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A RESOLUTION BY: BETTER HOUSING COMMISSION A special called meeting of the Better Housing Commission, held at City Hall on May 23, 1967, did by unanimous vote, adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Better Housing Commission has for six years functioned as an appellate board for citizens of this community and these appeals result from Housing Code notices to e f fect repairs and improvements to various properties and, WHEREAS, these appeals are generally from owner occupants and relate to f inancial hardship and inability to effect necessary repairs or improvements and extending additional time or suspending the Housing Code notice does not overcome bad housing conditions, and, WHEREAS, continued ex istence of substandard housing poses a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the occupants and the pe ople of the City and, WHEREAS, such substandard housing conditions can be overcome i f adequate f inancial a s sis tance is made available , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen be reques t ed to investigate the possibility of providing long-term, low inte rest bearing loans to des erving property owner s for the purpos e of correct i ng substandard housing conditions or for the City to purchase properties for demolition purpos e s; each individual case must have the unanimous approval o f the Bet ter Hous ing Commi s sion, Be it a l s o r es olved t h at a c opy of t h is res olution be de l i v ered t o Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor of the City of Atlanta. �