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MIN UTE S OF THE TRAFFI C AND TRANSPORTATI ON COMMI SSION MEETI NG A r egular meet i ng of t he Tr a f fic a nd Tr ansporta t ion Commi ssion of the City of Atlanta was held i n Committ ee Room No o 1 of the Ci ty Ha ll on Monday 9 April 24, 1967 , at 2 : 00 p orn o The fo llowi ng member s we re present g Mr o Mr o Mr . Mr o Ge orge Goodwi n , Chairman Jack E o Crowder , Vi ce Chairman Char l es Co Mat h i a s John R. Wi l son, J r . Abs e nt ~ Mr. Robert F. Adamson Mr o Gra dy A. Le e Mr. Pet e r J . S t e l l i ng Also present were City Tr affi c Eng i neer Ka rl A. Bevins ; Mr . P . Andrew Springer 9 Safety Eng in eer , The At l an t a Tr aff ic an d Sa f e t y Counc i l ; Mr . Edmund W. Hughes , Manag i ng Di re c tor 9 The Atla nt a Tr a ffi c and Safe ty Counc i l ; Mr . John Gerson , Atlanta Trans i t Sys t em , Inc o; Super "nt ende nt J. L. Moseley , Atlanta Police Depa rtrnent o The me e t i ng wa s ca lled to order by Chai rma n Ge or ge Goodwi n and the followin g business wa s c ons i dered o I. II . HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC . None . PERMITS FOR OFF=STREET PARKI NG FACILI TI ES. Mr o Ge orge Goodwi n di squal i f i e d hi ms elf f or t h e 102 Cone St reet , N. W. , a nd 240 ~254 Sp ring Stre et , N. W. 9 off - s t ree t pa rk ing f a c i l ities and a sked tha t Mr . J a ck Cr owder 9 Vi e Cha i rman pres i de du r ing th e di s cuss i on of t hese a ppl i cations . Ao 102 CON E 'STREET, N. W. Mr. Ceci l Al exander , Arch i t e ct for the Equ i t able Life As su ran e So i e t y . A park ing ga r age with 176 spa c e s an d poss i bl e expa ns i on t o 300 spa c es ; at te ndan t park ing; 24 i nb ound r e se rv o ir space s; one entrance =ex it on Cone S t r ee t; one en trance ~exit on Sp ring Stre e t . Mr . H. Ki ng McCa i n ~ N.S. P oE. 9 F ~nch Ale xander Barne s Rot hsch i ld and Pa s cha l ; an d Mr . Robe rt Ro Rice , Sys t em Aut o Park s and Gara ges , Miami , Flor i da , pr es ented the pl an f or t h e pro po s ed pa r king garage . Mr. McC a i n expl a ined that the p lans f or t he ga r age we r e de s i gne d fo r a po s s i bl e ' t hree s t age ar r angeme nt. The f i r s t s t age t o cons i s t of three l eve l s with a total of 176 space s with t he opt ion of adding a fou r th lev e l bring ing t he t otal t o 23 7 spac es and s t il l furth e r an opti on of add i ng a f Lfth lev el br ing i ng th e total t o 300 s pace s . The �Minutes of the Traffic and Transportation Commission Meeting; April 24 9 1967; page 2 application for the permit was seeking approval for a garage with a total of 300 spaces and 24 inbound reservoir spaces. Mr. Rice and Mr . McCain discussed the reservoir problem with the anticipated sharp inbound morning rush hour peak and explained that the Spring Street entrance could be operated two lanes inbound with eight cars in each of two inbound lanes making a total of a sixteen car reservoir on the Spring Street side o He also explained that it would be possible to get a third inbound lane by using some of the space allocated for parking on the Spring Street deck temporarily during the morning peak. A similar a rrangement could be followed on the Cone Street side, but the Traffic Engineer sa i d that he fel t that at least one outbound lane should be left open so that cars desiring to exit during the Ao Mo peak could get out of the garage. Mr . Rice and Mr . McCain further explained that it would be possible to permit tenants to drive between floors on the ramps under certain conditions. Normally, however , it would be str i ctly an attendant parking arrangement with the tena nts only driv ing the car s on the ramps . IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, the Traffic Engi ne er recommende d a pprova l of th e gara ge as proposed with restric ti ons as follows ~ 1. NO LEFT WRNS i n to or out of the Spring Street entrance ~ex it . 2. That a mi n i mum o f 24 i nboun d r e s e rvoir spaces be p rov i de d for t he operat i on of the garage. The Commiss i on a pprove d t h i s re c ommendat i on with Mr . George Goodwin a bst a ining o B. 240 - 254 SPRI NG STREET 9 N.W . At lanta Car Parks r Inc.; Mr . L. L. Mcc ollum. A park ing de ck at t he Spri ng Stree t l eve l wi th a c a pac ity of 53 spaces and 6 i nb oun d rese rvo i r spa ce s o Park i ng i n the basement a t the Harris S t r eet l ev e l with a ca pa ci t y of 56 spaces and 3 inbound re ser voir s pa ces mak ing a to t a l of 10 9 s pa ces for the entire deck; one entra nce - e x i t on Spr i ng Street ; one ent ra nce - exit on Ha rris St ree t; s i ng l e l an e r amp conne c t i on be twee n l eve ls; attendant pa r king. The pl a ns fo r t h e propos e d deck were e xpl a ine d b y Mr. L. L. McC o llum. Mr . Mcco llum emphas ized t hat t he t wo l e ve ls would be opera ted i n de pendent l y wi th a n att endan t on t h e uppe r leve l a nd a n attenda nt on the lower l eve l an d wi th a th i rd a t tendant to h e lp i n parking a nd unparking cars a nd at peak periods a f our t h a t tendant t o he lp with the park i ng a n d unpark i ng o f cars o He f ur t her expl a ine d t hat the overf l ow for t he Spr ing Stree t l eve l wou l d be t ak e n down to th e Harris Street l eve l by wa y of the i n t erna l r amp atid ~atk e rl 9 but t h at t he exit i ng from the l ower leve l woul d be almos t e ntirely to Harr i s Street wi th very few9 if any 9 of t he c ars returning to t he Spr ing Street l evel for ex i ting. I N EXECUTI VE SESSI ON9 t he Tra ffic Engine e r re commended a ppr ova l of the a pplication with t he r e st r ic t ion of NO ·· LEFT W RNS int o or out of the Spri ng St r ee t entran ce - exit. The Commi ss i on a pprove d t h i s r ecomme ndation wi t h Mr . Ge orge Goo dwin a bs t a in ing . �Minutes of the Tra ff ic and Transportat ion Commi ssion Meeting; April 24 9 1967 ; page 3 Co 145 HOUSTON STREET , NoEo Aut o Park and Se rv i ce , Inc o; Mr o B·o E. Taylor o An ope n lot with 3 5 space s ; a tte ndant pa r king; 3 inbound reserv o i r space s ; one e n t ra nce - exi t on Houston Street. In the absen ce of anyone to represent t he a pplicant , the Tra ffic Engi neer exp la ined the propos e d plans and recommended approval of the plans a s t o conformi ng to th e standa rd policies followed by the Commiss ion . Th i s re commenda t i on wa s a pproved by the Commission. Do 1193 - 1197 SPRING STREE T 9 NoWo Mr . Pantel i s Elia Kampouris . An open lot with 68 parking spaces ; self - park ing; 3 inbound reservoir spaces; one entrance- exit on Spr i ng Street . In the a bsence of a n yone t o rep re sent t he a pplica nt 9 the Tra f f ic Eng ineer 'exp lained the prop os e d pl a ns a nd r e commende d a pprova l of the pla ns as t o conforming t o th e s t a ndar d policie s fol lowe d by the Commiss i on. This re c ommendation was approved by the Commission. Eo 111 COLLINS STREET , S . E. Bi ll Todd , I nc .; Mr . Robert W. Todd. An open lot wi th 104 pa r king spa ce s ; self a nd a ttenda nt parking; 6 i nbound reservoir spaces; one entrance - e x i t on Col lins Stree to In the a bs ence of anyone to r e pre s ent the a pplica nt , t he Tra f f ic Engineer 'expl a ined t he propos e d pl a ns a nd r ecommended approval of t h e pl a ns a s t o confor mi ng t o t he s ta ndard pol i c ie s followed by t he Commi s sion . Th i s recommendation was a ppr oved by the Commi ss ion . Fo 311 HILL STREET , S . E. Sull i van Shell Serv i ce St a t ion; Mr o Melvin Sul livan. An open lot wi th 40 park ing spaces; atte ndant parking; 3 inbound reservo i r s paces ; one entrance-exit on Memorial Drive; one ent r ance- exit on Hi ll Street o In the a bs ence of anyone r e presenting the a ppl icant 9 the Traffi c Engineer explained tha t th i s was a serv i ce s t ation an d that t h e applica nt ha d not yet suppl ie d a su i t a ble sketch or drawing showing how the opera t io n would be orga n i zed. The Traffic Engineer further state d that 9 i n h i s op i n i on , the operation woul d be satis fa c tory and he recommended that it be a pproved s ub j ec t t o the appl icant fi l i ng a su itable drawi ng . Th i s recomme nda t ion wa s approved by the Commi ss i ono III . REPORT OF TRAFFIC ACC I DENTS; Super i n ten de nt J. L. Moseley. Superintendent Moseley reported that the tota l enforcement was u p approximately 16 . 4%, the accidents were down 8.8%, and the viola t ion of ca ses booked up 16 .4% 0 Supe rintendent Mos eley repor te d t he fol lowing traffic a ccidents throu gh Apri l 23 , 1967, as compare d with t he same period in 1966 . �Minutes of the Traffic and Transport a tion Commission Meeting; April 24, 1967, page 4 IV. 1966 Fatal Accidents oo ooooo • •• •• ••• •••• • •• • ••• 26 Injured Accidents• • ••• • • •••o• ••• • •••••• 773 Property Damage Accidents ••• • •••••••••• 6 , 089 31 797 7,554 6,888 8,382 REPORT OF THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER . A. V. 1967 The Traffic Engineer introduced Miss Frances Dupree as the new Secretary . He also reviewed the progress on the street widening and traffic signal installations and revisions at the intersection of Campbellton Road and Centra Villa Road and also at the intersection of Campbellton Road and DeLowe Drive . He explained the need for a · traffic signal at the intersection of Moreland Avenue and Wylie Street and reported that this signal had been recommended and approved by the Board of Aldermen Committee on Traffic, Parking and Transit at their last meeting. He also reported on the progress of the channelization and traffic signal installation at the intersection of Armour Dri ve and Monroe Drive. He also reviewed the experience to date with the ramp metering device at the Tenth Street northbound On- Ramp to the North Freeway , reporting to date that there had been no reported rear~end collisions since the metering device was installed and that on the adjacent ramps accidents had continued to occur at the usual rate . OTHER BUSINESS . A. Mr . Jack Crowde r asked wha t progress had been made regarding the adding of a lane southbound on the North Freeway beginning at the junction of I - 85 a nd 1 - 75 and going south towards Fourteenth Street a nd Tenth Stree t . In th e course of the discussion, it developed tha t the Ge org i a S t a te Hi ghway Department was making some progress on pl a ns for a dd ing th i s l a ne between the junction and Fourteenth Street . Th e 14 th St . br i dge prevents adding the lane any further south. B. A br i ef d i scuss i on was also held r egarding the possible use of pol i ce off icers on the Northeast Fr eeway between Peachtree Road and Monroe Drive du r i ng the P. M. rush a s a n experiment to determine the feas i b i l i t y of moving t ra f f i c a t a higher rate of flow . C. A dis cuss ion wa s held r egar d i ng t h e des i rability a nd possible means of obtain i ng a more c lear si gni ng job to i ndicate that the northbound l a ne on the Down t own Conne ct or whi ch exi s t s at Cain Street was an "ONLY t ype of ope rat i on . Two sugges ti ons were made . One was that the wor d " ONL Y" mi ght be cha nge d t o THIS LANE MUST TURN LEFT on the ov erhea d s i gn br i dge s and ano ther one wa s that the overhead sign b r i dg e wh ich had a bl a nk s pace i n i t mi ght be util i zed for additiona l a dvanc e warn i ng . I t wa s a ls o brought ou t t hat the State Highway De partmen t ha d made a r rangement s t o or der a su itable sign for use on the s i gn b r i dge where space e x is te d f or su ch a sign . �Minutes of the Traff i c and Tra nsportation Commiss i on Meeting; April 24, 1967 ; page 5 Do M"r o George Goodwi n asked what could be done to reduce the confusion at the intersect ion of Peach tree Road and Beverly Road. The Traffic Engi neer repl i ed tha t he was certain that channelizing islands would help '·th i s s i tu a t i on and that when funds were available for the installation of channel i z i ng i slands~ he would like to see them tried o Eo A question was raised regarding keeping the Traffic Engineering Department's personnel i ntact. The Traffic Engineer said that the shop personnel was in much better shape than a year ago and that work was progressing at a very good rate in both service shops. However 9 he po i nted out that the situation in the office was very bad at the present t i me i n that there were eight vacancies and some of these vacancies were in key positions. The meet i ng was adjourned a t J g20 p . m. VI o NEXT MEETING : Monday May 29 9 1967. �