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Civil Rights Protest Takes New Twists Here St·uden t·s Protest Job Ban On Negro Liquor Buyer s "I woa'.t fire any of my whi<e help,," to hire aay niggers. wer~ : : z : -.:.-! & P a r ks Jr. when a sked for the second time after a week notice if he would hi.i"e Negroes in his liquor store, according to student lea de r Ralph Moore. The store , now under ful l-time picket, ls l oc ate d on Simpson Rd. near Mayson Turner Rd. The Committee on Appealfor Hum an Ri ghts is taking immediate action in seeing that Negroe s ar e fairly e mployed there since it is supported predominately by Negtoes. Picket line s ·ha:ve been set up and ar e proving to be 100% effective in r educing Negro trade at the store. The Committee on Appeal For ,Hum an Rights doe s not expect too much trouble from Parks and thinks he is about ready to negotiate . The P arks own about eight liquor stores · the Atlanta ar ea. The sto presently unde r attac k does -an estim ated $750, 000 worth of bus ine ss year At th1 ra te ~e stoi;-e will lo se some $14,000 weekly if the boycott con ~es. _· A spokesman for the st dent group told the Inquirer that the �