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, -.... COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AIDE PROJECT (RODENT CONTROL) \ \ �7 OBJECTIVES The basic objectives of this project are: 1. To significantly reduce rodent infestation in the City of Atlanta; 2. To elimina te or reduce the incidence of health and safety hazards and economic loss caused by the activities of rats; 3. To dev e lop an effective c i tizen government-involved program for creating and ma inta ining a hea lthy and s anitary environmenta l condition f ree of rodent infestation ; 4. To coor dina te the s e rvices of a ll r e levant agencies in a concentra ted effort to i mprove community condit i ons. 5. To aid and a s sist the Ci t y of Atlanta i n pr oviding more r e l evant and cons istent s erv i c es fo r its citi~ens ; 6. To pr ovide meaningf u l work experience , t r aining and educa tion for poor youth and adults . 6 �EVALUATION An evaluation of the effectiveness and impa ct of this project will be undertaken to measure the degree to which the project objectives are being attained. I. Reduction of Rodent Infesta tion will be measured -by the use of "before and after surveys" of the target areas. Specific items to be observed will include the r eduction of: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Rat Droppings; Rat Burrows ; Rat Holes; Harborages; Rat Trails; Physical Presence; Gnawings. In addition, "before and after surveys" will be made of areas adjacent to the target areas for comparative analysis. Other items to be included in this survey will be: A. B. C. D. Number of structures needing repair; Number of structures needing to be demolished ; Regularity of garbage and trash collection; Degree of active code enforcement. Follow- up surveys will be made of the t arget areas on a biweekly basis to <le t .e rmine the degree to which they are being maintained. · II. Reduction of the Incidence of Health and Sa f e ty Hazards and Economic Loss will be evaluated by comparing data ga thered before, during, and after the project. These will include: A. B. C. III. Incidence of r a t-re lated illnesses; Incidence of r eported or known rat-bite cases; Incidence of property des truction caused by rats. The Citizen-Governmental Involvement Program will be evaluated by: A, Comparing citizens ' comp l a ints before , during, and after the project; (This will include adjacen t areas, as well as the target areas .) B. Studying the response to and effective handling of compl aints within these areas; C. Describing and analyzing the na ture of meetings and discuss ions concerning the rodent problem; (This wil_l be done whenever meetings of this type occur.) \ I 7 �D. Assessing the changes in quality and quantity of cooperative programs between citizens and government concerning the rodent problem; E. Measuring the progress or retrogression of participation in this program by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. IV. Adults; Youth; Government; Owner ; Non-Owner. Measuring the quality of the structural improvements made before, during, and after this project. Assisting the City of Atlanta and Other Governmental Agencies in Establishing More Relevant and Effective Ser vices in Rodent Control and Environmental Sanitation will be evaluated by dete rmining the degree to which the City and other Governmental agencies are meeting the sanitation need~ of the target areas. Based upon these findings, experimental programs will be undertaken in which new techniques will be utilized to improve the following conditions: A. B. C. D. Garbage Collection; Code Enforcement; Community Clean-Up; Manpower Utilization The cost of these experiments will be compared, and the most economical and efficient services will be recommended for adoption. V. Providing Meaningful Work Experience, Training and Education for Poor Youth and Adults wi ll be evaluated by determining: A. B. C. VI. Number of poor youth and adults recruited for this project; Number of poor youth and adults trained for this project; Comparing the above with the actual number of poor youth and adults hired and retained by this project. Oth er Evaluative Activities of this Project will be: A. The administration of simple attitude tests to communi ty residents to de te rmine the degree of interest in community sanitation and rodent control. B. Asses sing new occupational knowledge and outlook of youth to determine the degree of new interest in health as a vocation. \ i 8 �BACKGROUND AND NEEDS The problem of rodent infestation is serious in Atl anta. The magnitude of the problem is underscored by the fact that while there are many Federal, State, Local and Private agencies involve d in some way in rat contr ol programs , there is no overall coordination of these activities; nor is there presently a single agency applying a completely concerted effort in this area. In Atlanta there were 42 repor ted rat-bite cases in 1965. In 1966 there were 51, and in 1967 there were 91. These figures represent a i20 per cent increase between 1965 and 1967. In - 1967, 74,or 81 per cent of the total reported rat-bite cases occurred in bed during early evening hours. The 1967 total would equal 94 if multibie bites are considered. Many conditions exist in the most densely-populated areas of Atlanta which tend to encourage rodent infestation. Some of these are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dilapidated Housing; * Long-Standing Tras h Piles; Excessive and Uncollected Ga rbage; A Large Number of Junk Automobiles; Trash - Covered Vacant Lots; Stacks of Old Lumber and Wood Piles; Old Tires; Unkept Ditches and Other Water Areas; Conunun ity Ap a thy In addition to the cond itions mentioned above, Urb an Renewa l Proj ects have contributed to the increased rodent infes tation of Atlanta's slum areas. The remova l of old houses and other structures for th e building of stadiums , expressways , and businesses have caused rats to re-concentrate in already-infested areas. The problem has become acute in recent years . The dis ease problems associated with rod ~nt infestation are held relatively low in Atlanta ; h owever , the th rea t of r at- borne disease is ever pre s ent when rat infes tation i s manifested to the degree pres ently estimated in Atl anta, It is estimated that there are as many rats as there are pe ople in Atlanta. This problem becomes serious when 30 per cent of Atlanta 's population i s in the most frequent conta ct with the ma jori ty of Atlanta's r ats. · Untold damage of a psycholog ica l nature results from the ra t menace, especially in urban areas. More than 14,000 Ameri cans are bitten by rats each yGar. ** Those who live in close proximity to rats are known to experience both physical and psychological damage that is i n j urious to the entire socialogical environment of a community. The adverse effects of thi s damage manifest itself in a variety

A chart of housing and population characteristics of the target areas is on page 11 and page 12.

Introduction to the Report of the ~resident's Commission on Civil Disorder . 9 �of ways. It leads to lower levels of income, education, sanitation and housekeeping. It reinforces community apathy and lack of pride. It remains a constant source of grievances and complaints. It leads to higher levels of disease, crime, unemployment and urban unrest. The technical know-how and professional services available to control rats need augmenting in Atlanta, There is a need for more acceptance, and concentrated application and coordination of these forces through government agencies and other groups having responsibilities for urban development and community health. , 10 �TARGET AREAS The Target Areas selected for this pr oject are: 1. 2. 3. 4. The The The The Model Cities Area; Multi-Purpose Service Center Area; Parent-Child Ser vice Center Area; Areas Covered by the President}s Youth Opportunity Program. Within each of these areas, specific census tracts, neighborhoods, population, structural characteristics~ .and land area by acres are listed as follows: LAND AREA BY ACRES CENSUS TRACT NEIGHBORHOOD F-87 and F-88 Riverside Chattahoochie Bolton Hill Park Scot t s Crossing R- ,267 TOTAL NUMBER OF STRUCTURES NUMBER OF MAJOR STRUCTURAL DETERIORATION POPULATION 1,916 204 13,754

-----------------r-------- ---------------- ------------------ -----------Watts Road

F-86 Carey Park Perry Homes Rockdale I E ,194 1,974 424 395 324 430 237 176 405 215 208 198 395 260 296 181 676 176 176 219 130 163 289 359 300 376 265 1,262 1,377 1,311 225 798 569 1,245 1,560 1,171 1,560 1,394 1,472 1,582 2,152 1, 783 2,161 2,161 1,748 1, 566 l , 8i4 593 1,967 732 3 ,192 389 165 10,088

-------------------------------------------------------11, 207

Center Hill 1,077 1,385 19 F- 83 F-84 F-40 F-24 F-7 F- 8 F-9 F- 10 F-22 F- 25 F- 38 F-40 F- 17 F- 28 D- 5 and D- 6 F-33 F- 44 F- 46 F-45 F-55A F- 63 F-5 8 F-60 F-23 Grove Park Dixie Hills Hunter Hills Bland town Bellwood Home Park Georgi a Tech English Avenue Western Avenue Vine Ci t y Mozl ey Park Uptown Glen I r is Edgewood Kirkwood Cabbage town Reynolds town . Mechanicsvi lle Sunnnerhill Grant Park Peoples town Pi ttsburg Adair Park Oakland City Goldsmith 11 40 63 39 39 133 18 252 671 130 671 17 39 601 352 99 751 751 791 993 389 91 873 35 99 85 7,253 3,986 7,704 2,422 5,154 2,042 4,792 4, 995 7,704' 5,118 3,986 4, 974 6,884 3, 462 11, 461 5,025 5,025 l., 348 3 ,597 1, 961 6 , 518 5 , 253 2, 178 4 ,415 6 , 479 �CENSUS TRACT F-63 F-55B F-67 F-57 NEIGHBORHOOD . Capital View High Point Joyland South Atlanta Stewart Avenue I I LAND AREA BY ACRES TOTAL NUMBER OF STRUCTURES 359 989 14 5,253 412 853 155 588 809 115 28 240 25 6,761 8,175 3,336 I NUMBER OF MAJOR STRUCTURAL DETERIORATION POPULATION

- --- - ------------------ ----------------------- -41,399

7,966 180,285 TOTAL 12 �PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES The preliminary procedures to be implemented will occur as follows: 1. May 27 - June 6 , 1968 -- - Recruitment and assembly of professional and other crucia l staff personnel; 2. June 10 - June 17, 1968 Recruitment of aides; 3. June 19 - June 28, 1968 Training and assigning of aide staff; 4. July 1, 1968 Implementation of work program; 5. May 27, 1971 Project termination. The professiona l staff to be recruited will be as follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One (1) Project Director; One (1) Rodent Control Specialist; One (1) Project Evaluator; Three (3) Community Health Specialists; Five (5) Community Organizers . During the same period, other crucia l pers onnel to be recruited will be: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. One One Two Two Six Six (1) (1) (2) (2) (6) (6) Budget and Fiscal Officer ; Clerk; Secretaries; Housing Inspectors; Sani t ary Supervisors ; Crew Chiefs. The implementation of the Aide Program will begin with recruiting indigenous poor youth and adults needing employment; screening and assessing capacities of poor youth and adults; on basis of capacities, designing, providing and/or securing educational and training supplements needed; and guiding and channeling youth during on-the-job training i n this project. In addition, the Veterans' Admini~tration will be requested to refer any returning veteran to this program for immediate employment. The training of youth will consist of the following subjects: 1. Evaluation of rodent infestation in terms of A. B. C. .D. Droppings Burrows Physical Presence Gnawings 13 �2. Evaluation of health problems caused by rats in tenns of _ A. B. 3. Connnunity organization techniques, including A. B. C, 4. Meeting and greeting pe ople; Clearly explaining this program's goals; Organizing and conducting community meetings on the subject. Vector Control techniques, including A. B. C. 5. Reported rat-bite cases; Reported rat-related illnesses. Poisoning; Rat-proofing structures; Baiting and cleaning public properties. Other subjects to be taught will be slide-projector operation, movie projector operation, building inspection and demolition. Upon completion of this training, these youth and adults will be assigned in crews to work with health and sanitary officials. They will 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Make rodent surveys; Distribute informa tion about their control; Organize and conduct connnunity meetings on the subject; Assist neighbors in clean-up efforts; Put garba ge and debris on trucks; Assist the city in dealing with complaints; Bait and clean public properties; Assist inspectors in their duties; Assist persons in rat-proofing their homes. A crew will consist of the following personnel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One One One One One (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Community Organizer and Aides; Sanitary Supervisor .and Aides; Rodent Control Specialist and Aides; Hou s ing Code Specialist and Aides; Hea lth Educa t or and Aides \ 14 �METHODS OF PROCEDURES I. To Significantly Reduce Rodent-Infestation in the City of Atlanta This reduction will be achieved by: A. Organizing communities, by connnunity organizers and aides, for connnunity clean-up programs in which aides will assist connnunity residents in cleaning up outside homes, and removing yard and street debris, i. e. paper , garbage, trash piles, junk automobiles, tires and dirt; B. · Cooperating directly with Economic Opportunity Atlanta's clean-up campaign and extending this effort to a year-round project by increasing personnel, providing technical associates, and organizing clean-up counnittees on a neighborhood basis; C. Cooperating directly with the Model Cities Program in implementing a demolition program, using youth and adult aides and youth demolition enterprises on a contract basis, to identify and demolish, with the owner's consent, all vacant houses, wood sheds and other structures which the prelimina ry survey indicated were rat harborages; D. Initiating a rat-proofing program using youth and adult aides, under the supervision of Rodent Control and Housing Specialists, to rat-pr oof bas emen ts and storage places, and to teach connnunity residents proper garbage disposa l methods. E. Formul ating and implementing a comprehensiv e pre-poisoning and poisoning program. Pre-poisoning will consist of dusting trails, burrows, harborages and similar pla ces as precautionar y measures against ectoparasites and dis ease when deemed necessary. Poisoning will be initiated and supervised by technical and trained personne l. The poisons to be us ed will be : 1. 2. Red Squill - Fortified (5oo · Mgs . per Kg.) Anticoagulants The baits to be used will be: 1. 2. 3. Yellow cornmea l; Canned fish; Dark molasses The selection of bait and / or pois ons to be used will be determined by t he environmental factors and the degree of infestation. The degree of infestation wi ll be determined by evalua tion, and it wi ll be designa ted as light, medium or heavy. Gener ally, poisons will be distributed at an average rate of t wo pounds pe r premise . - Ba iting will be done when deemed nece s sary by hea lth, s anitary and roden t con trol experts. \ \ 15 �F. II. Alerting code enforcement officials to conditions which harborage rats, and aggressively pursuing policies aimed at eliminating such conditions. To Eliminate or Reduce the Incidence of Health and Safety Hazards and Economic Loss Caused by the Activities of Rats This elimination or reduction will be achieved by: A. III. Operating a program of community education in rat-infested areas · in which health educators and youth and adult aides will conduct classes in the community, teaching residents precautionary measures needed to reduce rat-bite incidence; B. Showing movies and slides operated by youth aides depicting how rats bite people, espe cially when they go to bed without washing after having ea t en certain foods, i. e. jelly, candy, etc.; C. Distributing weekly written material reminding residents that unwrapped or uncovered food attracts rats. To Develop an Effective Citizen Government- Involved Program for Creating and Ma inta ining a Hea lthy and Sanitary Environmental Condition Free of Rodent Infesta tion These conditions will be achieved by: I V. A. Organizing gr i evance committees to accept and refer gr ievances to proper governmental depa rtments; B. Improvising a standard grievance form for rodent-related grievances; C. Investigating and validating grievances by youth and adult aides; D. Conducting classes at which hea lth, housing and code enfor c ement officia l s and the i r aides will t each res idents s anita ry l aws , code enfor c ement l aws , and i egal means ava ilable for ga ining improve d sanitary and code enforcement s e rvices; E. Dis t r ibuting information concer ning garba ge collection schedules so tha t resident s wi l l have the i r garbage r eady fo r colle ct i on . To Aid and Assist t he City of At l an ta i n Provi ding mor e Re l evant and Consistent Se rvices for its Citi zens This ob j e ctive will be ach ieved by : A. Provid i ng the City with f eede rs of i nforma tion as to the quality and quB:!-1-t i t y of i ts services in the t a.rge t areas ; B. Involving part ic i pating agenc i es in a program des i gned to s how t he need f or new or dinances and l e gisla tion i n th i s area . These goals will be ach iev ed by hea l t h and s an itation officials and staff who are specialists in environmental health and sanitation. 16 �PARTICIPATING AGENCIES Each participating agency will develop and provide service within its own competence that are relevant to the objectives of this project. The coordination of each service to all others will be designed and refined by a continuous process of cooperative exp_loration and evaluation. The agencies participating in this project are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council; The City of Atlanta Sanitation Department; The Fulton County Health Department; The City of Atlanta Housing Depar tment ; The Office of the City Services Coordinator; The City Planning Department (Model Cities ); Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc.; United Appeal; The Georgia Department of Health; The Georgia Department of Labor. Participation of these agencies will provide an oppor tunity to demonstrate and test services; orient, train, and develop poor youth to staff capacity ; participate in the development and coordination of services into a comprehensive rodent control program; and determine the value of demonstration services and coordination of resources. A. The Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council.will be the prime contractor for this proj ect. The council is an official agency of the Ci ty of Atlanta and has coordinating respons ibilities for children and youth services and work throughout the Atlanta Metropolitan Area . The council will carry out the initial responsibilities for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Developing the proposal; Sub-contracting ; Overall coor dina tion of services ; Eva lua tion and research; Monitoring and auditing B. The Atlanta Sanitation Department will co-sponsor this project and will be responsible for garbage collection and disposal. It will train sanitary supervisors concerning sanitary problems in Atlanta. c. The Fulton County Health Department will request work crews and crew chiefs for rat control work. The health department will be responsible for training the requested crews in their areas of competence concerning the health-related aspects of rat-borne diseases , rat habifs, and _r at poisons. It will also provide advice to the Rat Control Project in developing methods and procedures for the surveys and poisoni~g programs. \ 17 �D. The City Planning Department (Model Cities) will identify target areas, furnish useful ecological and demographic data, and furnish maps. E. Economic Opportunity Atla nta and the United Appea l will assist in the community organization and the corrnnunity involvement aspects of this project. They will identify indigenous youth and adult leaders crucial to community organization efforts. · F. The City Services Coordinator will be responsible for the facilitating, expediting and coor dinating of the various City and County services, including Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. He will also be responsible for supervising the operation of neighborhood rodent-control crews in their day-to-day operation. G. The Georgia Depar t ment of Health will provide technical assistance and consultation services to the various agencies participating in this project. H. The Georgia Depar tment of Labor will refer indigenous youth, veterans, and unemployed adults to this project for employment. They will also provide limited tra°ining under their Manpower Development and Training Program. I. The Atlanta Housing Author ity will assist in training housing inspe ctors and code enfor cement aides . 18 �FACILITI ES AVAILABLE The facilities available fo r this project are nume rous. This project will utilize Neighborhood Servi ce Centers, Community Meeting and Recreation Buildings, classroom spa ce in schools loca ted in the area, and storage facilities within the target area. The headquarters for the project will be in a designated facility of the City. ·SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS PROJECT The significance of this project is numerous. The most important significance is the concentra tion of ~ommunity resources and services to correct serious health, sanitary, and socially disruptive problems in communi ties. Another important significance of this project will be the large number of youth and young adults that will be employed. Other significant contributions of this project will be: '· A. Providing youth and adults with meaningful training for future job possibilities; B. Employing returning veterans; C. Improving the i mage of City Government in low-income communities. 19 �STAFF QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The staffing of this project will be an integral part of programming and implementation. While these will be the necessary professional staff, this project will draw a major portion of its staff from the target areas. The emphasis will be upon the hiring of poor youth, unemployed adults, and veterans. A. Director Qualifications: A minimum of a Master's Degree in Community Organization, plus a minimum of five years experience as an Administrator, preferably at the executive level; Responsibilities: Administration and overall operation of the project, coordination, policies, sub-contracts, budget, public relations; B. Vector Control Specialist Qualifications: A minimum of a Master's Degree in Environmental Health, plus five years of experience in rodent control; Responsibilities: Providing overall direction to the technical aspect of this project, supervising, training, assessing needs of project to operate more effectively; C. Operations Officer Qualifications: A minimum of a Master's Degree in Biology, plus two years of teaching experience; Responsibilities: Directing and guiding the various component programs, personnel supervision, reports, public relations, training aides; D. Evaluation Officer Qualifications: Extensive graduate training in research and evaluation, plus one year of experience in evaluation research, prefer ably at senior staff level; Responsibilities: Designing and implementing evalua tion procedur e, administering tests, training aides; E. Commun ity Organ izer Qua lificat i ons : A minimum of a Master's Degree in Commun ity Or gani zation ; Responsibili t ies: Plann i ng meeting s , or gani zing commun ities , a ssessing community a ttitudes , t raining aide staff; A chart of the s taff s tructure is out lined on t he f ollowing page . 20 �ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF RODENT CONTROL PROJECT DIRECTOR 1 VECTOR CONTROL EXPERT 1-1----------___,.;------------------l -~l, 1 AIDES. I ,_ )_ HEALTH EDUCATION \ AJDESI l I AllES I OPERATIONS OFF 1- - -·\ - TY I OCOMMUNI RGANI ZERS i t SANITARY . I SUPERVISORS ! . BUDGET OFFICER ' JAi~is] . IAIDES EVALUATOR .I CL~ I.J.., i L~IDES I I CLERK l AIDES �SHORT SUMMARY OF PROJECT A PPLI C A TION / GR A NT N O . PROJECT TITLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AIDE PROJ ECT (RODENT CONTROL) SUMMARY STATEMENT (Not to exce e d 200 word s ) This project has been designed to provide needed ser vices in the area of environmental health. It provides for the educating and hiring of community residents in efforts to impr ove the ir living conditions. It is designed to coordinate all related s e rvices to a rat control pr oject. It cooperates with Federal, State and local governmental agencies, as well as other groups, for the expressed purpose of elimina ting a disruptive community problem. It provides for the training of some persons which ma y develop into new careers for previously unemployed-persons. Finally, it provides for a constant and reliable built-in evaluation wherein the overall and day-to-da y effectiveness of the total program is determined and analyzed. All data received will be fed back to program operators for the purpose of having the appropriate adjustments _facilitated. ~. N AM E OF PRC.'J EC T D I R EC T OR PHS-5028-1 ( PAGE _ _ ) 7-67 APP L I CA N T OR G A N I Z A T I O N (Name a nd a ddr ess , in c luc/inB Z ip Code ) PROJ EC T SUMMARY GP O 9 28 • 17 2 �TYPICAL RAT-INFESTED DWELLING �r. -r------· J ...._J .---·- ~-~-~ ~ l r-

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