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W I ace Asserts He' lgnn,11A1rrl( ights Laws \b WASHINGTON, July 16 (AP lexchange with Hart. which even Gov. George C. Wallace of Ala- got into the question of wheU1er bama declared Tuesday he would Heaven wil l be segregated. make no effoti to help enforce a federal public accommodations la w nor would he encow·age compliance with it in his state. "I would just go ahead and he the governor of Alaba ma and let the federal folk s t1y to enforce it," Wallace told the Senate Commerce Committee. In that connection the governo, restated his view it would take an a rmy of federal agents or troops to enforce a Law opening restaurants, motels and theaters . and other places of bu mess to racial integr ation. · Wallace retw11ed to the committee to complete the fiery testimony against President Kennedy's bill which he began Mon. day. MEANWHILE, Atty. Gen. Robert F . Kennedy's appearance be- fore the Senate Judiciary Com- THE GOVERi OR had coneluded a lengthy friendl y questioning by Sen. Strom Thunnond. D-S.C., with the as ertion U1at he bore no hatred for 1eg:·oe or anyone. that he believed_ in Goel, and tried to fol1ow relig ious teachings. Har t, a member of both U,e Commerce a nd Judiciary committees, said th at since Wallace ha~ introduced this "solemn note" into the proceedings, he would like Lo ask, "W~at you _think Heaven t \dv~!, be Like, · will it be segrega e . . Wallace answered that " f don't think any of us knows what Heaven will be like. " He went on to say " God made us all, he made you and me white. and he rna,~e others black. He segregated us. Ha rt said he would nol pursue it furth er except to comment that he presumed "We would all be one family in heaven under one loving Father. " mittee on the President' overall c ivil rights program was deferred until Wec,mesday. That committee will be Robert Kennedy's third d each of round at the capitol in the civil rights fight-and undoubtedly the toughest in view f the weight of Southern mem ip on the committee. necessary. After a rri ving at the packed He called U1e legislation ··as hearing room. Ke nedy was told by Chairman Jam 0. Ea tland, D-Mis.. , that h n\· L as well return to his Departm€nl office s ince a f cornm;ttee members ing statements to make Eastland is on ol the trongest foes the whole administration ci, ii rights package bas on Capi- I to! Hill. Sen. Sam J . Ervin Jr., ·D- .C., said it would take him about an hour to read his statement even I if he hurried through il. Sen. Philip A. Hart. D-Mich., a sponsor of the administration program. said he would withdraw a statement he intended to make, in \'iew of ,, hat he called w·gency or aq.ing on the legi lation. HART SATD that in hi judgment the nation had come '"closer ' to dis,, ter in Birmingham than in Cuba. Another supporter of the bill, Sen Ed\\ard V. Long, D-Mo., said he ,,ould put his stutement in the record. hut hnth Sen·. E,·ereit 1\1. Oi1 k en .R-III .. and Kennet-h B. Kea.Ii . .. said they had bJie[ ts they wanted to ma Jt nedy would not ha, e a chance to testify before the Senate met at noon and unle ·. an c. C'Cij.lion lo tlw rule~ is grc1nl.ed, committees nH.t\' 11111 • it after tl1c1t \\ 1lla<'e s <il•elarntion he wo11ld 1101 he l t nfnrc:e ,, public· aceommod.it1 I <luring an drastic and indefensible a proposal as has ever been ubmitted to this Congre s." Much of Ervin· critici ·m was direot-ed al the public accommod lion prov.i).,ion, ·hich the Comrnerce'°'·t'~~fM!)i;, dealing as a separate ~ r e . Ervin said it is "condernnaf by its ma.nlfest unconstitutionality." Ervin a lso argued that liberty is being destroyed in a drive for equality and that " the rights of all are being sacrificed for the special rights of a few. " Long, iJ1 the tatement he put in the record, contended on U1e other hand that the propo. ed Legislation does not eek. to create a ny right that does not already exist. w~ practi danger f • ng said the civil rights bill "merely seeks way and mean to help make the guarantees of our onstitution, the law of the land, a reality for al\. AJnericans. " j.,_-~------------I �