and integrity mmt be aoleetecl u yom Electors ind 1ent to the Conventiom uopledged and committed to no cudidate. unleat the CODdldate propooed fill, the higb 1tandard1 the voter ahoald nqaire in the - aoloc:ted to nn oar Nation. This mes.s age to the people of this community was paid for by a group of r-epresf!ntatlve North Side Citizens. �