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MINUTES OF THE TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meet i ng of the Traffic and Transportation Corrnnission of the City of Atla n ta was held in Committee Room No o 1 of the City Hall on Monda y 9 Oc tober 30 ~ 1967 , at 2 : 00 p.m . The following members were present ~ Mr . Mr . Mr o Mr . Mr. George Goodwin 9 Chairman Jack E. Crowder , Vice Chairman Robert F o Adamson Charles C. Mathias Peter J o Stell i ng Absent : Mr . John R. Wi lso n, Jr . Mr . Grady A. Lee Also present were Ci ty Traffic Eng i neer Karl A. Bev i ns; Mr . P. Andrew Spr i nger , Sa f e ty Engi neer , The Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council; Mr. Wi ll i am Ni x , At lanta Trans it System , Inc .; Sergeant Mi chael Edwards ~ Atla nta Pol ice Departme n t . The meeti ng was .called to order by the Chairman and the follow i ng bus i ness was c onside r ed . Io II. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC . None PERMI TS FOR OFF =STREET PARKING FACILITIES . A. 14 BUTLER STREET , N.E. Sunsh i ne Park i ng , I nc o, 13 0 I v y Stre et ~ N. Eo .An open lot wi th 78 spaces; self parking; 5 i nbound r e s e rv oi r spa c e s ; one entrance =ex i t on Butler St reet o The Cit y Tr aff i c Engi neer recommended approval of the a ppl icat i on with t h e follow ing change : Only 73 parking spa ces The Corrnn i ss i on a pproved th i s re commendat i on . B. 42~44 DECATUR STREET , S . E. Mr. Ga r l and Foll i s , All r i ght Parking of Georgia , Inco An open lot wit h 74 spaces ; a t tendant parking ; 10 inbound and 10 outbound re s ervoir spa ce s ; one entranc e ~ex i on De catur Street 9 one exit on Exchange Pla ce . To b e opera t ed on a t emporary per mit on l y a s an a dd iti on t o t he a l ready ex i s t i ng 6 1 car s pace parking lo t wh ich i s lo cat ed i mme di a t e l y adja cent to and ea s t o f thi s lo t an d usi ng the exis ting driveways to the 61 ca r s pa ce lot which is al~ e a dy in ope rati on . ( Th i s propert y ha s already been app r oved b y t he Corrnn ittee a nd Board of Alderme n for a 3 62 space ca r gara ge for t he Sc ott Hu dgens Company.) �Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; October 30 ~ 1967; page 2 Mr. Garland Follis appeared representing Allright Parking of Georgia~ Inc . The City Traff i c Engineer recommended approval of the applicat i on . The Committee approved this recommendation . C. 240- 244 PRYOR STREET 9 S.W . Mr . Ralph R. Carroll ~ A A A Parking , Inc. An open lot with 27 spaces; self parking 3 i nbound and 3 outbound reservoir spa ces; one entrance - exit on Pryor Street . Mr . George Williams appeared representing A. A A Pa rk i ng , Inc . The Ci ty Traffic Engineer recommended approval of the appl i cation . The Commission approved this recommendation . III . REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS; Superintendent J . L. Mosele y. Sergeant Micha e l Edwards reported tha t the Fa tal Acci dents were down 8%9 the Injured Accidents were up 2% a nd Property Dama ge Acc idents down 7% . Enforcement Viola tions Booked ~ Drunk Dr i ving was up 10%~ Speedi ng up 16% and Other Moving Vi olat i ons up less than 1%. Sergeant Edwards reported the followi ng traff i c a c cidents t hrough Oct ober 29 , 196 7, as compared wi th th e s ame per i od i n 1966 . Fatal Accidents I njured Acc idents Pr opert y Damage Acc idents I V. 1967 1966 78 2~326 16 ?919 85 2~286 18 2197 19~323 20 v56 8 RE PORT OF THE CI TY TRAFFIC ENGI NEER. The Traffic Engi nee r ga ve a br ief r eport o f the Traffic Eng i neering Depart ment ' s budge t f or 1968 . V. OTHER BUSINESS. A b rief dis c uss i on of the Atl ant a Pol ice Departme n t 's t wo new f r eeway emergency vehicles . The re b eing no f u rt her busine ss 9 the meet ing was a djourne d at 2 ~50 p . m. VI . NEXT MEETING : Monday , November 27 , 196 7. �