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Gentl men, I hav-e the honor, privilege and r sponsi hility of Mayo7 oi the leading South a tern Ci ty of Atlanta., Georgia. rving a I Atlan.t a ha a Ci ty population of li htly oveJi' 500, 000 people and a m tropoli tan popul tion lightly over l , 100, 000 people. people that make up the c ntral Ci ty o:£ Th 500, 000 \ tlant c on i st of 300, 000 . bite citizen and slightly over ZOO, 000 Negro citiz n • In en ral, Atlanta i 60% whi te and 40% Ne,g ro. o here ii the probl mot th elim . b tween th rac ho must more prevalent than it i to th local electe-d offiei re tie with and . olve thi - problem ere ted by ci rcum tanee beyond hi con.trol lend defini'tio d then ignor d by t to th brought into toe i nor tion ol. discrimination by tb Pr olution. by Suprem l r pon lbl rtie pe k of th problem ving b e Co\U't d ci ioae nd then t id nt and Congre • of th United S • ac d daily wltb Ui·· almost un olvable probl mo! th ot di criminatlon r esofth U ited 5 d finitlo 01' m W ee a• ce_r v · ever ot lp ber1 ft t • nda In off ring of th moat dilflcult • lu · t im!nation dir et d by th F deral Court , local official• mu t d.er p1'0 ho hould tional d. mue m nt. • • U ot re•• a 1 clo ... �Pagel of the Supreme Court and offer no relief to the dilemma that local officials are confr-o nted with in carrying out these decisions. You gentlemen must be conscious of the fact that whereas P resident Kennedy ha.a made two a p pointments to the Court and there are Eisenhower a pointm nts and

Trum an appointment and

Roo evelt appointrrl! nts, only the Senate of the Uni.ted States has as an elec:ted body the continuing :function ov r the ye rs of What l am aying,. gentlemen is -- ppointm nts . a pproving all of the& This is your Cour t _that has brought into focu this problem and only you could have c hanged its overall makeup through the years. Reg rc:ll of our conviction , fe lings or emotion in the matter of racial di crimin tion, Tb a simple fact • hen we mu t f c e tim ha come f ct a.r . either --- w discrit:nination or you mu t p~ovide U\\Uit le al mean for in this country and c rry out through legal nact · to d . l . ith such ro v y tem. m wh n it ldat in ry t Yo in Amerlc v -- sk d m ,,1 e rly d all her to • ful cce nt for loc official · a local t this i v ry city in Am riea -- i cro · rly n the N tion. iv you th r ve problem. d r&ci l o-c ste sy tem You cannot COAtlnu to say t loc l au.cc as in de Un with this su elimin t up to ck ro of Atlanta 1 ically e in vitability ! v only e Co rt•• �Page 3 deci s ion and ttempted to ol v It hould them by loc 1 cooperation. be perfectly pl ln that the solution in every instance granted to the Negro citizen rights which white American citizens and American business had previou ly r erved to them elves as speci l privilege • privilege have been carried out by a multitude of l ocal and tatewide ordi form. n.c es that provtddd for ve d ellhanced or r jt;J,tkJ-1,hA.td in d aegr gated privil g in.gle wher we It with thi . matt r . ri cour e egr gation in every cone iw.ble 1 make it p rfectly plain to you gentlemen that .i n not instanc Th, in th • and bu of r a on ble de egre · ation such 50' , golf tl nta took tb followin m jor tep in the e rly 60' : Act1o Date Court ord r 9/61 School 10/61 D l'tment ltmch C 1/ City F cilitie volUD.tary (c:J.ty ofiiciah) Do vol~,_..,• Z 5/62. to ri ty tor nd arta the tr • 5/63 vol 6/63 wimmi I pool• l


volun ry action• lead! tarr (city fficial•) Coul"t order • volun ry de i•i ,o pool• (city offieiale) r1 • .., * �Page 4 In each instanc · volwitary ction consist d 0£ cooperative action b tween o pon. ibl r rator of affected bu ines e nd Ne ro lead r hip. You can readily see that in ome in tan.c s thi ha Court action ction.

din oth r instance

In · wbicb he enjoyed unde:r ulted in. t e N gro ditiz n d ry prior to Court · re ulted in the white citizen giving up epecial privil r been volun been und r d wbic:b h did not previou ly It would tran Uion ba ing giv n ri ht whicb all oth r people njoy. well for me to xpl in to you how limited tbia n nd ho m ven t thb time. d e little of it th N gro citi en can Out of h of r dr d d althou h prominent N botele, th N ro cltiz n U~ aa a T le hot 1 v, 0 te abov urant in Atlanta, rea tio aff ct le a than fifty of them. convention rtici b ea ace pted in ev r hole s ldom •ho a up. With 200. 000 Ne ro citb na in Atlanta, one of Atlanta' d e1xte a d of eco of th m to din t bad • m • y tl du ince tbia day. & t fir t All of thl•• U ebould be r membered doe• not ha an way lndlcat l w r ecc>nomic :r p.. tio g t1 me , l• a ueatlon t the ri t it WW. be uaed ~t to us • methlng or mbueed y �Pae 5 The abov tat m uto c onc ern the c tual c in At1 nta• ~ng e lim i nation of diae rixnination. M y I now ubmit to you my raon 1 r on by e :r 1olv d ome of the Atlan in other South r n cltie , the olution hae eemed to be impo ibl and trife and conflict v resulted. It would dele ation f r om a gr t E stern city that 600, 000 conabtin of in cam. to r to de c rib be t £or m tlanta to det rmine hy we bat Atl racial peace br • nd ta' Ne r o popul tlon of o ver d gone furth r with Joytra. a s r e t economic pro th:r e tiQ'l • of s of 2 Oo/. ol th ir whol e popul don. xc ullmit d r eial probl m rec nt vi ii of an official uce a r rity w not conomic pro•perity. c • t rily r How ver. in Atl d vinl un mployment rate of pproxi wa • 1 Th y tely rrlng t t ta. th 0 hav go e tq thei-. that the .,-.,...,~••• civic it C that ma d political lnter •C of AUanta ba in ntly U with tt, N · aro ey ar convt ced arl'ied o t by hltere•t • d hardly 1-li . im y did not und retand a d Thi• tlo • I l)O t &11 of o dle• • City Go th an ff. rt to a 1• ot bell r nun c t raveet probl m •· e ic ed t 1• �Page 6 race telation • Gentlemen., Atlanta ha not w pt thi qu tion und r the rug · t any point. Step by tep - · ometime under Court ord r ometime voluntarily moving a.he d of pr s ure and many time clum ily - - ometim droitly - olutiou through · n have tried to find reem-ent betw en th: effected whit own rship and th Ne ro leader hip to acb of these probl mo. To do thi we have ·n ot ppointed a huge bi- racial c:ommittee that atop- ap for v ry cone lvabl qu becomes each tlm th o problem bas com into focu • era to de th the top N th the top N gro le d r hip , n bl to r ctabllity, hav fail d and d r · .. or hotel own r th ly a I re ould li 'I to• ve ao Um ch an b rd ain to you rs d th Un d by d velo. O~r cUlea la eucc e e have appoint d th atre dere - or volun rily certain re taur th top N gro 1 and r • ro l tion. but on th 0ath l' hand lt of commtmit · ic bl a lutloJl. in i:nany instaz:&ee• _.Att/:llt by I V fail d. rl • Ther ar• •ix 1• at Ne ro OnlveraUlee and C ll CUy Umlt•. rr a v• ro ey are Atl •• s • locaw ta Ulllv r•lty, Cla.rk Coll•& • C 11 u••• �high r education th y have had th capacity to deVI lop a . r at Negr o ln Atlan bu ine s community. li banks - building d loan a it c:on i ts of financial in titutio.ns oc:iation - life in u ranc li~ th Atlanta Life bwu:ranc Company - c: lers. Jn fact, th y d cknowled d Am rican bu ine s . Own d family .. th y operat c But it is the tr & N J"O ro ne th of in o! d buslne paper - T f, etor. Atlut.a ily nt Negro family - th Scott d w dally n•w k:11 s throug ut · e country. per with vest d inter ta c iroua of ad.di o Americ cU:1• ls. ord "con er tiv omic re civil and Th y simply r it • to c:r to~ •• rla te tbat ·t hey con• tbem.e lVl •• they ue • u ri hh • lite tbat It i8 mor impor obtdn th e rights dot obtainiD d by community that carrl • it vole to the citiseu. Do ot be mlal d by th d in drug _tor e · .. r eal n ther is anothe;r stron d operated by a prom an duca.ted r Ugioue e • ve d veloped. I b Ueve, in almo t ev ry lin of In Atlanta there ie a stron dally N World. com U. df;moaetratlon • d U i• tly a dr •• y t , �