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40 DOWNER PLACE AURORA, ILLINOIS PHONE TWIN OAKS 7-4675 OFFICE SUPPLIES A ND EQUIPMENT August 16, 1963 Mayor I van Al len, Jr . City Hal l Building Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen : Many mont hs ago I wanted t o sit down and wr 'te a letter of congrat ulations t o you for having een elect ed Ma or of Atlanta, but one . ut s t hings off . Then as the months we nt b pro bl ems have been brought to mind by the i ntegr a1:ion movements a nd I have wanted to writ e a letter of congratulation beca us e of the graciou s acce" t ance evident l y accorded all peoples in the c i t of Atla nta . Then I thought that thi s could on l y be due to good leadershi . I kne w i t mus t be th is because t hat is wha t you gave to the N.9. 0 . E. A. and t he offic e su pl y industry in the vears ast , but again I fai l ed to wr i t e this c ongrat ulatory lett er , But today I find myself in a s omewhat simila r os · tion to ,ours , with the problems of i ntegration thru s t u pon me and ot her s as members of the Aurora Area Bi- Racial Committee . I was also an elected offi cial in 1941, ha vi ng been Cit y Clerk until the out break of World War II when I enlis ted and we nt into the Infantry . I had Negro soldiers at Anni s t an , Alabama , before going overseas with the Seventh Armored Divi sion . Also, rior t o World War I I , I had worked with Negro gang gr ou ps through the public s c hool system and the Y, M. C . A. her e in Aurora . With t hi s bit of background I was chosen to become a member of the Bi - Ra cial Comm i ttee, an appointment whi ch I fe lt no one should turn down if he felt c apabl e of dealing with this .most current emergency , Ivan, if you should have any materials which you feel would be advantageou s for me to use I ould appreciate your forwarding them to me . Any s uggestion s that you have I likewjse would be thankf ul f or, We have had meetings with the Civil Serv i c e Commiss i on here, the retail divi s ion of the Chamber of Commerce a nd the personnel officer s of our loc a l a rea manufacturing. Meeti ngs are scheduled with the school boar ds , the banks and building and loan associations for next week , a nd t he r ealtors week after next, There are four Whites and four Hegroes on t he Commission, all of whom are l evel-headed . �Mayor I va n Alle n t Jr. Augus t 16, 1963 Page - 2I hav e j u s t mov ed i nt o a ne w l oc a tion a nd had my Gr a nd Opening t wo weeks ago . I am e nc losing on e of my ad s for our i nt er est . My wife a nd I ha ve been very f ortuna t e t o hav e be come el i g ible f or a t ri . t o Ital y from Ol i v et ti. We l eav e a r ound Sept ember 15 f or sixt een days a nd should retur n i n t i me for t he Nat i onal Show, I f you a r e to be ther e I pr obabl y wil l be seei ng you. I f you find t i me t o dr o. me a l ine I would a rec ia t e i t . Si nce r e l y , FREDRICK. ON ' S Fr ed r i c kson QEF : r Enc . �