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N·/l!ACP Calls For "Swe AciCJitions To President ~c r . t juo bsjnloq . Six ·Orga.n ization ,CO(mp·aign To'· age . By MARGERY An ,lncon i lency In Senator U' . -;7/ 7 a Russ ~J ,'{O ~U eech - ~- ' (United Press Int rn CHICAG (UPI) - The Nat,ona Assoc, for the Ad vancement of Colored People (NAAC Tuesday demanded sweeping additions to President Kennedy's f ivil rights program, which the NAACP labeled inadequate. . Georgi e nlor Senator of tlie Un i ~ P'ildl'ard B. Russe ll lef t e _ci ~ns pf Jasper County and El, fellow GeorglaF1 , be expected on the f i ~steT f!'Ant, when the CivilOllr.fll~MIJl!l§rffld gets g.oing in the Senate. He rehearsed =,...=-....:lm =es;:...::of

.. Thad Stevens and Charles Sumner, ghosts

ic:lent to frighten tho,s e on down generations ,~r.41r••••1is needed to block change. i ering hot July the 4th, an occasion usually consumed in re ne wing patriotic fervor and accelerating nation- - Police questioned four white b:iys a l fe alty, the Senot~r chose best to "let 'em have" something on in S t . Augustlne, Fla., about a hobLing incident in I hiC]l JOU!' th e President's Civil Rights bill, which he has already pledged to sNegr o y on t.hs w re struck by 110t"fight these outrageous proposals with all of the power in my l:l'lln pellets in I ,·ant of Lh h ome being." He referred to the document as "the most inhuman and or a ci 11 r lg:h ts (igure. Police se.ld 1,11e wllile te 1·1 - o.gers told on sadistic legislation in U.S. history! t'Jictln r I.lout ti c1d nt, · Senator Russell "gave 'em the works" on the public accombul, pµ a rently , Ln exmodation portion of the bill. The main argument the Senator cho.u or gunli1· in front uf the makes against this portion of the bill is that it would be an enhome of or. Robert B. Mayling, a croachment on the property and individual rights of certain proNegro dentist . prietors of businesses. This is true·, but it is also true that all lows affect one or both of these rights. However; the main po_int we would like to make · th some cities and states have already on J he ir books lows ic Orbid .\ a proprietor from accommodating or serving members oth racial groups. Have not the individual rights of those lndlvlduals who might have desired to serve members of both races without discrimil'\ation been encroached upon? We have never known our senior senator to eve r oppose a law requiring seijregation at the c:1ty, state or national le vels. So it seems that segregation laws have al ready encroached upon the individual a l)d property rights of many citizens. Mor,pvp.r while we are on th is subject of en~achment, w e 1 are reminde ,of the, many f ili busters in the Senate in which our. sonator has articipated. Boiled down, is not a filibu ster on effort to expression by other members of that It not it ment on their individual rights? Rights bills are now pending before th• ongress an ould be given due study and consideration and passed by that body. In our opinion, they are needed to put our nation in line _w ith the true meaning of the Declaration of Independence. 'I1he 2,000 delegates to the 54 a nnual NL\ACP convention a,pprov · ed unanimously a lengthy resolu tlon that said .the President's PJ'Ogram Is· commendable but "lnad'l-, quate to meet the minimum needs of the threatening situation." The resolution also ca.lied for a mass civil ' rights convention next month in Washington and· "grass roots" rallies in the states ano ·congresstonal districts the last week of this month.- In other civil rights developments Tuesday : . -Leaders • of six national Negro organizations, Including the NAACP, held · a "summit conference" In New York City to plan · strategy for e. nationwide campaign in &UP• port of Kennedy's civil rigl}ts · i:opooals. Later they were ~ . )\l~ with leaders of 55 er ~ tlo!'iji~ representing reli1lo~ ia,1,K b.u&iness, civll and fraternal efglh,~ tlon,. · he New JeWsey s tate E(l c~q Commlssion rdered µte f)f BNJI be th g c ls GP. ion.- ,Fred said there was no tempt to segregate but unintentiot1al s gregab J'8' (Continued on Pi.le '9 OeL :4.) I~ �