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I UNITED LIBERAL CHURCH ROOM 263, 110 PEACHTREE STREET, N. I!., ATLANTA 9, GEORGIA, Tf!L. 872•9887 I UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST August 5, 1963 Th~ Honorable Charles Weltner Congre s ffinan Georgia Fifth District House of Representative s Building Washington, D.C. Dear Congressman Weltner: 1vith great pleasure , we have observe~ anc supported your actions and coni uct both as candi date for office and as our r epre sentative to Congress. Your influence and pr e stige, locally and nationally, f ar excee~ t ha.t expected of a first-ye ar Cone;r e ssm2.11. As a r esult, you have a unique opportunity t o be an ef f ecti ve fo rce f or progr e ss , and we sincer ely hope you will use it. By vot e of The Boa.r d of Tru stee s , 1-.e stronc;J. y urge your support of Pr esi .ent Kennecly 1 s pr oposed Civil Ri ghts l egi sl ati on. T.fo f eel, de eply , t hat t h is l e gi slat ion i s in t he be st int er e st s of our stat e and country at th is cr ucial t rne ; anci. we f eel your support would be in keeping wit h th e sensibl e and courageous stands we have come t o expect you to t ake ••• and on the basi s of °l'.tl ich you wer e ele cted . We hope t hi s will be but one of :-:ic:ny constructi ve accomplishments of a l ong and succ essf ul poli t i cal career. Very trul y your s, Harry C. Adl ey , Pr esident f or The Boar d of Trustee s UNITED LIBERAL CHURCH (UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST) OF ATLANTA HCA/ af s cc: Ol d Post Office Builaing Office Atlant a, Georgia SUNDAY SERVICES 10:3 0 AM 1176 TENTH STREET, N .E. EUG ENE PICKETT, MI NISTER - �