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r:iil\;l.JTES HOUSING RESOURCES EXECUTIVS COMMI TTEE 1iEETING i\iA Y 31 , 1967 Members of the Housing Reso ~rc es Commi ttee Executive Group met on Wednesday , May 31, 1967., a t 10:00 a . m., i n Com~i ~tee Room # 1, City Hall. The -foll owing me~j-rs were pre sent; lf.tr . Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman Dr . Sanford S. At~ood, Co-Chairman Mr . Lee Burge, Chairman, f'ir.anc e & Non-Profit Fund s Panel Mr . John C. Wilson , Finance & Non - Profit Funds Panel lf.tr . Dale Clark , Pub l i c Informa tion Panel Dr . Vivia::1 Hend ers o:ri ., Land Acqu isition Panel Mr . RolanG Maxwell, Represent ing -~ - Virgil Milton, Business Partic ipat ion Pane l !V7ir . rorman Underwood, Representing Mr. Charles L. We ltner, Lega l Panel rvir. Robert Winn., Representing Dr. Harrison , Constru ction and Design Panel ~ . Ma lcolm D. J ones, Director Mr. W.W. Gate s, Consultant The Pub lic Housing Panel and the Soc ia l Problems Pane l were not represented at the meeting . Mr . Cecil A. Alexander, Chairman., presided . Mr. Alexander read the Ho using Resources Cammi ttee I s "White Paper 11 ( copy attached ) and exp l ained the di fferent divisions of this r eport . Ee then e xplained the other do c unents which 1-J'ere attached. He also st~ted that there were severa l difficulties in locating rental housing sites., partially because of the racial problems i~ Atlanta, and gave his interpretation of the May 5, 1967 letter from HUD, pertaining to HUD ' s reluctence to approve Public Housing sites in racially concentrated areas . Dr. Vivian Henderson, Land Acquis i tion Pane l, stated that this did not necessarily hold true in all case s ; that he did not thin~ the announced HUD policy was intended to apply to racially ir.tegrated projects in previo usly all white neighborhoodso Dp. Henderson alsc asked about his Panel's previous request for a list of possible sites for locating low-cost housing . Mr . Jones explained that this has been requested from t~e Planning Department, but not yet prepared; however, that he has been provided ttith a group of Land Lot sheets showing va cant property (with current zoning) in the eastern half of the city; and these locations were being looked into. �Page Two Dr . Henderson suggested t ~a t the need for such a list of avail able sites be reported to t, e Board of 1 ldermen . M~. Al exander reported tha t the Planning Committee initially prepared a l ist of sites comprisi -~ 800 ac r es of land that were considered avai l able for use o_ that cculd be re -zo~~d. He also stated that t he developers !:ad already looked i nto t hese prop erties but that only four tra ct s· had been approve d s o far. Mr . Jones stat e d that he knew of only t wo, or possibly three, of thes e t hat had been actually approved by BUD . Mr. Alexander stated that one of the mai n prob l em s was t hat the land devel opers c ould not always use the sites be c ause ·of locations, costs, and building codes. jV[r. John C. Wilso:-. ...,::. :.a nce and Non -Pro fit Funds Panel, suggested that t ... e cornmitt e ~ ~---- ~P t all the l and possible, because to provide al l the housing required, all available la nd would be needed. ~w . Al exa nder s tat ed that this Commit te e should take action one way or another to get these prob l ems corrected before any further subst an tial deve lopments ca n be made . Mr. Jones stat ed that it was this Commit t ee's policy to cons ider any suitab l e l ocati on that was submitted or prop o sed a nd to tr y to ge t a ct i on based on merits of individua l tra cts. Lee Burge, Finance and Non -Profit Funds ~anel, asked ~f this Committee was over-playing the housing pr oble ms, or if this was just the normal type of thing which resulted fr om trying to get through zoning changes , Housing h.u t hor i ty and/or .- FHA approval of a housing deve lopment. ~~. ~r . Alexander explained that there is a greater low-re ntal need in the city than apparently some members of the FHA underwriting staff feel justified . Mr. Jones said that the problems were not being over-pla yed because there were many prob le ms in trying to locate low-cost housing sites. He explained that this was the p0 r p ose of this meeting; to try to work out some of these problems. Dr. Henderson stated that many of the present problems appeared to be with the Planning Department , and they were not very good reasons. Mr. Alexander stated that the City is striving to get a workable Land Use plan which people feel that they can rely on. Mr. Dale Clark, Public Information Panel, asked if the Pla-nni"ng Department is represented on t his Committee. �Page Three Mro Jones st at ed t hot it is not; but t ha t we are wor king i n clo se contact with each other. i\lr Alexander stated t hat t he genera l fee l i:ie; is that i n some re sidential area s the zoning from single fa~i l y houses to a partments wi ll be a ne cessity o He asked the press not to mention any specif:i..c areas wne r e th i s ma y be poss ible, be cause there are no definite plans to this effect as yet . Mr. Burge asked if it would not be~ - ~pful to create a link between the Housing Resources CornLl ittee and the Planning Department? Mr. Ale1:ander stat e d that it wou ld also be a good i de a . to create such a relationsh ip with t he Board of Aldermen. rvr..r. Burge said., i n r ela tion t o item (d) under ttDist.:cu s s io n in the 11 Wh ite P&per 11 ., that he would l:..ke to k now how t he zor.ing people felt about th i s o Dr o Henders on s aid that i t was e asy to disc uss this problem but tha t it would not a l ways work out in pra c t ice, and that the real iss ue is the diffi c ulty of l ocating in an area that does

not 1·rnnt housing deve lopments .

Mr o Burge a sked the r eason given by FHA for it s action in connecti on with the s ites near Mag~olia Cemetar y , Ether:d ge Drive , and Gun Cl ub Roado Mr. Alexander referred the q uestion to Mr . Ga t e s for ans wer . Gates stated tha t proximity _,t:) Rockda 2.e Urban Re newa l Project., in which ab out 1)500 units are to be constructed during t he r.ext four years, ~ould be take~ int o consideration in determining the probable market abs orpti on in the general area. Both the Ci ty of Atlanta and the Federal Government have considerable investment in Rockdale. ffir. Mr . Alexander asked Mro Jones to [\ ive a report on possib le loca t~ons :or pre-fabricated ~ ~sin Atlanta. T-'lr. Jones stated that there is some effort to build this type of house in Atlanta., But that there is difficulty because of tht At2.anta Building Code . This code states that the plumbing, electrical, and heating fixtures be installed on site in Atlanta, and that the pre-fabricated houses come with thes e fixtures and electrical circutes already instal led. towever., there are plans being matlc now for so~e sites on which prefabricated houses could be located by des~gina ting special areas �Page Four where t his type of housing could b e installed o He al s o st ated that t_he a mount of land r eqLlired to bu i ld a house on was too gre·at economically in Atlanta for t his t ype of hous e ., nnd that there are also plans under wa y t o corre c t this by permi t ting them to be built on a 50 1 x 100 1 lot, or 60 x 83.33 1 (5,000 sqo feet i nstead of 7,500 sq. feet, ·which is now requ::.redo) Mro Alexander stated that· he thought tha t organizatio~s su ch as Tech sould organize stud ies of t he housing s it uation in Atlanta, which wo uld be mad e availab le to this Committee . He asked Mr. Winn if the Construction and Design Panel were looking into this now? Mro Robert Winn , Construction a nd Design Panel, stated that there will be a!·meeting of his panel a week from next Tuesday to discuss this. Mr. J one s inquired if the pre seut meet ing time 2nd date for this Committee was satisfactory, and the reply was affirmative . He a l so stated th2t he h ad appea red before t he Zoning '.:::,-:-,:..mi ttee on sever2 l occasions a nd felt t hat it would carry more influenc e with them if th~s Committee co uld t2ke definite a ction on some areas before he re-appeared. He stated that there were three sites in partic ular coming up for r e -zoning hear i ngs soon on which he. would l ike for t he Committee as a group to i ndorse and support, i~ 1. 2o 3o Fairburn Ro ad Jonesboro Roa d North of Baker 's Ferry Ro a d Ml~o Alexander sta ted tha t he felt t ha t i t was too soon to t2 ke any defini te action on these sites as ye t. Mr . Burge moved t ha t t h i s Committee a ccept t he pr e sent Paper" as a g uide f or furthe r· a c tion. 11 w:r'li te Th e mot i on was seconded and car r i ed unanimouslyo There being no f urth er b usine s s , the meet ing was ad jo ur ned at ll i35 a .mo Respectfully submitted , ~a:-l~~6,._~;fe\,,~/Q_... Ma lcol m D. J o~i Super visor of---!nspe ct ion Servic es Encl: "White Paper" (without a tta chments ) �