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r " GREATER ATLANTA q::>UNCIL ON HUMAN RELATIONS -:- 5 FORSYTH STREET. N.W. - Announcements •••••••P• 1 Atlanta Notes ••••• _. •P• 2 ATLANTA 3. GEORGIA INSIDE Civil Rights Bill ••• • • ••P• 3 Hotels & Rest·aurants •••• •P• 4 REPORT FROM.VvHITE HOUSE CONFBRENCES BY ATLANTA PARTICIPANTS, Monday, July 22, 7:p.m., Stouffer's Hearth Room. Dinner $2.40. Make reservations at Council office (523•1581) by July 18, 1963. · I In response to requests, more opportunitities for "members to know each other and respond to interest in what went on at the recent series of White House conferences on civil rights, the Greater Atlanta Council on Human Relations has arranged for members and friends this dinner meeting, at which time 6 of the 25 Atlantans who met with President Kennedy at the recent series of meetings will report informally on the significance of the meetings and their application to the Greater Atlanta area. The others will be invited to attend and to participate in the discussion. (We are proud that 6 of the 25 are members of the Council. Those invited to speak on July 22, however, will include some members and some non-members) COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!


SAVE AUGUST 19 FOR A PICNIC SUPPER FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS AT PIEDMONT PAP.!. To avoid reservations and money, eaoh family is asked to bring your own food. The Pavilion at the Fourteenth (14) Street entrance, has been reserved for 6: p.m. to 9& p.m. This will be a purely social affair•-no program, just food and conversation for all age~.

BELATED CONGRATULATIONS TO GACHR MEMBER, MORGAN STANFORD, upon his recent appointment to the Georgia Advisory Committee to the u.s. Civil Rights Commission.

SWIMMING POOLSa It would be worth a special effort for white GACHR members to use recently desegregated "white 11 pools to a.void "resegregated" Negro poolse Encourage use of the pools by friends, neighbors and groups to which you belong. This is one way !2!! can respond to the President's appeal.


From President Kennedy's Radio 611d Television address on June 11• "We face, therefore, a moral crisis as a country and as a peoplee ••• It is time to aot in the Congress, in your state and 1ooal legislative body, and above all, in all of our daily lives." July, 1963 .•,,, ~ . �APOLOGY TO MR. HOLTs ·---~[.,. ' J<Jiti·~:~ B:01t; President of the Atlanta Board of Education, at the Eo,.:; N". :,ri:,~'i-.J. ·:~ on Ju:.-.e ~o., said that he had been misquoted when the Council

J.b :1 i--J ,, r:A. ~; '.: hat i ~~- ' 1 t' -. >u] dn •t think of anything to say" in response to. GACHR' s

'.I.ff~ ·:·., _~ ,.. ~). .. .::. .:1 i t; ~1:i.1 ti"il1. :c·:.0n ·(;o ph.ns for an At'.'.f'.,:.'.· ~ ·:5.g h school with a Negro · He: :c.: ,-, ,· <I~ ,·., 1.e.1 ..:.1· ··;o ·.,e··:~ <). m ual outing to CaL.r,··r-r,. ~,- ~>.rdens., which does not c..~l ·, ·.-:- x ~·g .. ·,~ Q ,; -q _ .-i :.·, 1:c,.,8.-'.: i ng suggestion made ~ f . ...r:Y: ,,·30.r that Board adopt p~ :(:....,y ri :·•:, r ~.;,r r; l sp·or.J ored i•mctions held 1vh, .re all students would not h -~ 'r. .-.-o·i_-;, -r:<-1 ,:'.c !1, ·,· . liolt se.:~d ".;ha."t "this Board i\::..t for 'it to intercede and ci,C: 11.::c. -~;> <:'- r, r·t .,r-r: -':- ,1 be N1"'. :t.e r.: off would resuJ-f: ·1 r . urifavora.ble reaction of ·:::,,2 ,."1. -,.::: _.. 1: ·: i ;.,.°'.•i<c :-- -, ·l v >,,n i the communit~, c,·,,1 ·:i.rds the student involved • 11 .,,._ . 1. t s power +..,.. :-:- ~·;3vent sue h reac t ion. . u ::.... s 1 ,) ·.: ·..1- l , il , -1. ·· :.-.,, - ~,,;··: :,-,.~.; .,. ,(; in '.:.'_;: ·. .~-'- ·.;,t, :::..l; .'i.:::-,...,..:. l ,,, :3 . • c -). :cs.cted the Co~_;; -...·:_ several times saying that s>e 1• 11,,: · . ••1. :· ~ ·.' :-, J._._, v~· c.,n th:- :picnic." Wo a _.:,,,~.:,: ize for .misquoting Mr. Holt. W.s -, ., : i. ~- ~1 " ';:; , .- l c. · ~"' "? ~, ~:-d's ,:~rmitting a svJ:-.o....,l sponsored event to be s r.1, ·3c, d .,,·:1 .,f· .;,. :-:,:. , , ~,.;) ' 'l:"t'b :te it is knoi•m in advanoe that even one of the s1·;,__ I= ,,.~-~ ·n 1,c °LI ;; c-. :~;,;: .J.-1 not be admitted and question the advisibal:.ty of Jl':'.i:..J..ic, ···' ::1 ·-· ·" :' .. ·:-·;_ c r- ,.c a stud:!n:t to bB placed in the position of making 8. < .i.':.' : ,. :J ·_,,,., i,l _. :: .-J~ .1. r' T,);_'.! ~S a ch oice between participating in SC~ OOl a ffairs o:· c . , ..: :.!l2· · 1-1.': j p _,, ,J ;:.'.~ ~.'.'l reaction of the class., the student body and the C.JIDnl:,ir.i :~·/1 to·, /T;l;l JJj himself Or herself• 1,; 1 1 1


lluri o g the, ,a.st few weeks, the GACHR has been asked to assist in efforts tc s ·K uru ::-.r.. :::-ol).'.'ll0nt of a Negro in a typing cour:3e a.t the Northside YMCA and en:.·c.:..lment of a H,3gro ohild at the -~+.lanta Speech School.


Bishop Ra.nd,,•.ph Clairborne of the Epis copal Diocese of Atlanta has anno'.Jn~ed ~!1e wi t ·. H1.r awa.l of any affiliation between the Episcopal church anc't -~i1e L:.7.;·~t Schr; ol 3 following the announcement by the Trustees of a po} i 0y of ra ~ia~ s 1:e;rt:g:ation. Rev,1 John Mc-:--~ i e h.P.s anno'..mced that " o .. steps will be taken in the f a ll at -;~h :3 c:,1'7ning u f .:; --:'1.1;,-:l to p:r-;;f e:::+, the Trustees ' decision which lea ve s some c.c;·. t,.:: c.::: ·r.c, t h A ~\,:. ~;;1 <·u1nes : u °l' ·x th Ep h .lopa.1 clergy and laity. · • uSupport wi.L1. ·.:i o 2;;'.'\_:·!n. -:.;.-, Ji. L~.,.,-•_ a ot·bn ;_: )::.:-. s st a.5.ws d. a.t both the school itself, a s W'3U as t P,13 LtE;m~,_, :r~ of t ho i:,_~.· '. who , 1·A Episcopalians . Most l i ke l y t hi s will L1111.,_('e ·,:1-:.,:.i !rLa,~::.ng: of p~'-:t,-.-~·~·- a·t t :v} !:lchool ancl at othe r point s 10.i,p re, pri,1.t; :.:- ·i:;r) ·:;he redpe ·::iti78 'i: r . 3"C,':' •H l "oo 1:

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DEC.Ni:'L'R G1,.C:T:? r5~P.':i:R8 1q tc : .-t;J. .c,:-;t ; S!::10 01~ f ;• .-. u.c:.Jµ,r whi..;r. 0r:",D.~ :..: _• c-:.ho .:>ls.. >or-'i th ,:'": N0gi·o chHdrAn in DE.'ca t ur must oome in -1,:1 ( '~.:>;.:1 many Negro~s liv0 a few blockn from the The ~c::n1,1.tur schools off ered no s ummer courses in cc,lorod so~.00 ~.z:. No rop.~J; ·':;~ inq_,,d . ries to WES"l_'MHlffTER SCHOOLS about pol icy of accepting appl icatj .,:....z I':;: 0.u Negro es, for s tur.;ner or regular sesslonse IN TI~~'.::?~t£t Factual chronological account of desegregation to date in Atlantr Copies of Dr. Mart1n Luther King., Jr's • ., LETTER FROM Bli.liiI:;;;.fi.AM Ji.\Ti~JAIL. AVAT:.~!,? :~0 0N R~Clt'ES'i: Nots~ We urge you to support the desegregated restaurants and to state your appl'O'VS.l of such~ policy. �l GREATER ATLANTA COIDJCIL ON HL'VlAN RELATIONS July, 1963 -3- SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS BY SOUTHERN REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CIVIL RIGHTS BILL (You are urged to express your views to Congressman Charles Waltner, Senators Richard Russell and Herman Talmadge.) Voting: Forbids use of different standards, practices or procedures for whites and Negroes, bars denial of right to vote in a federal election because of certain immaterial acts, provides for federal voting referee when lawsuits ·a.re pending in county in which fewer than 15% of eligible Negroes are registered; preferential treatment of voting rights suits . on federal court calendars; requires presumption of literacy on completion of 6th grade in accredited school where instruction is predominantly in English. Public Accommodationss Guarantees to all citizens full and equal enjoyment of goods, serlices, and facilities of hotels, restaurants, places of amusement and retail establishments in interstate commerce, ieeo, where goods , _services, facilities or accommodations are provided to substantial degree to interstate travelers; substantial portion of goods has moved in i nterstate conunerceJ activities of establishment substantially affect interstate c~mmeroe; establishment is integral Ra.rt of est~blishment covered by above (bonefide private clubs and establishments not open to public not covered); persons denied access because of race can institute court action; AttorneyGene ral can bri ng suit upon written complaint by aggrieved party, i f pa rty i s unable to finance suit, obtain effective legal representation, or t here is fea r of economic or other injury; before such suit, A- G; must refer case to Communi ty Rel ations Se rvi ce (see below), give est ablishment time to correct practices; permit state and local equal access laws to ope r ate J if plaintiff wins suit, loser pays attorney' s fees. School Deseg r egat i on : The u. s. Commis sion is requi r ed to re port in 2 years on ext ent of s chool segregation on a ll l evel s; Commiss ione r aut horized t o give t echnical and f i nancial assist ance , upon request , t o school dist ricts in process of school de segregati on ( financial assistance t o t rain pers onnel ) J authorizes A•G to i nitiat e sui ts against local school boards and public inst itutions of higher learning whenever complain of existing segregation is received signed by parent or i nd i vidual; party is unable t o undertake s uit for lack of money, effective counsel, fear of ec onomic or other injury; A-G determines that such SU1it will further orderly process of desegregation. Community Relations Service: Federal agency to work with local communities Jp,roviding advice and assistance, help s olve inter-racial disputes and work quietly to improve relations in any community, to be established by executive order until given statutory action. Civil Rights Commission: Extension through 1967 and broadening of power to serve as clearing house, Qffering i nformation, advice and technical assistance to any public or private agency requesting it. Equal Opportunity Commission: Permanent statutory Commission similar to present Committeeo Federal Programs' Any federal assistance program not required to give aid where racial discrimination is practiced; n9 discrimination in employment oontraetors or sub-contractors on grounds of race. �GREATER ATLANTA COUNCIL ON HUMAN RELATIONS July, 1963 -4- RESTAURANTS AND HOTEL DESEGREGATIONc Restaurants: The GACHR, along with the Atlanta NAACP, the Committee on Appeal for Human Rights and individuals oonneoted with other organizations, has been in touch with individual restaurant operators and with the Atlanta Restaurant Association for the past several months, urging voluntary desegregation of eating plaoese It has been stated repeatedly that no person or persons may speak for the Restaurant Association end that any action taken would be done by individuals in terms of their own places of business. The individuals ta.king part in the discussions have changed from one time to the next. To our knowlbedge, there have been no written agreements. There were verbal agreements to desegregate the last week of June, after repeated demonstrations by the Committee on Appeal for Human Relationse The understandings of' the verbal agreements he.ve varied in some oases on the part of different persons at the same meeting. Some restaurants which we understand did agree to serve Negroes decided against it before the appointed date. Some served Negro·e s on the "first aay, 11 then refused to serve them the next day. -Some refused at first but served later. A number served Negroes but when asked by telephone if they were desegregated, said no. So--there is no "official list," and any list would probably change from day to day. Acting on the belief that desegregation cannot l::e in effect until those who might be effected know of the change and on the belief that support from those who favor the change can be more effective than withdrawal of support by those who oppos·e it, we give here a list of restaurants in which the GACHR members have observed Negroes being served within the past few weeks: Yohannon's, Sellers (Piedmont Hotel). The Farm, Herren's, Camilla Gardens, Emile's, Esooe's, Caruso's, D~:v.is Brothers, Johnny Rebb 1 s, Crossroads, Big Boy Drive•in, Seven Steers, Miami Buff et, House of Eng, S&W, Bradshaw's, Howard Johnson's, Dales Cellar, Rex' Fine Foods, (the ·:· Riv.bra and Four Seasons for private parties). Hotels 1 On June 21, Mayor 1van Allen announced that he had been requested by 14 Atlanta hotels and motels 1~ 0 announce a plan for limited .desegregation. The hotels listed were: the Air-Host Inn, Atlanta Americana Motor Hotel, Atlanta Cabana Motel, the Atlanta.n Hotel, the Biltmore Hotel, the Dinkler- Plaza Hotel, ~arriott Hotel (unfinished), the Hilton Inn, 3 Howard Johnson's Motor Lodges (South, Northeast, and Northwest Expressways), the Peachtree Manor, the Piedmont Hotel, and the Riveria Motel . The Council wrote Mr. Allen asld.ng if this in anyway changed the situation of individual guest (s) since we are often asked to arrange lodgings for foreign visitors. He replied that he had imde the announcement as reqyestedq and was r efe rring our letter to the Hotel Assooiationo Mr. Styron of the Hotel Association wrote that this was an individual act by each of the 14 hotals and ea.oh would have to be contacted individually~ We a~e in the process of doing that now 0 There have been reports that individual Negro guest have been accommodated, but this has not been announced as a public policye Dr. Ce Miles Smith, NAACP president, said his understanding of the agreement was complete desegregation of these establishments~

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l·N -~ l}MA:N RfLATIDNS •HJ RSYTH ,ST .. N. w. I lLLANif'A :3, -G-E..OR.G-·- U.S. PC ,-.~ .. PAID~ Atlanta • Ge org1a . Perm it No. 281 �