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I~ P.E.rERtt,eE. TO YOUR RF.PLY TO 0~ TELEGRAM RELATIVE TO n£ OISCRHUNATORY PRACTlCES ON THE PART OF' THE CIVIL DEFENSE CO\.t~lL, WE RE ..OfPHASI2E Tt£ FACT THAT Tl-£ CIVIL otFENS£ COUNCIL HAS SYSTEMATICALLY EXCLt.1)£0 ALL NEG.ROES FROM EN.JOYING JOB OPPORTUNITIES. AGAIN, WE l.RGE AN tKMEOIATE CONF'ERENCE WITH YOU A.Ki ALL PARTIES COM::ER~ WITH TH£ OPER•TION OF THlS FACI:LlTY CALL P£N ·- - ~ REV J O GRIER JR REV J E BOONE R£V J C WAP.,O REV J R HURLEY z:.:-~ -~.. f ~ ~~£TT£ 12 70 11-511 - -- - J-v~ . /l ~ Jd), , II.. tj I.Al < y0 (!_; < · ~ ~p-: ; r,-{t-;~ vf"' ~ ,,,s~ ~,,.,.-r~ ~ , 1 , , / ~ i,.., l)l(}Jj/ l ,,,~ J!-. ~~-h ~CITOY£ '6 t'-f _.- t{'-( o ) g? f~ ·~S"lo -< µ ~ . ,iu r&i1 .)~ SECR!lAI\Y t) V, '....,4 ~ ,.,. ~ ~, AATfON BftEAD!AS~£T / �WESTERN · UNION _,, 'If~ 4'~2? NOV 'a 67 Ai JO,. · A' LL PD .fl l:JTRA- ATL~_!f'tA C:A 8 421SP tST MAYOR lVAN ALI.IN Ji, ClTY MALL - .:-::::.z:


OER W 9,<,.,,~ •~IT/,t~ -An,A- ..,/fn~w.,. (i' •~oo )1W,, PLEAS£ SEND COPY OF ttU:GIAH TO ATUHTl Ltft JlfSlJIANCE COPIPAtff' 1.\S AABUIUI UENUl: HORTHEAS1' IN Tkl: CARE or MR JESS.£ JIU. JR CONTF,HTS TO t>ATI VI: KAVI: NOT RtCEIVED AFfY REPL-lf OR ACdOYLEllCDIDrr J'R.011 ~1) Dl~ECTOR CDl£RAL voonvARD CONCIRHI'NC CONSIDERATION OF S"'EnS JOHNSON IN OUR CD STAJJ' PLEASE' l.N.TERPRET AND lNVES'ttcAn J'AltTUa.t or REPLY J'OR us $r1 JUSE RltL JR CO CHAIRMAN ATLANTA SUMNlT 1.1:Al)F.J't SHlP CONJ'DENCE /. ~ .37>.I / ~,~f ~ l, . i -.f'C z /'/(. tb_ ,./2: //;.• --_,,.,,,.v - ,.,'1 _. /I ~%/:.f () ~J~ ,J~ . 1270 (1 . !511 ,}' ~ ..;. _i ,. __,,,.., ~ ,rr e. '1::..,.,C· ~ _.J & .rt :.t. r:: -~P __ ,,. ~ , r


�SENDING BLANK ~:~ERS ]fJT ~ ll/l,,3/67 ~~ARGE City of Atlanta, Mayor's Office J. D . Grier, Fred C. Bennette, Jr., J. C. Ward, Joseph E . Boone, E. M. Dorsey;, J. R. Hurley Operation Breadbasket Refer to Wire: A LLW 18 PD FAX Atlanta 10:32 p. m. Estll/10 Ackn owledge receipt of your wire reference to Atlanta Metro Area Civil Defense Council ~ Have previously offered to have this matter brought to the attention of the City Job Opportunity Committee and/or the Community Relations Commission. Advise whether complaint is in reference to old issue of Sterres Johnson employment, or what other specific question in the defense council set up . Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Send the above message, subject to the terms on bade hereof, which are hereby agreed lo PLEASE TYPE OR WRITE PLAINLY WITHIN BORDER-DO NOT FOLD 1269-(ll 4·SS1 �~,;:~::nr:~~

= 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST),:N: ~~":~:::.:::;~:~~

~:~:.~:1:, : xodcr or the me,saa:c a.od t bc T elq:ro.pb Company as rollows: t. The T,lcsrapb Company shn.11 not €e liable !or mlstUes or tltl•>~ In the t rnn.~mL'Won or dell\·ery. or ror non-delivery. or any m~e reeeh·ed for tran'Ullls.slon at t he unrepeated• m e,sue rate beyond the sum of n\•e bundred dollal"S: nor ror mt,ta.,..et or d£1!1.}'3 In t he tra.?L'lml.Mlon or d eliver>·. or ror non~elt"·rry. or sn1,· mt11tta.1te rf"CChcd rnr trnn.volllRton a.t the repented.mu.s~e rate beyond t he 11wn c,r nvc tbousnnd doll&.1"!!:. unlo.-t specially Yulued ; nor In eny ca:.c tor d cJan: tLrblug rrom uru.•.-alda.ble lntern1r,tlon In t he worklag or I~ llnes. cau•ed b;·t~~ ~~II16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST) tt,e1~e!c143.215.248.55c;,~~r~~t,~~1~;!1~ i~~b~erl~~ld143.215.248.55"~t (~~ m!i}~~e1'n°!n~~'tJ'in~0tt~e.ii~~T143.215.248.55'7116~d:~~·~J;,i~.':~ ~r~,'1·6:~::J'efQ'r:a~ :;~~! ftprc;enti t hat the me,:azu:;~ Li \'Alued, unle<.$ ts wreater value L-. :;ta l td In, ltlni;r by th1• ,;,-n,lcr tJ1rr,•Q! At tht: ,1rnc t he mc-...1ve I!< r.-ndcrcd tor tr1'1l.." lllb!tior.,aoc1 unlt'S.i the repcuted•mr.si;q;o rate Ls pb.ld or 91trecd to !Jc p:ild and an ti.ddltloh.lil cbA.tKe equ.J to ooe-u:ntll or.one ~r ctnt. o f tJ1e omouM by wblcb such vnJ.u.atlon sbllll cseeed o,·e t bou:sa.nd·dollant. • 3. T ho Tclegroph Company ls hereby mnde t be agent ot Ule aenc1('r. without 11:,,blllt:.·. to rorwQ.l'd t hb m~e O\·tr tbt lines or any other compan),· whee necessary to-reach its d eatinatloo. • • , • • • , .. 4. The nppllcable- tarlrTchanrcs on a me,.• 3,ge d ~ tlnt'd to a.ny ty)lnt In the conllnrntll l 1 nlted St.it'!"' ll:tl'd In the Tcltj?r11,ph Comp!lny'!I O!rettory ot Sp,tlon_,;: co\·er Its dtlh·ery within the ~tabH:ihed city or comr.ounlty 1tm1t1 or the dc:,;tlnatlon point. Ueyut,11 :.uch 1:mlts nnd to ;.o•nt.'f not II !ed In the Tclr;;;-aph L"C'1!llP-',ny·,i DU'i.:cto1ry ot .:t:1.tloti..i, thl'! Tel~rapb Com1,.1ny dol!S ~=~t.~e;~~:yJ~id143.215.248.55ceaait':f ~r~3 0 tbc unl1cn.t:1udlog the 1>cnl1er liuthorUcs tile eotlectJuo ~~;~'iuta~~l r~~!;rat~tv~d~ft.~~r C16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)·lr~!i~~tn.~;Jic~nr~!~t~::~i:i~~;.h tbut one o r t hiT~~r;-:16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)~fn~~!":he-1r~0 R~t;:. Ig1143.215.248.55r~g~~T~i~~:'u:~s;.;<n:.:316:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)~J~{ ~°c1:::'~1~"l~J!;l~~0n16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)Jir~t":'~t ~i:nniu~~U:: ~~e!~ ae.o.cr ID tJlht IMUUl~ act.a as the ngeot o t t he Tt:ltKrapb Comp:iuy lo 11.tet'Pllng the: m~e. the T cle:.roph Com~ny &aumlll8 r~ponstblllt;o rrom the time or such ru:cepta.uor. afttr the ~r!,h~;;?~~"~1143.215.248.55 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)gt&;-C:h~~:~ ~1i11ri:i~r.:...?~n9in t~~i~~f~I:~~ bhr~i~~m~t!i't01t Yo~l~t1143.215.248.55 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST) t'?ni~~l~i i~tr:x~~f,~:rt~c~~P;r"ffl (t~tr'::!~~i~ ~ttic:~ar~ lu,nd ~m~i"'~~ ?~erh~l143.215.248.55;1~~f~:i~d~.°t~~[v~.rt~~'~i'.~l~lg;d:r1~~1~ri~;cn~~ !p~r;~rz~1~f1r~er~~ j143.215.248.55"oi1~~-~~J~~cr~i!\~,\~·h1~11:h~!fe~o~I0tici:':J~;<t irJn~t o~i:rc~h: T eu.t1) or bctwrf'n a point In the Cnlt~ litinrs on the one ,.nd a point In AJ:.l.)ku. r:in::.<:kl, ~!l'xlco. or M. Plrrr,._.:,t1auclon 1111.nd... 011 tl1e othN hand. Cir between o Nill1t lo the liolte:d St.ates and o. ahU> a t ~ea. or In the r.lr . 1b) within 9.S da:r~ afU'T t he cau.,,e n r .artlon. If 1tr.'Y. bhlfll h11.vc accrued In t he c:a:...- <ir an lntr&.1>tate m :l1'C In Te't!o.S. an:J (c) flithln 180 ,faya nrtc:r 1 AC\ ot 1~3-4, a:t amended. , 7. Ith aare-cd that In nny a('tlon by tho Telegraph Company to recover the to ll.3 ror any m~ce or mC->Sn.;;e:, t be prompt nod correct. transml.3slon o.nd delivery t.hcreof ahall be presumed, aubJect to rebuttal by competent e,1deoee. a.II tbe fo143.215.248.55Jr~~;19 go\'etn.10& t he t ransmts.,Jon o r mcs:s11c:es aocordtna; to their cl!lSSC5._o.a cnume.rat.ed below. ah4ll apply to m~e::s ln tACb or such respect h·e clMSeS In :idditlon to 9. No employeQ. of the T elc,rapb Compa.oy ls a utl:lorlud to vary Ule fortaoln(;. CLASSES OF SERVIC E DOMESTIC SERVICES TELEGRAM T he ~Lcit. d omestic ee:rvlcc. DAY L ETTER (DL) A deterred same--doy sen·lcc. at low rites, N IGHT L ETTER (NL) Economlc3.l ovrrn•a,:t-it .,,., vice. Accepud up t o 2 A. M. for dell very Ulo rollowtng mornla£'. o.t ratca lo"·cr Ulan ,be Te.It.ram ur Day Lett.er ra'-Cl. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES F U LL FIATE ( F FI) ~ ':'ii9omo;ri~~rs~n1ce. l\by be writ tt.n lo code. cipher. or 1n aoy la.n.tUACe ex- LETTER T EL EGRAM (LTl For overnlgbt. pJAJo lnnauaae m ~. a t hAU·rMe. M1Dlmum cb4rge rorZ2 word!! oppU~ SHIP RADIOG RAM For lll~CH to nnd from ships at ~ �-~ _11/ESTERN UNION A LLW'18 PCT FAX ATLANTA-GA- lo ~2TP ET HOWORApLE IVAN'>AU.:Eli' JR ~ CITY HALL ATLA ' , ,,- &I ,;rt ·.,, ,,.... c-..., -, . _ -, ln' - /" ', -:'f, •'

~.;#· •

P'\ . v 11-~·· " 1 • • .·


r.c ;: 3 k IT HAS OOME TO THE A.TTEHT!ON Of' OPERATION BftEADBASKEi THAT THE AlUHTA METROPOLtTAH AREA CIVIL DEFEHSE COUNCIL HAS FAILF.D TO HIRE qUALIFISJ NEGROES IN RESPONSIBt.E CAPACITIES• WE ARE DISTURBED BY THIS CONTfNUAL 8£NERAl PRACTICE Of' DISCft1tUNATION IKJ URGE YOU TO tNVESTIQATt THE SAME lMMEDUt'ELYe lfE CAN NOT OVER-EMPHASIZE THIS HUMILIATING PROBLEM AND UR.Gt YOU TO USE THE' INFLUENCE Of YOUR OFFJ;CE TO CORRECT THE SAME• i J D GRIER, FRED C BENNETTE JR, J C llARO,- JOSEPH E BOONE, . E H OORSE:Y I J R HURLET ~t;; I {., c,._ (,6),. i,( ~ > 1270 Cl-5 ti PS 550P MR~ MC-~E"l Wlfft Mo• AM �TELEPHONE MESSAGE a_~_....,..__1__________ To _ _ _ _ Name,____,,p_,.--=cL44. -Ld ~ - Telephone No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D D Wants you to call A ls here to see you Returned your call ~ Came by to see you ~ e f t the following message: 6)/WL2~d... - ~ Date: _ _ () a1,i{d ~1w-ry, /_/_ -/~/~'9-_ _ _ Time -~ 9'_._=.3~,S~ a . m. / / ~ By·- -- - - - - ~ v= "-----\--~ FORM 25 •6 taJ /'YJ'J~ 1 ~- - - - -- -- �ATLANTA,GEORGIA /g"'Wm - Mrs. Ann M. Moses a... FORM 25-6 - �May 17, 1967 Mr. Carl T . Sutherland City Per onnel Board Atlanta , Georgia Dear Carl: The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conwrence met with me last week and made the attached repre entations and requests. lam calling your attention to the specific request of parggraph 1-A. Sincerely, Ivan Allen. Jr. IAJr:am Enclo ure be: Jesse Hill �May 17, 1967 Miss Mary Louise Rheay Acting Director , Atlanta Public Library Atlanta , Georgia Dear Miss Rbeay : The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference met with me last week and made the- attached representations and requests. I am calling your attention to the in paragraph 1-C. pecific request Sincel'ely, Ivan Allen, Jr. IAJr: m Enclo ures be: Jesse Hill �November 13, 1967 Mr. Jesse Hill Atlanta Life Insurance Company 148 Auburn Avenue, N. E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Hill : This will acknowledge receipt of your telegram concerning Mr. Sterrs Johnson' intere tin employment with the Atlanta Metrop:,litan Civil Defense organization. I am forw, rding your telegrapi to Hon. Milton G . Farri , s Chairman of the City Job Opportunities ·C ommittee, with the request that the matter be inve tig ted. I m ure you will hear from hi shortly. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr: m cc:: Hon. Milt G. F ·rris -r �November 14, 1967 MEMORANDUM TO: Alde1"man Milton Farris FROM: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Please disregard the correspondence sent you yeate:rday from jMJ e Hill requesting the Cit;y Job Opportunity Committee to investigate the Steers Johnson application with Civil Defense. Mr . HUl advised that he ha requ -ted . Sincerely your , Ivan Allen, J'l'. Mayor 1A1l'/br rec ived the information he �July 13, 1967 Mr . J . 1 . Littl Cl rk of the B rd of Alder Atla , Geor De r en r . Little: 1 oul · plea ed for you to anno\Ulce to th rd of Aldermen that l bav ppolnted ~- Je ae Hill to •erve on. City Jo Oppo·r tunitiea Committee . the ce of the late Jwt A . T . lde • l3 tted, Allen, Jr. lAJr/br CC : Gen. Carl T . Sutherland Hon. Milton Farri Mr. Jes•e Hill �July 13, 1967 Mr . Jesse Hill Atlanta Life Insurance Company 148 Auburn Avenue, N. E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Jesse: I am most grateful for your willingness to serve on the City Job Opportunities Committee and the notification of your appointment goes to the Board of Aldermen on Monday, July 17th as per the attached letter. I am sure the City will receive great benefit from you.r willingness to serve on this important committee. Sincerely yours, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr/br �c·1TY OF ATLANTA PERSONNEL BOARD CITY HALL ANNEX 260 CENTRAL AVENUE, S. W. AT LANT A, GEORGIA 30303 C AR L T . S UTH E RL A ND June 20, D ,r e ct o r 1967 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor: Milton Farris, Chairman of the Job Opportunities Committee, has requested that I write you suggesting that a Negro be appointed to the Committee to replace the late Judge Walden. I concur with this suggestion. We have no recommendations as to who should be appointed other than that he should be a person respected by the Negro community. Sincerely, rf2_v CARL T. SUTHERLAND Director of Personnel CTS:cbt cc: Mr. Milton Farris ? ' �.



PerCTa.'1ent po sitions filled (Second Quarter) I ID ~~ CIT'£ OF ATLANTA - POSITIONS FILLED AS OF SEOJND QUARTER 1967 FOR IW'nite ~r143.215.248.55 f Temporary Employment - Summer Only (as of June 30, 1967) vThite olored I Colored -· \{ale Lo1 670 .1071 Female 56 13 69 457 683 Male Female 149 161 310 26 25 51 175 186 "":n 0 1140••• Total 361 • • Tota!l


Appointments for Second Quarter, April, May, June, 1967 40% white and 6Cf/, colored. Ratio-of approximately 2:3 white, to colored males. Ratio of approximately 5:1 white to colored females.

Temporary summer- appointments, as of Jur.e 30, 1967. 48% white - 52% colored. Ratio of approximately 1:1 white

Grand Total(Including Summer Help) and Perman en~ Appointments - April, May, June - 1967 ., .-:~ ·


white <O 1-~ale to color ed, male a nd female. Colored 831 1381 82 38 120 632 869 1501 550

Female -note: Combined appointments of temr orary summer help, and permanent appointments, Second Quarter, 1967. 43% white - 57% colored. Ratio of approximately 5:8 white to colored males. Ratio of 2:1, white to colored females This report does not include promotions, demotions, reassignments, reinstatements, transfers, suspensions, etc., only permanent appointments. �POSITo CLASS 3u.ford, 2e!1rjrSteg::.ll, =e·~-arl:r F. TI:oma s James Dorse;;-, Terryo Lo Echols, Eddi e Greene , Walter Hubbard, John David Harp, Charles Thomas, Lewis James Faust, Lee Wood Hill, Linda Ann Terry, Cynthia Eagle, Amanda Harp Wright, Enila Lois Hubbard, Fannie Mae Ttfatso_. , -x



,o ·x . ;J . ;:, Aud. Utility Wkr. II Senior Stenographer Audo Utility Wkro II Aud. Utility Wkr • I II II II II " II Senior Stenographer II Building Cleaner II II Kelley, r:ichael Ho Price , Ao .o Reaves, Larry Co Smith , Charles S,. Deal, Jo Go J enkins, John Williams Willis, Howard Jr. Ha!r.!7!ond , Willie Roger Hickson , P.ubert Lee Edwards, Jimmy Lewj_s McCullough , Robert Ed.ward Semi-Skill Worker Gena Mainto Mech . I Airfi eld Maint. Mech. I Semi -Skilled Worker Airport Patrolman Laborer Bowm2.:r. , Robert Ao Hames , 1:ancy Lea Pl umbing Inspo I Typist Clerk II II II II II NUMBER 40 Auditorium ExoHp. II 42 48 50 43 46 49 II 44 47 31 2 32 33 34 II II II II II II II II II II II II 87 82 18 85 63 10 22 11 11 15 9 Aviation 128 866 Building (1 ) - < DATE DEPARTMENT II II II II II II II II II II II EFFECTIVE 6/15/67 5/15/67 6/15/67 6/29/67 6/29/67 6/19/67 6/29/67 6/29/67 6/29/67 6/29/67 6/10/67 7/3/67 5/29/67 5/ 29/67 6/15/67 5/29/67 4/ 27/ 67 5/29/6? 6/1/6? 6/ 21/67 3/22/67 3/ 28/ 67 4/3/67 5/11/67 5/19/67 6/5/67 6/ 6/67 4/20/67 RACE cm wf cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wf wf cf cf cf 1-rm wm


wm wm ,·rm cm cm cm cm wm wm wf �POSIT. CLASS -::-x · ) 7 §0 -,;;•


~ :; ,o NUMBER Elliott, t..r. 2. Bro-rm , Cscar E. Security Guard Painter I 35 Brennan , T, J. Geddes, P'nillip A, Kea ton, G, A, Levy, M, D, Riggs, R. L, Thogrnartin , Robert G. Webb, Rebecca. J. Progrannner Senior Admin. Ass't, Accountant Accountant Progrannner Computer Opro Senior Clerk 117 46 49 48 115 152 52 Comptroller Al exander , Climmie W. Beck, Donald Lee Brock, Carl Albert Brock , George.H, Brown , W. ·"·· Bullard , T, M, Carter , D.R. Carter , John M, Craton, ivrn. o. Dyer, Lester Byron Glenn, Wil lie L. Hamby, Ronald G, Mortenson, A. R, Johnson , Felix J.o Keeton , Harlow I<'.ile, Edward John Y.i .g , Ko D. Kirk , Linda Gayle Lemon, Clyde Locke , R. Jg Loeffel, Samuel Fo Lynch , John Ho Ma jor , D, No 1foFher son, J. L,, Jr. Moody , J. D. laborer II Laborer II Laborer II Laborer II Const. Insp. I Eng, Aide I Dispatcher Lab or er II Semi-Skilled Worker Equip. Operator I Equip. Operator I Lab or er II Draftsman II Lab or er II Equip, Operator I Equip. Operator I Sewer Serv o Foreman II Stenogra r' .er Laborer I I Eng. Aide I EngQ Aide I Eng. Aide I Treatment Pl ant Opr. Dispatcher I Eng . Aide I 991 990 2036 991 2135 93 609 2093 2115 869 664 324 2o48 2092 573 598 1015 1062 337 Constructi on 6 a l 'S City Hall II II II II II II II II ii "II " " II II "II II II II 54 'ft 58 141 609 58 (2) • < DEPARTMENT II It II " DATE EFFECTIVE Rt\CE 4/ 22/ 67 5/ 29/ 67 wm wm 5/22/67 4/3/67 4/ 27/67 4/ 24/67 4/10/67 2/6/67 4/24 /67 wm wm 5/29/ 67 5/26/67 4/13/ 67 4/ 6/ 67 2/ 7/67 4/3/67 2/ 20/67 4/7/67 5/1/67 6/1/ 67 L~/20/67 3/ 29/67 5/1/67 4/4/67 5/5 /67 4/12/67 4/20/67 3/23 /67 3/ 29/ 67 4/10/67 4/ J /67 5/18/67 5/3/67 5/J0/67 J/'J0/67 wm ,nn wm wm wf cm wm ,nn wm ,·nn wm wrn w111 wm ,·nn cm wm wm wm wm 1-m1 ,nn wf cm wm ·wm wm Will wm ,nn �POSIT . • I ~-, CLASS

--- ·-=.i

-·: erg~:::,

!·~C·~ g£!'! , Jo~n .Uexander Payr.o , R. L. Piny~n, Jack Craig Sheriff , R. O, S:in~ons, 1~iilliam ex



<O ...


C :J <O Smith , Charles w. Smith, R. W, Spears, James R. Stanley, Maurice So Wofford, Jo P. White, Fred D. Whitlock, Ro J, Whi tman, James W, Wilson, W. Po Lowe , Clifton M. Gil..~am , Robert Eo Seiber, Van A. Langford , Sibyl A. Colbert, Henry Rogers , J ohn.~ie Lee Thomas, Leroy Johnson , Luth er Butler , Will ie Fr ank Gobe::.· James Edward Still > Paul E.'; Leslie , George Hill, Jinrrnie Shanks , J immie Le e Cotton , Jerry , Jr, West , Larry &rntest ',lilkes, Charles &rl Jackson, Charlie Fiolrr.es , 11ilton Elder, Eugene Daniel Powell , Arthur Keith Fot-ler , Walter Treatment Plant Opr. l ab orer II Treatment Plant Opro Laborer II Carpenter Treatment Plant Opr. Labor er II Laboratory Technician Laborer II Semi - Skilled Worker Eng, Aide I Engineering Aide I I E-ngineering Aide I Laborer II Engineering Aide I F4uipo Operator I Laborer II II Senior Typist Clerk Tr eatraent Plant Opr. Laborer II II II II " Sewer Serv, I Laborer II II II II II " " II II NUMBER DEPARTiilllT 2020 310 39.5 2090 2114 297 989 21.51 2086 20.5/+ 83 87 93 461 56 268 2058 310 Construction C -< '"J ' '.) II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II 2o44 II 130 914 361 421 863 3?9 II " " " II II 7(:}+ II 875 2J.1+2 825 .534 859 913 570 76.5 8.58 2128 II 764 (3) . II II II II II II II II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 5/24/67 5/24/67 5/29/67 5/31/67 5/11/67 5/8/67 4/6/67 5/18/67 5/25/67 2/17/67 3/23/67 6/12/67 6/12/67 5/19/67 6/5/67 5/6/67 6/ 2/67 6/21 67 6/16/67 6/29/ 67 6/19/67 6/20/67 6/15/67 6/ 22/67 6/15/67 6/ 23/67 6/15/67 4/ 20/67 l~ / 21/67 4/ 20/67 4/ 21/67 4/ 21/67 4/ 20/67 4/27/67 4/ 25/67 4/ 24/ 67 4/ 27/67 RACE 1,nn 1·7!11 wm '\•7!11 •7!11 cm 1·7!11 wm wm wm wm 1-nn w111 wm wm Hnt wf cm cm cm cm cm wl':l cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm �- :::. -< - ~-3 POSIT . CLllSS


- - ----- - -~----.. . .•=,..... , ---~ ..:,er..,:2-~:.::..!"~, ,-::,~·., ,.-, - - - - J P.:.. thur ·l !ic~a s J ?.2.lF-<1 · ·oooward Kai -t.r:, :i.fo~zc.


~;J <O ·x


-: ~ -<0 laborer II II II II Lo·,:e , Geor 6 e Wa shingt on II Smith, Charlie Ed II Harper, Charl es Leroy II Crowley, Robert II Mi ms, James Edward


Ferguson, Jame s Edward II Trice, Emmett Hartin , Raymond Lee "· Simpki ns , Sammie Robinson, Jro II II Jolly , Willie Sanders II Willingham, Lige Jr~ II Lowe , Clifton Morris II Keeton , Harolm·r


Presley; Vernon L. ll Garmon , Felton F. II Por ter, Ptrnl Leroy II Butler, Donni e Gene II Erm-m , Robe1·t Henry II Rucker , fod II Jones , Wi lJ.iam Edward II Phillips , Fr eddie II Williams , Har ry Lee It !-~a son , James F.d.ward II Phinazee , Larry James II .Andr ews , Arthur Willie II White , Ro:rJlie Wayne II AJ..len , Curt i s II r.'. ead , ~avord 1-'.adison II & :-iar d , :3enjamin II Hall, , obe1·t Janes II Taylor, William D-tT.i.ght II Calloway , Herman Larr y Mani s , J ohnny James Sewer Serv. I Laborer IJille1 Hor ace II Ellison , vh lli e George 1 NUMBER '.) I Construction II II II II II II II II II II "II II II 346 II 892 892 382 2070 76L~ 2072 6'-1,9 2127 538 906 1006 II "II II II II II II II II II L~J.5 II 346 325 298 699 671 9'-~6 9.54 e66 880 669 2112 II (4 ) - ·< - ---..-~ 828 2128 2124 823 333 456 887 440 1088 2140 888 820 41~9 765 397 DATE EFFECTIVE DEPJLRTMENT II " II II II II II II II II RACE ~ 5/2/67 5/1/67 4/ 25/67 5/2/67 5/2/67 5/3/67 5/10/67 5/11/67 5/ 8/67 5/11/67 5/10/67 5/4/67 5/9/67 5/8/67 5/12/67 5/5/67 5/10/67 5/10/67 5/15/67 5/ 29/67 5/18/67 5/ 23/67 5/19/ 67 5/19/ 67 5/ 25/67 5/24/ 67 5/ 22/67 5/11/67 5/10/67 5/16/ 67 5/15/67 5/16/ 67 5/16/ 67 5/16/ 67 5/17/ 67 5/11/ 67 5/ 9/67 5/ 9/67 5/ 9/67 cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm "w111 cm cm cm wm 1..Jlil wrn i'il11 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm Cr.I cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm �. Posrr. -~).2-.:E ~x


, Q


' q_,


.-~ ') ) CL..11.SS 3ro-:m, J:- lber t E'erir~,r Sewer Serviceman ?.olls r_d , Chf:.rli e Jo Laborer h ollar.d. , . 'illie Fr a nk "II C: • • Yeo.:..:., Henry II I'-:cPh erson , Bobby Lee Sewer Serviceman I Anderson , Charles W. Tamplin , Edward l ab orer II Studdard, Frccldie Lee II McCoy , Lee Hicks II Watts, Perry Nichola s It Dennis, Charles Powell II Williams, Earnests. II Thompson , Lar1'y Gene II Smith' Jo e Jackson II Ham.--n , Th oma s Ho II Frank , Charli e Gaither , J ayhue Sewo Serv. Man I ~cDay, J ohn Jr. Labo:..-·er II t-Ic'vJhor ter , Paul W. II Stone , Leonard Pasci:all , Rob ert Louis ":, T'nomG.s , Lor en zo II r,Jikolai cik , J ohn Jos eph jr. Levitt , Johnnie Lee "II Burns, Lee Dutton }Teal , John v:i1l i am "II lcGu;yrt , Buster Rob ert II Snel s on, BiJ.ly II Durham, Horac e II Sisk, Eic ,.s. el II Stroud , C'narl i e William Slade , Ralrh " Laborer II Carter , I~rion John Padgett , Robert Butl er laborer II Pines , John Fred Hi;-,es , Ja;nis s &:l:ward " T-.cannnell J Denor::cis "II Bravm , Robert Lee II Pl ant , Webster NUMBER DEPARTMENT 281 876 878 1099 825 250 415 2113 318 2109 688 774 1064 818 346 570 875 2109 823 Construc ti on II II II II II II "II Ii II L~l3 II 866 937 891 938 2123 2125 2118 9.54 "II 864 2028 887 2142 2093 320 381 837 863 262 887 (5 ) II "II " II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 5/5/67 5/18/ 67 5/18/67 5/L~ / 67 5/29/67 5/30/ 67 5/31/67 5/26/ 67 5/25/67 5/29/ 67 5/ 24/ 67 6/13/ 67 6/12/ 67 6/5/67 6/1/67 6/ 8/67 6/5/67 6/14/67 6/6/67 6/ 7/67 6/6/67 6/6/67 6/ 8/67 6/6/67 6/12/ 67 6/ 2/67 6/13/ 67 6/15/ 67 6/19/67 6/5/67 II 4/L~/ 67 II 4/ 3/67 4/ 7/67 4/11/ 67 4/12/67 4/10/67 4/12/67 4/12/67 4/10/67 II II II II II II II RACE cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm 1,:11 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm vnn cm cm wm wm cm cm wm cm cm wm wm wm cm cm cm cm �-~ - •. -< ~ POSIT .

_ .3

- -:;:,-~:::::- _ -4 -- --- -- ' ~ctsrt I,.-9e ~x ,: ,



X 7 o" , CLASS Lab or er Le.r,__, ns, - ·; l 1 i e FrarL1<: II Clc-~d, Lcv-i " Jones , Thom<S. s Conw2.y I~,rle, Donald Ray wocx:hmrd , Kern1et..h Lawrence Barnes , Theodore G2.llovi t ch , Frank Henry Cooper, Lonnie Junior Grier, George H. Burch , Samual Dempsey Smith, John Thomas Bartow, Ronald L. Bob o, Jess e Ray Br oadwell, Glynn R, Brown , Philli p C, Burch, Carlie Edward Case, Jerry Lee Colton , Olin Culpepper , Patricia Dani el, B~ L. Frizzel , Charles L. Darnell , Terry Gaither, He:r,.ry J, Greene , Thoma s V. Holland , Curtis c. Holtzc1£w , Micha el L. Eopkins , Carl L, Rornns , J ohriny Wayne Johnson, Harvey P. Jones, Eubert J. Long , Harold P,, Jr. II II ti II II II II " II Fir eman II II II II II

Stenographer Fir eman II II II II II II II " " II II NIDIBER L~58 X -;J Construc t ion 865 2157 893 528 866 414 754 864 2110 818 353 160 2664 2572 563 1070 361 2174 60 162 1666 1765 778 2669 575 2368 462 2573 365 1068 2067 (6) .J DEPARTI1ENT II " " II II II II II II " " Fire ii II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II " II II DATE EFFECTIVE 4/13/67 4/13 / 67 4/13/67 4/12/67 4/19/67 4/18/67 4/19/67 4/19/67 4/13/67 4/11/67 4/18/67 4/17/67 5/1/67 6/7/67 5/22/67 5/26/ 67 3/17/67 5/12/67 5/29/ 67 6/1/67 4/11/67 5/18/67 5/12/67 4/17/67 5/18/ 67 4/ 25/67 5/ 8/67 5/29/67 5/31/67 4/21/67 4/ 25 / 67 4/ 21/67 RACE cm cm cm wm 1-T!ll ,-mt cm wm cm cm ,mi cm wm '\•mt wm wm wm wm cm wf wm cm wm cm wm wm wm cm wm cm wm v·.'?11 �POSIT. CLASS NUNBER DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE P~.CE

===========-== =====[edit]

.'. -': ~de~=, Charl es H. .t: • F .. ~~c..r:_"1, • x'



•O 1"'.athis, ?.oo ert i. Pabcheck, J. H. Peal or, J erry Cecil Phill ips, Grady Le e Pope , J ohn Rondel Prescott, Labron Puckett , James A. Ramsdell, Frank R. Rhyne, Roger James Ri chardson, Aldred D. Shel l er, Peter Slay, Ge or ge Wm . Smith, Anthony G. Smith, Floyd A., Jr. Sparks , Dewey E., Jr. Stone , Bill G. Strong , Ronald T. St r gis, Willie J . Thorr.as , Cliff E., Jr. Til lman , We sley H., III Upshaw , Joh n Luther vfni taker, Willie F. 1,.fr1i te, Par old Willbanl-:s , Gordon L. Wooten, Johnny Calvin Wri eht , ..arvin

R.2.ckow , 1-ar,. fred A.

cer,_nett , James F. BiJ.rk~ead, Joe Allen Warren , Charl es A. Threl!<eld , Steve M. Stanley , Charles Stephen Sosebee , Danny W. P-reston, Bruce A. Lucas , Bobby Lo Y.ing , Arthur J . '..I'olbert, Sylvest er Huston, Raymond Fireman ti ti Automotive Mechanic Fi reman II II ti ti ti ti ti II Fire Investi~ator I Fireman II II II II II It II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " L'lborer II 3360 1862 660 5305 763 1080 2267 1674 770 773 774 573 J.64 4o4-9 267 2173 1162 1863 860 777 1967 566 1764 1260 770 1765 2670 760 366 366 1067 2575 160 1670 2370 1769 Fire II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II a II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 2664 II 2.568 6800 6800 (7 ) " II II 4/ 20/67 4/20/67 4/27/67 6/ 8/67 4/11/67 4/11/67 5/1/67 6/6/67 4/5/67 6/ 8/ 67 5/8/ 67 4/10/67 5/ 8/ 67 4/ 20/67 3/ 30/ 67 5/ 9/67 4/ 25 / 67 4/17/ 67 4/ 20/ 67 6/8/ 67 6/ 8/ 67 4/ 6/67 6/ 6/ 67 5/5/67 5/19/67 4/4/ 67 5/4/ 67 4/11/ 67 6/18/67 6/ 22/ 67 6/10/67 6/20/ 67 6/19/ 67 6/19/67 6/20/67 6/19/ 67 6/ 22/ 67 6/ 20/67 2/21/ 67 5/ 23/67


w:n .'l!il c~ .,.,,, 10 W"l �CLASS ,x )j7 -::;i ~ I --, X 7 lJ 0 POSIT. NUMBER DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE ..-:crx~sht , Patricia J . Stenographer 8 Mayor' s Off i c e 5/31/67 Cleckler, R. Eo Coursey , W. J . Dorsey, Wayne All en Elli ott, Fred Dougl a s Gervin, Bobby L. Harvey, Clinton Jones, Ronal d M. Kirk, J oe D. McGuire, Stephen A. Hyrick, G. A. Roberts~ T'!lom2.s Ro Roper , Jo R. Sandli n , Lewis L. Sheffield, J. A. Sw:i.nney , Celia L. Walters , D. s. Zachary, H. V. Smith , Phillip R. Automotive Serv. I Automot i ve Ser v . II Automotive Serv. I 45 109 23 62 23 56 23 Mot or Transpor t Automotive Servo II 41 88 85 4/12/67 5/22/67 6/ 8/67 6/13/67 5/24/67 5/31/67 4/11/67 5/31/67 4/17/67 5/ 24/67 6/ 8/ 67 6/5/67 4/11/67 5/ 8/67 5/17/67 6/5/67 6/7/67 6/19/67 Cornett, Sherry- J. Betancourt, Sara Eo Burns , Glenna Ann Key Punch Operator Clerk Typist Clerk 57 80 69 Municipal Traffic Ct. P.arris , Jacqueline Eo I-'.c3rayer, I(ar garet L. Stenographer Typist Clerk 33 35 Mun. Revenue Col. Aaron, J. c. Bell , Go D. Tree Trimmer Zoo Attend.ent 187 455 Parks II II II II II II II II II Automotive Servo II II Typist Storekeeper I II 50 108 42 70 109 92 112 59 (8) II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II "II II II II II RACE wf 1-lln wm cm cm cm cm wm cm wm wm wm 1·Jln wlll cm wm cm wm wm 6/6/67 5/ 8/67 5/17/67 wf wf ·wf 5/2/67 6/ 27/67 wf wf 5/11/67 4/1/67 wm ·wm �POSIT. CLASS .2rmm, Claude Da.ve:r, J . c. ~c ...:.,Or , Iv!arv-in c. ~ ~x



-< 0 • ~x


-: ~ -<O .EJ.lis, Hubert Lee Evans , Jackie E. Garbriel , Mary Alice Gamblin, Mari enelle B. Griffin, Cynthia L. Harris, Leroy Hopiak, Michael Johnson, Ozell B. Jones , George Knowl t on, David La.G:rone, A. W. Lovin, Rader 1-'.ar,__r,_ing, Ben I'-;aple , H. D. Cfi.ren, Del ore s A. Pi erce , F. C. Pistola , Eli za.beth B. Ponder , Joe , Jr. P-.ceston , J. w. Raglin, Thnna J . Royall , W. H. Westbrook , V.ichael Christianson , T. L. Stearns, T. G. !•!osley , William Ruff , Killie Ru.pert , T'n0was A., Sar..ders , T.J.J • U Singer , Linda G, Wain:wri gh t , Jim Wallace , Hrs. Barbara Weathers , Paul Lee !.J. . Community Rec. Leader Golf Professional F.quip. Operator I Parks Patrolman Col11.!11unity Rec . Leader II II II II Zoo Attendant Comnnmi ty Rec. Leader Zoo Att endent Recr eation Supervisor Co~.munity Rec. Leader Security Guard F.quip. Operator I Electrician Connnunity Rec. Leader II Zoo At tendent Tree Trimmer I II Conmnmity Rec. Leader Parks PatroJ.man T-.cee Trimmer I Recr eation Supervisor T-.cee Trimmer I Parks Patrol.man Tree Tri nnner I Community Rec. Leader Tree Trimmer I Community Rec . Lead er Elect rician Zoo Attendant Tree Trimmer I NUMBER 38 24 279 313 534 390 49 537 L~70 453 375 455 29 61 LWJ. 279 10 369 61 447 187 437 25 7 313 187 237 203 569 187 43 437 258 10 223 202 (9 ) < 5 DEPARTMENT Parks II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " DATE EFFECTIVE 5/4/67 5/1/67 4/ll/67 4/4/ 67 5/24/67 4/28/ 67 3/30/67 6/5/67 4 /14/ 67 6/7 /67 5/4/67 5/L~/67 6/12/ 67 5/15/67 5/18/67 6/1/67 4/28/ 67 5/2/67 4/4/67 5/30/67 6/ 6/ 67 5/18/ 67 5/ 24/ 67 6/ 13/ 67 6/ 9/67 5/31/67 6/13/67 6/ 16/ 67 4/6/67 4/4/67 6/ 5/67 3/30/67 5/11/67 4 / 28/67 6/ 2/ 67 RACE wm wm cm cm wf cf wf cf cm wrn cm wm wm wm ,;,rm cm wm wf wl'll wf cm wm cf wm cm wm wm cm cm wm wm wf wm wf wm �POSI T. .... . ,r-"I CLASS -·---·_..: .:. NUHBER DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTHE RACE

·,;iilis , Grant Lee Yizo.r, Y. D. ~x ),1 ~~; ,- l J I-x - '


<O J Gurge, Da.vid 12.rry Ba.rnett , Warren. R. Barnes, Earvjn L. Har rell, Arthur J., Jr. Gates, James R. Fewox, Harry M. Moss, Charles Larry Crowe , Rufus W. Head, Edgar Franklin Jr. Jmonson, J esse D. Shelton, Richard Mark Bm·ren , Jim.my Wayne J ackson, Thoma s Neal Crockett, David Lee 1:oody, Henry Frank , Jr. Themas , J ewell Parker, Bobby Joe Brownlee, Willie Jame s Gilbert , Robert Lee Lindsay , Ori an Banner, Herbert Al Der..nis , "\:elson Jr. Williams , v!i chael Les t er Finch, Wendall Arthur Childers, Gary L. narper, Claud 'ThO!'!a s Jones, Horace ~aJmal Rollins , Jan:es -illian Free~a.n , .~..r:derson Clark , Roy Fr anklin Anderson, Charles Wesl ey Equip. Oper ator I T-.cee T-.ci mmer I Laborer Community Rec. Leader II Laborer fl II II II " " Cust. Worker II Laborer It II Cust o Worker Laborer II II II 287 187 339 61 243 490 416 413 480 232 330 548 329 368 384 491 137 108 508 412 509 .546 - J .::, "ll II " " fl II It fl "fl II II II II II II " II II r, II ¼44 II 135 415 413 490 296 506 117 II Un-1/: II II If " fl " "II II " 400 11..1-1 (10 ) l Parks " II II II II II II " " 4/21/ 67 6/8/67 6/20/67 6/15/67 6/13/67 6/ 28/67 6/ 28/67 6/ 28/67 3/17/67 3/22/67 2/23/67 3/ 28/67 4/4/ 67 3/29/ 67 3/28/67 3/30/67 4/3/67 3/30/ 67 3/28/ 67 3/28/ 67 4/10/67 4/10/67 4/7/67 3/29/ 67 4 / 6/67 4/12/67 4/6/67 4 /11/67 4/12/ 67 4/21/67 4/1.1/67 4/28/67 4/28/ 67 cm cm i-nn w:m wm wm cm i'Jl11 cm wm 1.J!ll wm W!ll cm wm wm wm Wlll w:m cm cm wm cm cm cm cm wm ,nn w1n wm cm wm cm �- - -- - ~x -7 .: :J I 3.E_I -:;'




-<O CLASS C-=.ntrell , Eenry Lab orer II Bowden , Lee J ames II Cline , .,..t.,8WJ_. S Sloan II Howard , Terry L. Hausman , Richar d H ex Golf St arter Haynes, Charles Richard III Labor er II Marsh, Charles Edward II Tamplin , Ronald Br ady , Willie J ames Par ks Cust . Lab orer Goldman , Thoma s Franklin a Gother n, George I rvin Pr att , Randol ph Kent "II Cai n , Kennet h Lee II Fr eeman , Robert James Hambrick , Harry Cl yd e J r. Cust. Worker Green , Dean Saurdri es Laborer II Vaughan , Richard Elmer }~urden , Har old T'!!oma s Parks Custodi a n Campbell , Henry 1,lilJ.i am Labore1· II Col e, Br uce Gregory 11 Guest , Jack Wil son Jr . 11 Gocl_f1•ey, Will i e Roe II Stephens , Edward Sugene II Battle , &di e La1~.cy II Wright , 'l'onnny Gr eer II Hollis, Reuben Harris Jr . Dunson , fayne Robert " ·'.cDa:'liel, Curtis " II r,5. t el:-. ell , John Ra..."'"!dall II Hose , Willie Zeb Jr . rawkins , Cecil Lee "

obl ey , Loj-d Paul

" POSIT. NUMBER 412 pos .L~l8 DEPARTMENT Parks II 117 II LH5 II 206 H L~l6 2QL~ II II 412 381 II L~97 "II II 218 117 135 90 368 338 4<j), II L1-66 9+6 " 135 415 415 182 141 II 11 " II II II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 4/ 6/67 4/ 27/ 67 win 5/5/67 5/ 5/ 67 ,nn 4/ 29/67 5/11/ 67 5/10/67 5/12/67 5/16/ 67 . 5/ 26/ 67 5/25/ 67 5/17/67 5/16/ 67 5/15/ 67 5/15/ 67 5/12/67 5/19/ 67 5/23/ 67 5/ 25/67 5/26/67 5/ 22/ 67 5/ 30/67 II 5 / 2L~/ 67 II 5/25/67 ,; ;5/67 L~l9 II 338 98 496 98 338 ¼-19 277 II '2L~/ 67 II ?/67 5/67 LJ/67 , 13/67 o/15/ 67 6/14/67 (11 ) " II II II II RACE cm ,·nn win wm cm cm cm mn wm wm Wlll wm vnn cm rnn cm win Hm wm Wlll wm cm '\,Jlll cm wm vnn wm cm '\,Jlll ,nn �POSIT. CLASS Cor--!...V_J_e, Da!'iel J o ?r on':?2arger , J err y R. v\·ort...~y, Vernon ~x ·


·:;i -< O / ex



-< '.) ott, Glenton H. r,zy-er s' Clinton F. Kur phy, Bobby Will i ams, Leroy Little , Howard Wmo Malone , Rona ld G. McGee , Dorothy N. McHugh, Mar garet A. t'tiller, Sara Jane Mitchell, Thoma s A. Morris , Robert Ho f.:osley , Danny Lee Parks , James M. Roger s , l a rry L. l·'.otth ers: ed , Ral ph A. 1,:ic'. olson , Ro ert Alan Crrel1, Ka they M. Roger 1 elson, Rowe , Leonard Shirl ey , David R. Snouden , Eddie D. Standifer , Hm . R. S-,ri tzer, Lee E. Vance , Irving H. ·Tallis , &lward B. , Jr. ',,,.'arri or, Johnny B. Tr • • .,\ a s •t:1ng't.on , j• T. v,bi t ner , John C. l'lnli..a±<er, T~.m . c. Hyne s, Frank Louis Jones , Loyce G. Kendrick, Martha Kissack, David E. T ,.. • J.. ~ T NUMBER Patrolman II !! II II II II II Typi st Clerk II II " Patrolman II II "II II I dentification Typi st Clerk Patrolman Typist CJ.erk & Recd . Tech I II Patrolman II Typist Clerk Patr olman " " Typist Cl erk Patrolman Typist Clerk Patrolman Key Punch Operator SHi tchboard Opera tor I Typist Cl erk 254 387 1176 1180 1117 1108 574 455 12o4 920 S)I.J-0 l2oll· 741 1171 493 427 1166 366 1206 931 1113 989 819 779 1167 938 322 670 561 1203 657 965 557 923 ~ a 0 - J l Pol i ce II II II II II II II II II " " II " " II "II II II "ti II II II II II II " II II " ti II 888 II 836 II (12 ) -- , DP.TE DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE 6/ 24 / 67 6/ 24/ 67 6/ 21/ 67 6/26/ 67 6/ 24/ 67 6/ 25 / 67 6/ 24/ 67 5/15/ 67 5/ 9/ 67 4/11/ 67 6/5/67 1+/13/ 67 5/23/67 4/8/ 67 6/19/ 67 4/ 22/67 4/4/ 67 5/6/67 5/10/67 4/19/ 67 5/22/ 67 4/4/67 5/1/67 4/ 29/ 67 4/4/ 67 5/5/67 4/17/67 5/31/ 67 5/2/67 5/15/67 4/ 29/ 67 4/17/ 67 5/20/67 5/16/67 5/15/67 6/19/ 67 RACE wm wm cm wm wm wm cm wrn wm wf ~·Tf wf i·rm w:n wm ·wrn y-ffil 1..1n wrn 1~ ~rm cm wm c.. ,-r:n ·wrn wm wm cm cf Vi!ll wm ~-r:n wm cf wm �- ':' ~t POSIT .


CLASS NmIBER DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE RACE ·-=---==Henslee , Linton ll . ~~ e:--:- s_: , ~·:i 2.l~=.::: R. 1 ~x ) ;-1 -::o ~ "< . 7


0 ~orns::,y , r,:arion A. Eo-..i.se , :~chael D. 1/le stbr ooks , Danny R. Reeve s, Ler oy Fred Dowdy, Jerry Lee Hendrix , John D. Beerman, Bruce H. Bolton, Jackie Clyde Brooks , Anthony T. Brownlee, Sh erman E. Busby Shirley A. Clay, William E. Cox , Jame s Dail ey , Troy Dobbs, Glenda F. EJ.liott , Marvin W. Eskew , Grady Full er Faucett, Joh n D. Gillel and , Mark E. Glover , J erry W. Greeson, Davi d E. Griffin , Jack Thoma s Harris, Bobbi e L. Jackson , Clifford Thompson , Fred A. Jr . Young , Howard A. Goodson , Robert L. Surratt, Tho:na s Jr. EcCrary , Tor:ny Lee Johnson , Larr y M. Kane , Thomas Lee Long , Glynnis A. Martin, Dennis Le HcGee , E. F. Patrolman II 11 Typist Cl erk Patrolman II II fl Typist Clerk Patrolman II Patrolman Stenographer Typist Clerk Patr olman II Typist Clerk Patrol man II II II II fl lt fl II II II II Cust . Worker Cust . Worker Waste Col. D-.civer 1170 740 629 818 1177 1178 610 539 965 '.) fl II II II '712 627 512 912 1.2o4 595 647 935 281-~ 632 1169 562 655 1163 1164 ll65 469 1179 325 1175 994 994 ex/ bd II II II II II II II II II II II fl II II II II II II Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II II II (13) ~


Police 4/ 8/ 67 5/15/ 67 4/ 21/ 67 5/ 26/ 67 6/16/ 67 6/19/ 67 6/17/ 67 6/17/ 67 5/ 24 /67 4/4/67 5/15/ 67 4/ 29/ 67 4/13 / 67 6/1/67 5/28/67 5/ 23/67 4/24/67 6/10/67 4/4/67 4/8/67 5/15/67 ¼,/22/67 4/1+/ 67 4/4/ 67 4/4/67 6/17/67 6/16/67 6/17 /67 6/17/67 4 / 24 / 67 6/16/ 67 6/ 2/67 4/ 28/ 67 4/ 27/ 67 6/5/67 6/7/67 wm wm ,nn wm wm cm cm wm ,nn wm wm ,nn wf wm wm wm wf ~-rm wm w:n Wl11 wm wm Wl11 cm cm wm wm wm cm cm wm wm wm H!ll wm �CLASS }'.:ullir:s, CL:arles 1·'. y,,7 7 i'1s , ~x ~ 7 .: :::J I -< 0 /



-: -;J <O - < j ~ar old A. O'dell, Jo s eph B. Ogl e , Willi.am D. Raybor n, Jasper Luke Robinson , John Larry Renfro , Larry Porter , Charles Les t er, Larry T. Lee , Robert Lorenzo Lay, Johah Jr. Lawson, Lorenzo Kelley, Arthur J ames Kei th , Bobby Johnson , Leroy Jones , T'nomas Head , Ellis Ao Jackson , Joseph Co Ho·dard , villie P. Jr. Houston , Henry L. Hol ston , James Holmes , Finley Jr. Bell, Joe Gilliam , James Green, Dsan s. Tamplin , Ronald Phinazee , Larry .Tames Patrick, Clyde Tei tsort , Dwigh t H. Cr-c..."l'::iley, 3ob Fr anks , Herman Lee Carrut.1. , Johnny Earkins, Ronal d E. Strickland , James Oscar Pollard , Bobby E. Willingham, El::idie Taylor, Benj amin Alexar;der , J es se L. Bell, 1 lilliam R. Waste Col. Driver POSIT. NlJ!'IBER ex/ bd DEPARTMENT Sanitary II fl II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Waste Collector II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Waste Collector I II Waste Collector II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II "II " II II Waste Collector I II II Waste Collector II (l l~ ) DATE EFFECTIVE 6/18/67 6/ 8/67 6/6/67 5/11/67 1.}/14/67 4/26/67 6/16/67 6/17/67 6/19/67 6/15/67 6/ 22/67 6/20/67 6/ 20/67 6/19/67 6/ 21/67 6/16/67 6/19/67 6/15/67 6/15/67 6/ 20/67 6/ 23/67 6/ 22/67 6/16/67 6/19/ 67 6/14/67 6/14/67 6/14/67 6/16/67 6/20/67 6/19/67 6/20/67 6/14/67 6/ 20/67 6/14/67 6/ 22/67 6/16/67 6/ 21/67 6/20/67 6/ 21/67 RACE wm wm wm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm om cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm wm cm wm cm cm cm cm �CLASS ,x ' ')7 -:o ' ~o / -~




__~q_, r_, c·r................. _. , Bcbb:7· L ee -'~cClendon, Leroy t-~inor, John Forr est Wilker son , Bobby Willis, Artis Gates, Robert Charles Gresham, Willie Bentley, Alfonza Gilbert , Lonnie Sasseen, Clarence Watkins, Samuel Thoma s Reynolds, otis Jr. Goodrum , Leroy Harbour , James Lexi ngton iiinson , J ame s W. Lovejoy, Mi l ton ·tilner, J a.i-nes Akins , George A1 exander , Charles Ant hony Andrews , Ch~.rles Andrews , Robert Van t-~cCoy , felvin Taylor , Robert Lee Harris , Johnnie Lee Hamm , 'Yheodore King , Cha rles F.clward Henders on , James .Albert .,a!"v-y , Ee:n.ry Lee Thona s , War.on Smith , Le·,ri s Jr • Ear tin , Tor.my fug ene t-!cDonald, David Pr esc ott Mill er, Henry R. Rend er, Donald Parks, Bobby Lee Patrick , J es s ie.James WCII-(Day ) II WCII-( Ni ght ) WCII-(Day ) WCII WCII- (Day ) WCII-(Ni ght ) WCII WCII-(Day ) POSIT. NUMBER ex/bd


'.) Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II u II Laborer "II WCII- (day ) " II II II . It "II "II " II "II II II II II II II II wen II wen WCII- (Day ) II wen II WCII-(Day ) " WCII-( Night ) wen II WCII-( Day ) WCII- (Ni ght ) WCII- (Day ) II II " " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II DATE EFFECTIVE 6/8/67 6/5/ 67 II (15 )


DEPARTMENT " II RACE cm cm cm cm cm 6/ 8/67 6/7/67 5/ 31/67 6/7 /67 6/ 6/ 67 5/ 29/ 67 6/8/67 6/12/67 6/13/67 6/13/67 6/12/67 6/12/67 6/ 9/67 6/6/67 6/12/67 6/ 8/67 6/12/67 6/13/67 6/13/67 6/ 8/67 5/30/67 6/7/ 67 cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm 6/5/67 cm 5/30/67 5/30/67 5/30/67 6/6/67 5/29/67 6/13/67 6/12/ 67 6/13/ 67 6/ 8/67 6/7/67 6/8/67 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm �-- ~x • 7 ·: :J · '.) ... x . .


,0 Rs. gland , S-y lvester ?..an:iol ph , John Sanders Robi nson, Jerry Loui s R , • _.oo:i.nson, J ohnrry- Lewi s Smith , Clarence Spearman , Richard Ward , Thomas Jr. Walker, Jesse Jerry Walker, Joe Loui s We stbrooks , Walter Ray Gaines, William C. Gor e , Bernard c. Wils on, Tommie L. Wr i ght , Per r y Wilburn, Grady Aorgan Wal ker, Frank r,:ack , Ge orge W. Conley, Jamo s o. Blackst ock, Jinrrny H. Bostick, c. w. Bowen , Thomf'. s Lee Canton , Richard c. Ca sh , ATthur K, J enkins , Curtis Hill, Tommie Fred Hinson , Jame s W. Ear.by, Jillil"1: Lane E~.~,ris, Zdward ..r • De.LOna , Fr2.n:< rover, c. !:' Fletcher, Arthur W. Roscoe , Albert Sonny Rutl edge , Albert Smith, Norris E. .:..J e POSIT. NUMBER CLASS ~~_!.:_~~ DEPARTI1ENT ex/ bd Sanitary "II II II If II II "II II II II ti II "II II II II II II Waste Collector II " " "II II Laborer II Waste Col. Driver II "ti " " " " II II 6/13/ 67 6/12/ 67 6/5/ 67 6/10/67 6/ 8/ 67 6/12/ 67 6/ 8/ 67 6/ 9/ 67 6/21/67 6/8/ 67 6/16 / 67 6/ 21/ 67 "II II 6/1L1,j67 ti II 6/19/ 67 6/14/ 67 6/19/67 6/ 21/ 67 6/12/ 67 4/10/67 5/ 3/67 I..J-/28/ 67 3/31/67 4/14/67 5/12/ 67 5/3/67 6/12/ 67 5/2/ 67 4/ 24/ 67 4/ 21/67 5/4/67 6/ 8/67 5/2/67 4/25/67 3/ 29/ 67 " II II II ti "ti " II II II II II II ti ti II II ti II II 11 II II II " " II II II II II II ti II ti II II II II II II II ti II II II II ti ti ti II ti II II (16) RACE -- --~----- -- WCII-Day DATE EFFECTIVE cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm - cm cm cm cm cm cm 1·7:'11 w"'ln cm wm wm cm cm wm wrn cm. wm wm -wm wm cm cm �POSIT. CLASS 1x ' '.) ,7


.~ -;x1



-< O , / ~i.t~, ?..cy ~-I. Spenc e ! Sar,.ford E. Tc!:!pkins , Abner James To-,,r isend , Bill H. T Wallac e , James J.J o Wallace, Oscar N. Warren, Philip Lee Weathers, John Thomas Webb, Ilon Buren Webb , J ohn Carl West, Gerald Leon Westmorel and, J erry G. Askew, James Andrew Blue, Curtis Ca ssell, Julian Fred Jr. Copel and , J ames Williams, AJSonza Ellis, Homer La.mar Fox , Robert Hichael Fell, Steve O. Freeman, Joseph Goggins , &l.die James Hardy , ~cArthur Har ris , Samuel Eugene Hazan , Alvin Joseph P.enley, Charles Kenneth Hudson , Larry J eff erson, Arthur Jr. Lawrenc e , tlillie Waste Collector Driver NUMBER ex/bd II II II II II II , J J Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II II WCII-Day II II II II II fl " It II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II laborer WCII-Day II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II "II II II II II " "II Laborer WCII-Day Srr,i th , Willie II . ....C:ll"i.pson, Edgar Jr. Ban}:s, Ee n..'1i e Sh ephe1'Cl , F.cidie 1"ewell, Louis F.dward J ames , c. J. II WCI-Day WCII-Day " II II II II II II II II II II II II " (17) ··-::, DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE 5/24/67 4/19/67 4/28/67 4/27/67 4/11/67 5/17/67 6/8/67 5/1/67 4/18/67 L~/21/67 5/31/67 5/23/67 6/12/67 6/13/67 6/9/67 6/12/67 6/9/67 6/14/67 6/12/67 6/8/ 67 6/7/67 6/8/67 6/12/67 6/13/67 6/9/67 6/5 /67 6/12/67 6/13/67 6/8/67 6/6/67 6/5 /67 6/2/67 6/8/67 6/5/67 6/7/67 RACE wrn wm cm wm mn wm wm ,·nn wm cm wm wm cm cm wm cm cm wm wm wm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �DATE POSIT. CLASS oodall, Fred James Bailey , John William Battle, Albert Wo Chi sm , Jame s C. Harp , Rob ert Wayne Patters on, Eugene Pear s on, Osc ars. Troutxnan , J arnes Thoma s, Charles Bodley, William Jr. Vaughan, Fred Lewis Wi lliams , 1,<J'ill J . Carlisle , Henry C. Cart~r, Ike Sherrell, James C. Jones, Judge s. Tibbs , Paul Wayne .-:cl•Zullen , Howard Edward Carmichael, John D. Clark , Geor ge Conwell, Marion Covington, Charl es Wallac e , Cscar :a than Ogl e , William Dennis Scott , Robert James Coney, Ira c. Denrlis , Nelson , Jr . Jo!"':..nson , Jesse Willie Lightsey , Clar ence E. Gresha.."'1 , '.enneth E. Hancock , John Taylor , Willie Arthur Chandle:c, Fr ank Rob ert Gay , Halter Lewis Gl enn , W·; l j_am Char les Goode , R Harr i s o:r> 1er T-.c , Huff, 1/

-:: x,

"· -:-~ • X


~5 - < a " .3 I NDMBER wcrr ex/ bd II "II " " " "II WCII-Day II wcrr " WCII-Day WCII WCII-Day Sanitary " " " "II . II II a "II II II " II 'I " Laborer wcrr DEPARTMENT " WCII-Day WCII II fl WCII-Day Wa ste Collector D-.civer II WCII-Day " "II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II II II " II II " II " "II "II II II II wen II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II (18) II EFFECTD!E 5/26/67 5/ 26/67 5/29/67 5/29/67 6/5/67 6/ 6/ 67 5/Jo/67 6/5/67 5/29/67 6/5/67 6/5/67 6/7/67 6/ 8/67 6/'?/67 5/31/67 5/25/67 5/30/67 6/5/67 5/30/67 6/ 2/67 5/30/67 6/5/67 5/17/67 5/11/67 5/22/ 67 5/ 23/67 5/19/67 5/ 23/67 5/ 22/ 67 5/ 23/67 5/ 23/67 5/ 23/67 5/24/ 67 5/23/67 5/ 24/ 67 5/ 25 /67 5/ 23/ 67 5/ 24/67 RACE cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm - om �_ , _r_ CLASS -~ Rus sell , John De-,rny Jr. WCII Srrd. th , Eerbert ":X )7



-: x '



-<O Timms, Ja..-rnes Luther Tosh, .Ubert P2-ul Wallac e , Ccie Watkins , Willie James Williams , Horace McCoy Smith , Roy Wendell Smith , William Richard Fl etcher, Authur Warren Hinson, James Willard Johnson, La rry M. Hullins, Charles Monroe Warren, Phillip Lee West , Geral d Leon t{cGee , &nest Fredrick O'Dell , Joseph B. V.artin , Dennis L. r-:ullins , Harold Allen Grier , L. M. Booker, La.rry Corn·; ell , ';!alter George Farr.bro , Charles Edward Gl eri_Yl , Bobby Lee Harris , Robert Jackson , Rudolph Alfson L~ndsey , Robert Varshall, Fred /:_i_lls , J ire:iie .'olton , B~ J. ,:olton , Lewis Pl ant , Frederick Robinson , Robert Lee Rudolph , Fl etcher Charl es Stembridge , Charl es James NUMBER ex/bd II !I Laborer WCII Laborer ·wen WCD(Day) WCD (Ni ght ) WCD(Day) < 7 DEPARTM11'iT Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II II II II tr l,1,281 II ex/bd II II II II II II II II II II II II II II "II WCD( Ni ght ) WCD(Day ) II II II II II II II II II II WCII(Day) II II !I II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II II II ii II II II II II II II II "II II II II II II II II II II II II II II (19) 5 DATE POSIT . 't -,. . r:;: EFFECTIVE 5/23/67 5/24/ 67 5/24/67 5/23/67 5/23/67 5/23/67 5/23/67 5/24/67 5/11/67 6/9/67 6/12/67 6/2/67 6/8/67 6/8/67 5/31/67 6/7/67 6/6/67 6/5/67 6/7/67 4/10/67 4/11/67 3/30/67 4/ll/67 3/30/67 3/ 31/67 4/3/67 3/29/67 3/31/67 L~/10/67 L~/11/67 4/1+/67 4/11/67 4/10/67 4/10/67 4/6/67 RACE cm cm wm wm cm cm cm wm wm wm wm wm wm wm wm wm w:m wm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm (.;ffi cm cm 0m cm cm cm cm cm cm �~ ~~




~- - ) X .:: ;, ~




-< O Sti::i.lwell, Loyd Troutman , J ohn Wa1ker , :rat..haniel Wilkers on, Bobby Wingfield, Jame s C. Worthy, Willie Anthony Wri ght, George Jr. Young, Cornelius Franklin, Wocdie Bro,m, Robert Willie Johnson , Nash Levi Jones, Bobby Jones , otis Jro .·fontgomery, Johnny r·:urry , WiJ.lie Lee T'nomas , Char l es Williamson , Horace Jack son , Russell Cobb , Charlie Sledge , 1-falter Le e Bar ker, Gary Authur Phillips, Jos eph Hue:h Raybon , Ja sper Luke 11ash , Arthur Kelley 'fallace , James Leroy Bl ackstock , Jin;my Har old Bro,.,rnle e , Frank M. Grah2.P1 , :1..:bert L. 2arr:e s , ~obert Lee Gc=. ither, Bx·:yant Jr. Hollis , Reuben Harris Jr. i·J.nor , P..ichc=.rd r orris , Lemar T. Stozier, Bobby Joe Washington , &•nest Jones , Thoma s NUMBER .. ·- -· WCII(Day) ex/bd II 19 II II II II II II II · x <> Sanitary II II II II II II II II WCII(Ni ght) WCII(day ) II II II II II II WCII(I-:ie;ht) WCII (Day ) II -_ - DATE EFFECTWE 3/29/67 3/31/67 3/30/67 3/30/67 4/4·/67 3/30/67 5/5/67 3/30/67 3/30/67 4/14/67 4/12/67 L~/13/67 4/13/67 ll L~/lJ/67 II II II II II II II II II II If ll II II 4/12/67 iJ.-/12/67 iJ.- /12/67 4/12/67 4/6/67 4/7/67 3/30/67 L~ /11/67 4/14/67 4/14/67 4/11/67 4/10/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 Laborer II ii Ii WCII(Day ) L,tb or er 1lCD (Day ) II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 1625 ll42 II II WCI (Day ) II WCII (Day ) WCII (Ni ght ) WCII (Day ) WCII (Ni ght ) WCII (Day ) II II wx / bd II II II II ll II II II II II ii II II 1492 II RACE _,__. II (20) ~::, DEPARTMENT L~ / 27/67 L~/ 27 / 67 4/28/ 67 4/ 29/67 4/27/67 4/19/67 5/ 2/67 4/24/ 67 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm cm wm wm ,,'!Tl cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �CLASS n"x\ 01'1 "Jl) ' 31


Oil .~8J j Williams, Walter Rudolph , Fletcher Charles Bryant, F.ddie L. V.u rry, Willie Lee St illwell, Loyd Oberhausen, John Frank Favors, Gordon Chafin, Elmer Lee Cash, Arthur Kelley Philli ps, Josei:h Hugh Starks , Charlie Jr. Sanders , Forest E. Wooten, Knivelton B. Jr. Weath ers , J ohn Thomas Townsend, Bill Har mon s:v·. Rutl edge , Alber t Jr. Roscoe , Albert Sonny Robinson , John Long, Gl ynnis Alt on Kane , Thoma s Lee Harri s , Edward James Hamby , J i mn1y Lane Bowen , Thoma s Lee Dover, Clarence El.mer Bostick , Charl es Wesl ey Hill, Tommie Fr ed Benjamin, Clarence Carter , Isaac Davison , Rufus Evans, Charles Eo Flemi ng , Thomas Gocx:hd.n, Char l es D. Howard , John W. Inman , William Douglas Dowdell , Joseph Kini ght , Edward Ray WCI(Day) WCII(Day) II II II WCD(Day) WCII(Day) WCD(Ni ght) WCD(Day) Laborer WCII(Night) WCD II WCD(Day) II WCD( Ni ght) II WCD (Day) POSIT. NUMBER DEPARTMENT 1690 3171 3244 3249 3411 1101 J425 4231 1174 6029 4186 3156 3119 Sanitary -;J Oi II ex/ bd II II II " II II It II II II II II II WCD (Night) II WCD(Day) WCD(Ni ght) WCD(Day ) II II II II II II II II WCII (Day) II II II II II II II II WCII (Ni ght) WCII (Day ) WCII(Ni ght ) WCII (Day ) Laborer WCII(Day ) Incin. Operator I II II II II II II II II II II 1489 666 (21) ..,X \ II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 4/24/67 4/27/67 4/27/67 4/27/67 4/ 27/67 4/27/67 4/27/67 4/27/ 67 4/27/67 4/24/67 4/27/67 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/1/67 4/ 27/67 4/25/67 5/ 2/67 4/26/67 4/27/67 4/28/67 4/24/67 5/ 2/67 4/28/67 5/4/67 5/3/67 5/3/67 5/2/67 5/4/67 5/3/67 5/ 2/67 5/3/67 5/2/67 5/2/67 5/3/67 5/11/67 4/ 27/67 RACE cmcm cm cm cm wm cm wm wm wm cm wm wm wm wm cm wm cm wm wm cm wm cm wm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm �POSIT. CLASS ~ nx \ 01'1 I 0 Jl; , 1 ~ o, 1-~ Flant , - Calvi n SteJ:hens, Charlie Henry Tompkins, Abner J ames Webb, John Carl Cannon, Richard Columbus Parker, Larry Donnell Lay, Stanley Favors, Gordon Maddox, Coy Howard, Donald Dean Cheel ey, Willie Sam Wells, James Clifford Adams , Will i e Henry Jr. _ Henders on, Herber t Hill, Tonnny Lee Jenkins, Curtis Robins on , Bruce Mathis Boone , William Campbell , Curtis Watson Eberhart, Norris Lee Hunter, Elbert Perrimon, Leroy Leach, Charles F.cl.ward Johnson, Johnny Gordon Sea ts, William N. Wright , Ben Bilbo Beasley, Rufus Brackins , F.ddie c. huey, Waddell Jro Goggins , Joseph Watkins, Rufus Arrlrew Stephens, Hubert Elliott, Sam Davidson, Clarence Kennedy, Ben Plant, Van Jro Simmons, Fred Jr. WCII WCII (Day) WCD(Day) II . . -- II WCII(Day) II WCII(Day) WCI (Night) Laborer WCII WCII NUMBER 2458 1468 1184 2454 1175 1310 1383 3467 4306 ex/bd --:: x \ .: , ~-;J ~o ' J Sanitary II " II II II . II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II WCD(Day) La.borer WCII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II La.borer II II WCI(Day) WCI(Day) WCII(Day) II 7o45 7o46 7030 1611 1615 1470 ex/bd WCII E WCII II II II II II II Labor er II II (22) 1 DEPARTMENT II DATE EFFECTIVE 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/11/ 67 5/11/67 5/12/67 5/11/67 5/8/67 5/11/67 5/10/67 5/11/67 5/15/67 5/15/67 5/12/67 11/18/66 5/16/67 5/16/67 5/16/67 5/15/67 5/15/67 5/16/67 5/16/ 67 5/17/67 5/16/67 5/15/67 5/16/67 5/12/ 67 5/18/67 5/18/67 5/18/67 5/15/67 5/17/67 5/15/67 5/17/67 5/19/67 RACE cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �l--~J )( 1 c ., ' ..,"" ,.. , ._,;;.· CLASS ~ ~, 0 1'1 "Jll ' l ~ Oi=l ·;-ti -~_gj I ",


-:, / Jackson:;- Charles Jr, WCII (Night) II Kennebrew, Harold Lu..1<:e , Harry WCI(Night) WCII(Day)Pitts, Clavin II Almond, Samuel II Roberts, Eugene II Ward, Lester Jr. WCII(Night) Willis, Albert Bob WCD(Day) Spence, Sanford Eugene WCII(Day) Bigsby, Johnny P. Griffin, Lawrence WCII(Night) Johnson, Willie Joe WCII(Day) II Phillips, Robert Eugene Baker, Har old Wesl ey WCII (Day) Barnwell , Robert James WCII(Ni ght) Benford, James WCII(Day) II Dunson , Wayne Robert Garner , Warner Laborer II Gates, Robert Cecil WCII(Day) Hemphill , Ralph Jackson, Walter Lawr ence WCII(Night) WCII(Day) Martin, Willie T. Jr. II Phillips, Ja..~es Lewis Jr. II Richardson, Lorenzo Alphonzo II Trimble, Ri chard Bowen, Thomas Lee WCD II Dover, Clarence Elmer II Hamby , J immy Lane II Hill, ToJErie Fred II Roscoe , Alberts . II Sheppard , Geor ge E. II &ni t h , Norris E. WCII Barron, .Arthur Jo II Lucas, James Cecil WC Mor el and , Ceas er Jr. II Parks, Bobby Lee WCII(Day) Carroll, Williard Lee II Sh effi eld, Sylvester POSIT. NUMBER ex/bd Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II 1185 ex/bd II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 4183 1185 2182 1101 4184 3241 1460 4289 4132 4285 3425 II ex/ bd II (23 ) I, DEPARTMENT " II II II • II DATE EFFECTIVE 5/1/67 5/2/67 5/1/67 4/28/67 5/3/67 5/4/67 4/27/67 5/2/67 5/4/67 5/3/67 5/9/67 5/11/67 5/11/67 5/9/67 5/5/67 5/10/67 5/10/67 5/9/67 4/25/67 5/8/67 5/8/67 5/9/67 5/8/67 5/9/67 4/27/67 5/25/67 5/25/67 5/25/67 5/25/67 5/25/67 5/24/67 5/25/67 5/25 /67 5/25 /67 5/25/67 5/25/67 4/12/67 4/6/67 RACE cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm �~-;- c -: . -: :;:r .i .~ :


POSIT. .!. CLASS - ,. r,;;t -...=. _!.:.: NUMBER DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE RACE I Da. 11, Joseph , Willie James Hamilton, Jesse Gore, George Norris, David Lee Whicker, Simon Jr. Barlow, John W. Adams, Willie James Maddox, Roger Lee Marshall, Clifford Tucker, Robert James Culpepper, Howard Jac!-::son, Leroy Jackson, George Lee Dowdell, Freddie Ezell Crawford , George Franklin , Woodie Potts, Jerry Lee Gordon, Murray W. Cberhausen, John Frank McCor d, Andrew Jr. Ester , Jerry Jerome Conwell , Howard Hills , Freddie We ston, Claude Sonny Scott , Grady 1-'i lls, J a.mes Fddie Y.insey, F. K. Dillard, William Franklin Cannon , Richard Columbus Rawls, Emmitt Hinton Webb , John Carl Spence , Sanford Eugene Delong, Frank McDowell , James Jordon, Albert Fre eman , John B. D t.1 1: ~ ~r g~\ ""'llJ J ~ ~ Cti -:::i ~ 1 ~x =7 -::i 'Jo/ WCII(Day) ex/bd Sanitary II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II WCII(Ni,ht) WCI(Day WCI WCII(Day) II WCII(Night) WCII(Day) II II II WCII(Night) II WCI(Day) WCD(Day) II WCII(Day ) II 1211 1464 429'-I1178 1210 1336 1408 4134 4187 3661 1]_75 1174 ex/bd II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II WCII WCD(Day ) WCD (Day ) 1659 2274 II II 1184 II II 2697 II II ex/bd II WCD( N:i.ght ) WCII (Day ) WCII (Night ) II II II II II II II II II II II II (24 ) 4/4/67 4/17/67 4/18/67 4/18/67 4/4/67 4/14/67 4/10/67 4/6/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/14/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 4/13/67 3/9/67 2/9/67 4/18/67 4/19/67 4/18/67 4/18/67 4/19/67 4/17/67 4/13/67 4/17/67 4/13/67 4/ 21/67 4/19/67 4/ 21/67 4/ 20/67 4/20/67 4/19/67 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm wm cm . cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm wm cm ·wm wm cm cm cm �POSIT. CLASS 0~ 01'1 \ w Davis, 1·: alt er Leon Barber, Bobby Farris Pl ant , Cal v-4~---i Webb , Ilon Buren Chappell, \-layman Hutchins, Henry Parrish, Horace Stone, Freddie Lucas, James Cecil Ward, Joseph WCII(Day) WCD(Day) WCII(Day) WCD(Day) Laborer NUMBER DEPARTMENT ex/bd Sanitary 3241 II ex/bd II II II II II II II II WCII(Day) II II II II II II II II II WCII(Night) WCII(Day) DATE EFFECTIVE RACE 4/20/67 4/13/67 4/21/67 4/18/67 4/24/67 4/18/67 4/25/67 4/24/67 4/25/67 4/25/67 cm wm cm wm 6/13/67 4/17/67 4/4/67 6/13/67 5/2/67 4/29/67 6/1/67 wm cm wm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm 0 8i1 ~ :.J Traffic Checker Laborer II · Electrician Traffic Checker Typist Clerk Labor er II Stenographer 41 182 225 40 80 178 70 Crews , J. T. Crutcher, J ean M. Earls, H. G. Hend on, Sandra Lee Hi t chell, J.E. Arnall , J ames E. Buyer I Vari-Typer Operator Duplicating Assistant Typist Clerk Duplicatine Assistant Buyer I 6 19 21 10 Bennett, K. L. Eberhardt, Robert W, Hogsed , R. V. Jo:ies , W. L. Lowry, Genevieve Robinson, L. J . Wood , Japhus W. Correction Officer I Corr ection Officer I 34 Callaway , Marie Lynn Davis, Marion L. IG..uttz , J. H. J enkins, Snndra E. Payha..m , Leila c. Stenographer Stenographer Planner II Stenographer Typist Clerk (In Sr.Typist ) 18 29 6 19 16 21 11 f _-<'!_1 . ,<' . 12, J Stephens, James W.,Jr. Johnson, Claude Dovms, Ira, Jr. Lett, Anth ony F. Crosby, Janell F. Crowder, Freddie E. Conner, G. Y. 14 II 44 II 27 55 37 48 II Nurse-Matron II (25 ) Traffio Engineering II II II II II II Purchasing II II II II II Prison II II II II It II Planning II It II II wf cm wf 6/6/67 6/12/67 5/23 /67 6/5/67 1/10/67 5/2/67 wm wm cm 6/1/67 6/12/67 5/4/67 4/4/67 4/18/67 6/14/67 5/16/67 wm wm wm wm 6/12/67 4/4/ 67 4/18/67 6/12/67 5/4/ 67 wf wf wf wm wm wf wf cm wm wf wf �]~ ~ -:;i "'" ' J..._;;..· ~ 01" I jJJ 0 ~ on 1 _j~J POSIT. ~- a- ....-. CLASS _..:_·_:, NUMBER DEPA."R.T.MENT Fester, ~-~argaret L. Wccx:i, J c.ns K. Typist Clerk Personnel Assistant I 18 20 Personnel Giles, Gary Paul Draftsman I 37 Tax Assessors Fergerson, Charles D. McElharmon, H. R. Jackson, Allen D. Jackson, Glen E. Churchill, George E. Cooper, Dan E. Callaway , David Mo Green, Jerry D. Westbrooks, C. Stephens, Loren B. Stiles, O. L. Stowe , Dwain Lamar Thurman , John A. Todd, A. L. Stegall , Ral ph E. Self, H. A. Rakestraw, Elizabeth McCrickard, B. D. Millsaps, P. H. Eoore, H. Lane Morris, J . A. Nei-nnan , James I. Fatula, Fdward F. Landers, Billy Joe Lux , Frances J. Kalb , Hank Thecx:iore Holbrook , W. R. Howard , John Ro Cooper, Virginia L. Crider, J. L. Pumping Plant Operator .524 261 87 .526 7.5 88 313 398 511 462 .541 14 .566 618 497 632 583 II II II II II II Meter Mechanic Security Guard Automotive Servic eman I Auto-Body Repair.Painter Customer Service Clerk Semi-Skilled Worker Automotive Mechanic Treatment Plant Opr.II Typist Clerk Water Meter Reader Wat er Meter Reader Treatment Plant Opr . Water Meter Reader JS 380 619 476 465 381 462 54 442 112 380 477 96 II Customer Service Clerk Automotive Serviceman I Customer Service Clerk Water Meter Reader Treatment Plant Opr. Water Meter Reader Customer Service Clerk Security Guard (26 ) II Water II II II ti II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11II II II II II II II II II II · DATE EFFECTIVE RACE --6/12/67 4/3/67 wf 6/19/67 wm .5/31/67 .5/17/67 .5/24/67 6/12/67 .5/24/67 .5/29/67 .5/30/67 5/15/67 5/23/67 3/24/67 6/12/67 4/18/67 3/16/67 .5/12/67 6/21/67 4/4/67 4/24/67 4/28/67 4/26/67 5/9/67 6/15/67 4/10/67 4/10/67 5/3/67 5/1/67 6/5/67 5/15/67 6/23/67 4/17/67 4/5/67 wf wm wm wm wm wm wm wm wm cm wm wm wm wm wm wm wm wf i-nn wm wm wm cm wm wm wf wm wm wm wf wm �i POSIT. NUMBER )( • c --: '::;J ..::,.: -,- Der=non, R.R . Eea.-r~, R. _f. Breed, F. E. Bruce, Susan S. Bryant , M. C. '1><\ jy 0 ~ 'rl 3.~ CLASS ·~ r--: - -~ Calhoun , L. W. Sentell, David Ray Cotton, ~lichael P. Cox, Donald Wood.all, Lewis E. Sutton, Larry Dennis Ferrell, Charlie Mack Tucker, James Henry Grant, Ronald Bigsby, J. P. Brooks, John E. Davis, William Sharp, Ivory Coleman , Nathaniel Holton, Eddie Ben Jones, Tommy Frank Bladenburg, James H. Fowler, Adolphus Thomas , Willie Freddy Pierce, Howell Faust, Walter Lee Cox, Charles George, Carlton Foster, .A..rrnon S. Brown, Dwight Lee Cornelius, Gregory Wood.a.rd, Ji..'TII!ly Larry Whatley , John Albert Patte~son , Arthur L. Swinger , Freddie E. Williams, Jerome Arnold, Harold Lee Security Guard Treatment Plant Opr. Security Guard Typist Clerk . Water Meter Reader Treatment Plant Opr. Laborer 511 559 DEPARTMENT Water II 512 II 695 II 40 II 597 II 189 679 636 521 449 359 720 521 555 6o4 640 221 449 236 425 554 303 II " II II II " " ,, II II II II II II 555 195 425 236 554 687 303 6o4 681 166 411 614 297 248 II II " II II " " " " II II II II (27 ) II II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 6/2/67 5/30/67 4/24/67 4/19/67 5/2/67 6/1/67 4/18/67 4/10/67 4/19/67 4/4/67 5/3/67 5/3/67 4/27/67 4/27/67 5/1/67 5/2/67 4/10/67 4/6/67 4/4/67 4/4/67 4/3/67 5/9/67 5/15/67 5/8/67 5/17/67 5/16/67 5/9/67 5/Jl/67 5/31/67 5/29/67 5/29/67 5/24/67 5/23/67 5/26/67 5/30/67 5/30/67 5/30/67 RACE wm wm wm wf wm cm wm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm �POSIT. CLASS Ea:-ris , Willie Ste:!± a::ts , ': i l l i e , Rollie Lorenzo Porter, Raymond Kelley, Lonnie ~e Brow-:n, Benny Lee Reigner, Charles T, Pace, James Arnold Cooper, Loran c. Wright, Michael Mosley, Gary Hughey, Maggie T. F~1 1 Calloway, Herman L, Spence, James M. Trimble, Donald Owens, Leroy Wynn , Bobby Ingram, Marcellous HcCullers, James W, Jordon, Oscar R. Oliver, John Tnomas Henson, Charles Dewitt Gre en, Perry L., Jr, . Usher , Hulen , Jr. Carey, Alonza G. Ferrell, lfolan Ha.son , Robert M. Sims, Albert Leon Daniel, Nathaniel Glover , Erick v. Plant, Dan Releford, Curtis Rome , Ralph s. Rowland, James C, Rozier, Dennis L, Rushin, Marcus A, Nill'113ER Laborer II 362 Water 721 II 614 338 358 376 252 688 517 293 192 477 II II II II II II II II II Customer Service Clerk Laborer 90'-fll. 9o46 417 815 9o45 793 9o49 9o43 9o47 9050 9o48 II School Custodial Worker II Laborer School Custodial Worker Laborer II II II II DEPARTMENT II II II II II II II II II II School _ II " II II 90'-fll. II 348 433 631, 825 588 483 483 692 433 755 813 825 School Custodial Worker II II II II II II II II II II II (28) II II II II II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 5/30/67 5/4/67 6/9/67 6/5/67 6/13/67 6/6/67 6/5/67 6/5/67 6/15/67 6/6/67 6/1/67 6/17/67 5/1/67 5/1/67 5/4/67 5/4/67 5/2/67 4/3/67 5/1/67 5/3/67 5/1/67 5/3/67 5/1/67 5/23/67 6/6/67 6/7/67 5/25/67 5/29/67 5/29/67 6/1/67 5/22/67 4/10/67 5/25/67 4/25/67 3/20/67 4/5/67 RACE cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wrn cm cm cm wf cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �J':,,;-, C ;i -::;:, POSIT, NUMBER ""'0 .Z ~ E.Al --3 CLASS DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE RACE - --- -

ix \

01'1 ' 0 3 ,?I vl'l _::_8) l S-im.s, Albert L, Sims, John W. Stefford , steve Swinger, Leonard S-wi.."1.~ey, Jerrell Thomas, Fred L. Thompson, Charles A. Bell, John Baker Burks, Glen H.,Sr. Butts, Thomas Jenkins, Howard B. Jewell, John T. Johns, Eddie Lee Johnson, Melvin Rice, Betty L. Royal, D. C. St. John, Pa..mela J, Saylor, Raymond Scott, Bobby Scott, Virginia Sewell, P. V. Se;ynour, A. E. Shippy, Mary Ellen Steverson, Ruby L. Talton, Susan M. Tourand, Helen Crit tenton, Charles Dallis , Ernest Haslett , Martha S. Holcombe, George W, Hunt , Judith A. Jackson , Jen.~ifer L, Jones, Theodore E, Kindell , Willie Ll. g,l it , James L, Mahone , Willie W, Mangram , Esker Yiartin , Johnny B.,Jr, Mason, Robert M, School Custodial Worker II II II II II II II II " " II II II Typist Clerk Ass't,Broadcast-Pro.Dir. Typist Clerk School Custodial Worker II Typist Clerk Key Punch Operator Electrician Stenograpier Senior Typist Typist Cle:irk Stenograpier School Custodian II Stenograpier Clerk Personnel Assistant I Stenograpier School Custodial Worker School Custodian II II II " " (29) 825 633 439 695 826 567 483 432 635 592 623 826 825 790 808 658 1086 629 357 1150 848 913 739 37 359 837 455 447 862 662 871 862 824 795 610 562 1163 484 631 School II II II " II II II II II II II II II II II "" II II II " " II II II "II "II II 5/29/67 3/6/67 3/16/67 3/1/67 4/5/67 4/3/67 3/1/67 6/22/67 6/21/67 6/22/67 3/13/67 6/23/67 4/17/67 6/20/67 5/18/67 5/15/67 4/24/67 3/30/67 4/5/67 3/20/67 4/21/67 5/8/67 3/13/67 4/27/67 6/7/67 5/31/67 6/26/67 6/26/67 5/8/67 6/16/67 4/17/67 6/19/67 4/4/67 6/26/67 3/15/67 5/29/67 3/28/67 3/20/67 5/25/67 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wf wm wf cm cm wf wm wm wf cf wf wf cm cm wf wm wf wf cm -cm cm cm cm cm wm �"":x , ~~ · -·-"'" ' -, 11.A.!.IB POSIT. NUMBER CLASS DEPARTMENT DATE EFFECTIVE RACE

.-i x \ ~g ·, ~ ~ en ~lJ I -<2.J r ! 1v:a yes, Curtis, Jr. -1ays, Johnny G. Eaxwell, Fddie L. HcGinty , Erroll Wnitlow, Josepi Walker, Barron Waller, Gerald Williams, Jarnes Cit Williams, Ronald Willis, Richard J. Wilson, John Wilson, Samuel Worthy, Bobby L. Wri ght, John M. Trimble, Donald Turner , J esse H. Meroney, Pat Wo Miller, Roberts. Nixon, J. C. Yarbr ough , Michael G. Waters, Kathie F. West, Cynthia J. Widemon , Ben F. Williamson , L. T. .A21thony, David M. Bailey, Charles L. Bailey, Jame s A. Ponder, C.H. Baulson, .1U.fred E. Bibbs, ~.2.rion L. Blessitt, Claude L. Carey, Alonza G. Collins, Okey, Jr. Daniel, Nathaniel Epps , James H. School Custodian 531 465 417 503 lOOJ J78 815 691 789 616 391 779 357 819 417 499 9002 II II II - School Custodial Worker II II II II Carpenter Programmer Trainee Draftsman I Draftsman I Typist Clerk Typist Clerk Plumber Draftsman I School Custodial Worker 8'+5 575 575 1149 II II II II II II II II II II II II 562 II II 911 720 606 692 1162 801 789 ?OJ J48 417 II II II II II II 605 II II School II II- 4/10/67 J/15/67 J/22/67 J/29/67 6/23/67 J/Jo/67 4/J/67 J/16/67 J/28/67 4/17/67 J/2/67 J/7/67 3/20/67 4/3/67 5/4/67 J/Jl/67 5/15/67 5/1/67 J/20/67 3/20/67 5/11/67 6/1/67 4/12/67 5/23/67 3/30/67 J/22/67 J/16/67 5/8/67 3/20/67 4/28/67 J/16/67 6/6/67 5/22/67 II 588 II 510 5/29/67 II II 3/30/67 (JO) cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm wm wm wm wf wf cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �CLASS ~-, Ji; 0 ~ -n ., :i, _:- '!.I BtlJ.ew , Sandra Barron, T. J. Britt, D. C. Brow-n, Delores s. Brown, Flynn N. F.dwards, Audrey Ruch Evans, E. H. Fanning, Larry B. Ferrell, Nolan Fitzpatrick, Melvin Flower, Frank Leon Gamble, Margaret A. Green, R. S. Gregory, Samuel Griffin, James R. Griner, Katherine M. Harley, C. E. Harrison, O. C. Bl anton, Harcia Ann Posea , Faye Evans Cd.oms, J olm Davis Ovme s, Ler ay Pap , John Light, J ames .Leonard Bawlosn, Alfred Eugene Bl essitt, Claude Leroy Williams, Ronald Bailey , J a..rnes Arthur Bailey, Charles Lewis Harrison , O. c. Eaxwell , F.d.di e Lewis Mays, J ohn,~y Cartr ell Ro zier , Dermis Leon Stafford , Steve Willia.'lls, James Clyde Mangram , Esker Saylor , Raymond McGinty, Err oyl Epps , James Hildret Stenographer Carpenter Broadcast Engineer Typist Clerk Building Custodian Typist Clerk Duplicating Machine Opr. School Custodial Worker 11 II II Typist Clerk Statistician School Custodial Worker II Typist Clerk Audicvisual Tech I. School Custodial Worker Typist Clerk Senior Typist School Custodial Worker II Clerk School Custodial Worker II II II II POSIT. NUMBER DEPARTMENT 22 School 9005 158 39 1113 832 1093 787 433 600 818 ll51 ll57 703 826 830 73 678 1151 869 3$4 815 ll5 610 801 703 789 692 II 562 II 678 417 465 813 439 691 1163 629 503 510 II ii It II II II II II II (Jl ) ?'.) 1'1 3g_l It It II II It It II II II II It It It It II II II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 4j4j67 5/22/67 1/3/67 5/1/67 1/4/67 4/16/67 3/29/6'7 3/21/67 6/7/67 5/1/67 4/3/67 5/1/67 5/29/67 4/5/67 4/24/67 5/2/67 5/24/67 3/15/67 6/12/67 6/16/67 3/29/67 5/4/67 4/11/67 3/15/67 3/20/67 3/16/67 3/28/67 3/16/67 3/22/67 3/15/67 3/22/67 3/15/67 3/20/67 3/16/67 3/16/67 3/28/67 3/30/67 3/29/67 3/30/67 RACE wf cm wm cf cm wf cm cm cm cm cm cf wm cm cm cf cm cm cf wf cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm �i )( , Ji_; POSIT. NJ.ME .


JjJ lJ 0 . "';";;\ ~Q' CLASS School Custodial Worker fu.--ner , Jesse Boward WaL1-cer, Barron Anthony, David Pd.lton ~.a.yes, Curtis Jr. Releford, Curtis Scott, Bobby Dennie Gregory, Samuel Martin, Johnny Benjamin Jr. Thomas, Fred Lee Brown, Glynn Norris Sims, John William Lowe, Jerry Laborer Collins, Bobby Lee School Custodial Worker II Jenkins, Howard Bernard Page, George Cleveland Jro Laborer Johns, F.ddie Lee School Custodial Worker II Flower, Frank: Leon II Griffin, James Robert II Rowl and , James Clinton II Willis, Richard Jerome II Fitzpatrick, Melvin II Biles, :M.a.rion Lewis Thomas, Roy William Laborer II Sewell, Fred Ernest II Radford, Charles William II Pryor, Linds ey Jro II Henderson, Freddy NUMBER 499 378 606 531 692 J57 70J 484 567 lllJ 6JJ 244 444 623 2J7 825 818 826 DEPARTMENT School II II II II " II II II II II II II II II 755 616 600 789 259 261 238 9049 9046 r--<<ij (J2) ii II II II DATE EFFECTIVE 3/31/67 3/30/67 3/30/67 4/10/67 4/10/67 4/5/67 4/5/67 J/20/67 4/J/67 4/J/67 J/6/67 4/26/67 1/24/67 J/13/67 4/28/67 4/17/67 4/3/67 4/24/67 4/25/67 4/17/67 5/1/67 4/28/67 5/8/67 4/6/67 4/17/67 5/30/67 6/7/67 RACE cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm wm ·wrn wm cm cm �June 6, 1967 ~e Mayor's City Job Opportunities Committee convened at 3:00 p. m. Tuesday, June 6, 1967, in Committee Room No. 2, City Hall. The following were present: Milton G. Farris, Chairman Carl Paul (representing Carl T. Sutherland) Ray A. Nixon Paul Weir Robert D. Speer (representing s. w. Graydon) Q. v. Williamson s. Messrs. were absent. W. Graydon and Clarence D. Coleman, members, Mr. Paul Weir, General .Manager of the Water De- partment, was appointed to the Commi ttee to fill the vacancy created by Mr. s. w. Graydon, who will be retiring next month. A letter to Mr-. J . J . Little, Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, from Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . asking Mr. Little to advise the Board of Aldermen of Mr • .Weir~s appointment is attached to and made a part of thes~ minutes. After calling the meeting to order , Milton G. Farris , I Chairma n , asked Carl Pau l, Deputy Director of Personne l , for a report f r om the Pe rsonnel De p a rtmen t on its activit ie s and a s ked I that a copy of a l e t ter sent t o t he Mayo r f rom the Atlan ta summit teadorehip Conference be obtained. Next , Mr. Paul read a list of the classifications in which Negroes occupy positions. This list is attache d to and - - - -~ ~ -- - --- ----r ... ~!"\1 - - - --- - x r;:i,ol - - - ~ ( ' ()p • y �' . ' _ , I ' I • • -21 made a part of these minutes. Mr. Farris asked if there were any stenographer positions occupied by Negroes~ Mr. Paul re- plied, "There are none, but we do have some Negroes in typist positions." Q. V. Williamson stated, "Our problem in getting good people in the City jobs is the Personnel Department -- the way the people are treated down there." He also said that he had a complaint from his daughter who went to the Personnel Department to apply for Junior Accountant. Williamson said that his daughter was told by a lady in the Personnel office that probably she didn't want to take the examination for Junior Accountant and that she should go back to the board to find some other type of position f or which she would like to apply. Mr. P a ul said h e was not trying to refute what Mr. Williamson had said, but he e x plained that the 1girl in Personnel probably meant for his daughter 1to go over to t he board which contains t he announceI ments of t h e classi f icat i ons in which p o s ition s are v·acant t o see if s h e met the minimum r e quireme nts for the po s ition for I which she was a p plying. Mr . Paul al s o a dde d t hat he had t alked to l-1 1:' . Sutherland about this particular i n cident and that Mr. I $ uthe:rland indicated that the girl d id n o t me e t the minimum re- ' cJUi tenle nte for the position for which she was applying. --~

Mr. �;. ., "' • • · • ... l . ... -3Paul said i t was his understanding that the girl was very insistent in saying that she wanted to take the examination, for Junior Accountant, though she did not meet the requirements for that classification. Mr. Farris then related an incident that took place in one of the Atlanta Public Libraries. He said that he and some others went to the Library and that they were "treated like dogs". He said he told those in charge at the Library that if the situation didn 1 t change that they would have to get some new people~ Mr. Farris said that if such a situation existed i I in the Personnel Department that i t had better change. Mr. Paul said that if it did exist, he was not aware of it. Q. v. Williamson said that what he thinks the City needs is a recruiter to recruit people and to let the Negroes know that they can quali,f y for and get these better jobs. When Mr. Farris asked Mr. Paul if the Personnel Department has a recruito r , Mr. Paul said that the Personne l Department does have a recruit er who goes out and tries to recruit people. Next, Mr. Paul read a list of eligible registers, a copy o .f which is attached to and made a part of these minutes, which i1101l1des Negroes in the top three on the individual registers, poitrt~ing o u t that at the time the lists were made up the r e we re -/~ Rot--- - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - t" OfUY �., , o I , , -4no vacancies. He said that the Personnel Department ·spends money in many professional magazines, trade journals, and newspapers in advertising for applicants for vacant positions. Mr. Farris said that as long as advertising was used instead of a recruiter that the City would never get people. He also stated, "I think what we need to do for this Committeei-s information so that we can keep up with what we are doing that the Personnel Department ought to set up a record to show how many people they have examined, how many were White and Negr~, how many passed the tests, how many were sent to the department heads for interview, and how many were employed,." Mr. Paul said that the Personnel Department is making some progress, particularly in promotions. He said, "Two years ago the Negro would have been afraid to have applied in the first place, but now , they are being appointed into these positions." , He also stated that the Personnel Department has a Training 1 Coordinator, Mr. Farrow, who is setting up a training .program to train people in the City government so that they can I qualify for promotion. Mr. Nixon added that he and Mr. Farrow h a.d set up a program f o r the Construction Department and the Sa.nita.ry Department laborers in which all who were interested itl l e rning to operate a truck or equipment could participate. I Next, Mr. Williamson made the following statement: "There . >l17'RO r' Qpy ~ ()p,1y �-5are five departments that I know of that have made considerable progress in this thing -- Firer Police, Construction, Sanitary, and Comptroller. I think the Water Department can do more. •l Mr. Farris read the letter sent to the Mayor by the Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference and referred each request that was made in . the letter to the proper persons . A copy of this letter is attached to and made a part of these minutes. He also added, "I think the City has done a very creditable job in absorbing Negroes in its departments in the City government. Paul (Mr~ Weir), I have had some criticism of the Water Department." vestiga;te.11 Mr. Weir answered saying, "We will certainly inQ. V. Williamson said that Mr. Weir could help out a lot by employing a Negro to work in the Water Department on the first floor of City Hall. He said that most of the Negroes who go to City HaB. never go beyond the first floor and that if they could see a Negro working there on the first floor, it would get a lot of people "off his back" ., Mr. Weir mentioned the fact that the Water Department has several Negroes out in the f ield, and also he stated that "If we can get a qualified Negto , the n we will put them in there." Mr. Farris asked Mr. Wi l :l.i tuna on to report to the Atlant a Summit Leadership Con- fe . ~ce o n the items that concerned the Job Opportunities Com1 mitt: e, ~ - - - -- ~ - ~ w~, L..._, - -- ~~ - -- l c'o~v ~ ,.. �r i,,• '. ' . . ·. ; ... ,' '.. ' I I, -6· There being no further business~ the meeting was declared adourned. Respectfully submitted, CARL PAUL Acting Secretary I • cbt ~our (4) Attachments r' I ll ,.l �·--'~- · June s. 1967 Mr. J. J. · Little Clerk of the Board of Aldermen Atlanta. Georgia . .. Dear Mr. Little: '-· I would appreciate your advising the Board of Aldermen that I have hereby appointed Paul Weir to serve on the City Job Opportunities Committee upon th~ retirement of Stafford G raydon. ,;it~ . Respe ctfully yours., Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJ'r'br • l , CC: Mr. Paul Weir Gen. , Carl Suthek'land / ,; " . . . ~ ,.. ·.:.·' ~ _ ____ _ _ . -~ --..-.. ;ru.-.v j -n:T? I �._:, ,.,.,_, ~

==.J _

\~~ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ liia' A,,o_, L-.._,,.. • __.J__ ~ -~ ~- -- = ~- - =~ · - ~ Ao.10:.> "illi= = == = -=~= · - -= - ,· ' t 0~3X " j ' S/16/67 ... , ... . ELIGIBLE RBGIS'r'ERS ON WHICH TEE ~ . AFE NEGOOES IN THE TOP-THIU!.E ' .. u ,, ACCOU1IT!lJG ASSISTA!IT II • oo vacMcy AIP-1::0m' PATROU1P.N - No. 3 applicant is colored - wrote :S/ll/67 (no I repl y ;vot.5 AUDIO- VISUAL TECffil!GIAN I - Only 2 on l ist., both colore"l ( Reason t hey give for not hir-...nz ie that 011e has a court record and t he other · one is going in service 1n a couple of r.x,nt hs.) IDILDI NG- n ~P'ECTOR I - no vacancy l3JYBR I - no vacancy - one ant icipated CARPE?;'!'ER - only one applicc.1.1t 1ho ie colored, baa questionable c9Url raco1-d, but he.a been referred. CLZ.'\K - ne~ · appears on list in second placa i- _r.o vacancy co 1rnmITI cr:-ITE..-q Di nE.CTOR - colored eligibles cannot meet schedw.e of work. CO.*JNITY RFJJP.EATIOM I.BADER DOPLICA.l 'IUG /,$S'L':';TPJJT - no v:,,cency ELECTRICIAU - ~ vacancy ELECTROtn:CS T.ECHlITCI~J - no vacancy EfJGI UEZRilID AIDE I £QUIF ~ In' OPCFJiTOR I - first e.pplico.nt i s CIDO"UlIDSICECFER .- no :vacancy IDUSDJG CODE L~f'ECTOR I - no vacancy KEY PUUCH TRAD!r..13 - no vacancy tut·,cm - no vaceno:, tIDSSE:!GER CLEP.l{ - no v acanc7 ?T0!1SE t-t\?IDN • no vacenoy FAINTER - · I' col ored end reterrei 5/10/67 �··.·. . ,· .' . ., • , • I f ' ./ Page -2PAllKS Pitl'ROLMAN ~ PARKS TRAINEE - no ... .. _c.mcy '. SCHOOL . CUSTODIAL \,'ORKER - all applicants are negroes h SCHOOL CUSTODIA.l~ - sJJ. a.Pr. .lic~,ts ru:-e negroes - no v.acaboy ,.I , sr.'~IU'l'Y GUAt'W - n.o vacency SEHI-SY.!LLED WORKER - 3. appllca:.ot a.ra negroes · SENIOR CLE11K - CUST·O:-IBR SERVICE CLER."IC - one negro on list ie in second place - no vacancy 'i'Ab"11Ll.l'Il-!O EQ1Jll'i•l1Th'T OPEP•.ATOR I - no vacancy • TELEP?)NS MA.Il'T"B?U.NCE MAN - no vacancy TRAFFIC CHECKER -~ PR0~10TIONAL E!.IGI3LE REGISTERS " .. . . \ ASSISTANT SCHOOL· GROUNDS · FOREJ1AN ( OOARD OF EDUCATION) • no vacancy BAILIFF I • no vacancy (Cffl- rJIDE RBGISTER).EQUI PMEm OPE.RAl'O~ -I ( COI;JSTRUCTIOU) . onl.7 2 &pPlioants, both colo~ . . EQUIFMENT OPERATOR II (CONSTRUCTION) · . tho two '~olored l!l8n h!lv waived certification tor existing vacancies. EQUifl!Etl': OPERATOR II (' ATER ~PARTHl::ltt)1 .- no .vacancy ' ' LAOORER II ( C0?:3TRUC'!'IOii ) ... all .3 applicants o colored MAIN'!'EN.MiCE }?ECIWUC ( OOAIID OF EDUCATION) - no veetmcy PARKS CUSTODIAU · (PARKS) . .. Ri!mONAL Cts'l'OMA..ll - ' . no ·vacancy . ' JI.. r ' SUPE.llm0i? :. 2 colored on lit.t (OOARD OF EDUCATION) L o SC1DOL KAINTlt~A?roE MJi'.,CRANIC I { ro.ARD OF EDUCATION) 3 colored on list-notified .I · department 4/2$/67. ,_.j ' . •' .; j ' I • �A , 41 I ~ / J t ~.!_ !~f~'..1~·.._,.~ -..--"- -- -- - - - - --<~

~.:.oi--- - - - -

OU I Y. .. ... . . "c."- -· : ,,/ ' I I ,• ,', }.'


I I ' ' ••.-:_ i'f' .. Pass -3- smrr-srJ:Lti..,~ ~;ro:rum.J:t I ( ·!A'I."'.ffi. DEPART lBNT) - top 3 colored ' SE!UOR T!PIS'.i'-..,~1K ( POLICE DEPA.~) • one appears on list 1n II i SEWE~tt Sfu'N.tCE!t,.'\U I! ( CO!'iSTROCTIOH) -~ top 3 col ored C TA1.1DE!! DID-ill EQtm !.wn' OBRATOR I ( CONSTI11JC?I01)i j - no vacancy0 TRADES B.EU'Es.1 ( BOARD OF EpUCATl:On) - top 3 colored. W~TE COLLECTION DRIVER (SA.\"ITARY) • ill ) colored • ASTE COLLEC'?OR II (SAI TARY) • top ·3 col orad iI I I . ·ii". l ~ t. ,.t I. I ·, : ., . . I. I L I I I !' coo~,. place , �~- { ·)l'. 11 . ; .. ; I I

I_., '•~',


' ~ ~ ____J""' ~. $8 fi:rno--y\ ( I,-,. _1 �.r . •\ I 7 ·,s Atla nt a Summit L.. , ,., c·-.- ~-' " ::onf erence , A Coordinating Coalition of Atlanta Organiz at_;_ons and Community Leadership. Primary Sponsors: NAAC?, Ope~ation Breadbasket, Atlanta · Negro Voters League, All-Citizens Registration Committee and ACCA. Summit .Co-Chairmen: . J~sse Hill, Jr., .Rev •. $. W. Williams and Alderman Q. V. Williamson. i .Subject: .( State of Our City and the Negro Community, special requests and concerns. Presented by Special City Affairs Committee. Our Committee is here to reaffirm its interest and confidence in the future of Atlanta and to express our desire to share in the responsi" bility of ·its continued growth and greatness. . It is our d~sire a~d intention to share at all leveli an~ in all areas. This morning we wish to make the following requests and express concerns indica~ed: .I. Special Requests : A. ·"' I 1 . The appointment of a Negro to Deputy Staff level in the Personnel Dept., under General Sutherland, and the hiring of a Negro Recruiter. B. An Equal Employment Opportunity clause with in enfor~ement provisions in all City Purchasing Contracts. C. The immediate desegregation of the Main Library staff and the desegregation and merit promotion of personnel in branch staffs. D. The hiring of Negro Housing ~nspectors. E. The hiring of Negr6 J~dges in the- Traffic·~nd Municipal Courts not as Ad Hoc Judges but regular Judgeship statu~. F. The Installation of an Information Desk in l9bby of. City Hall. G. The revival . of the -City's Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, for11Je·r ly headed by the late Alderman John A. White, and included the late Attorney A. T• .Wolden and Clarence Coleman. ~ H. Second Request for a list and description including · purpose and top staff of all federal funded or assisted programs of the City of Atlanta. This request was made

many. months ago shortly after Mr. Dan Sweat was named to

his current · positi6n • . JI . H~using ~rban Renewal, Mode1 Cities . . Our Community and our City Governm~nt are on a "collision · cou1~s e" i n Urban: Renewal, Housing the :prop·osed Model. Ci ties Prog~am• . We have already informed~yoy of our ·end~rsement of our community positiori on Rousing as setforth by the NMCP th r ough President A. M. Davis. -·..,, ' ,· , ,.·- ~"--~-~---··· .. - ! : . • ..• • ,.. , , ·. ~, r 'r.oi-:'r1, --.--- - - - - -.....- ·- 1 f ~~ r-~ ~.-u ,,,._ ____,

., , 1,r,' . ~ I 1 , u ·,,...., �w..~ - - - = - - == ===""'1 , ,,n.,, O tLI X / --,- \ l .. . !


The Atlanta Summit i.eadersh'ip Confe.rence I • 1 ·I. !I I · May 10 , 19~7 . I I· I i ., Page 2 I ' I•! ... -····· .. . Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr


• • ~ .. f' • . .., I.! """" ' ' ., ,. - ...,,,.._.. , ·' -.. ~ t' H I!., •• , • • • .,• We take this opportunity to inform you of our endorsement of the I I . ,_

1 ,

1 ·., f pr oposals submitted by Re~. John Hood on "Model Cities" including 11 ! ! immediate action for changes- in the Executive Board.


i that the Planning Fund Request, ·T echnical Advisory Board be revised to .~ ·we also request include our suggestion for Negro experts to b~ incl~ded (plu~ other job categories). U:rban Renewal , The Negro Community has seen Urban · Renewal too often implern~nted We also see it as ,business and sizable financial transactions, where representatives of our race have been excluded from major financial transactions, a crucial item that could along with other i-lls in Model Ci ties, · and Housing ca·use Atlanta to lose the Negro Community support of all Federal HUD . Programs, a strong united complaint from our community to HUD Secretary Robert Weaver requesting a h.a l t in HUD funds for Atlanta. as "Negro Remo~al· i ! I i I iI i i ii The crucial case in point.is the Rockdale Project. (Alderman Wil.liamson will explain our ;)osi tion) where a Negro church, Union Baptist is the sponsor, a Negro architect and Negro igents are pri. marily involved. ! .! ' Ii ..I I i ' ,, I: -III. In view of the evils and discrimination uncovered by Alderman Wi lliamson recently in the City Construction Department, we request a survey or investigation of all city departments. The investigating staff should include representatives of the Equal Employm~nt Opportunities Committee and the City Human Relations Commission. · '. . . We also request i summary report of invol~ement. of ~egroes in. the City Government (staff and policy) ·and a summary repor\ of the status of compliance of Atlanta with the Civil Rights · Law. Negroes · are still . receiving public accommodation insults in our city.·


., IV. We request a Crash Program to correct the many years of discriminati on in the location of park , facilities and the quality of park facilities and golf courses in our ' city. v. -.l i I: . . . · We . wish to apologize -to Alderman ·Williamson for· this pe'rsonal Status of Alderman Q. V. Williamson . .r -. . I !( ~ · Park Facilities . .. I.

ef~ re n~e • . He hijd no knQwl edee tha~ this item wQuld be in~ludedr

!. ..... . ,. t I!I l �A 1.11), J I ou,,x A ,41J_:} ~ 1°..]' .'..!J 7 -~ ' - _____ · :. - . ... ··-···----···- - ·-- ·- . ·- __ ______},_ , -·- ·· -- .' ' ' ' .... ~ I. ' ' . The Atlanta Summit Leadership Co.of erence ... .... Mayor I van Allen, · Jr · · ... · ·-···· . Page 3 I. .._ .' . ..., I 1· ' .' I r • . -· .., .. · --r .. . . ..,.• . • • •' 1·' .. ···- · ' . . May lO, 1967. ,I t. I • •' I. J. ' I ,. " • ..•• , ... ,, I . i '. • I However, we note th~t you have appointed every one in his tenure class or older to charimanships of committees but him. In the case of _Hugh Pierce he has a chair~anship and a vice chairmanship. Mr. Williamson has neither a chairmanship nor a vice chairmanship. We suggest that he be considered as chairman of the Equal Employment Op- . portunity Committee to succeed the late John Wt)ite as a beginning to correct this situation. · ! .· . '. . w-· ,: ._. .' '" .. . . .. ~ ,'...· ., ., • ,: J, 1 ... ' I .. • ..... • ~· · I" �G,; ; THE ATLANTA PUBLIC LIBRARY Adan<a 3, JOHN HALL JACOBS DIRECTOR May 22, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of At l an ta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: The news article in th e May 11 Atlanta Constitution was called to the attention of our Board by me at their last meeting. You will b e receiving a letter from them on this matter in the next few days. We sincerely feel that we are giving all staff members an d prospective staff members a fair deal by anyone's stan dard s. Sincerely, ?!Jyq i.~ R~ Acting Director MLR:dw C2-.. ~ �DECE1BER 26, 1963 Total number oi employees exclusi.ve of .Board of Educ2.-cion: Whi·ce 3861 Colored To·cnl 5375 151~=28.17% Board of Education under Civil Service 358 Totals: 4219 'x E.·~--;;. ,_____,......, ' ("OPY 371 729 6104 C ,nO~ 1,~; ,, ' y . ~ - -' !....., �December 26,.1963 Negro employees of the City of Atlanta in classes other than Porter, Laborer, Caddy Master, Building Custodian, and Building Cleaner work in the following job categories: Classification Department Negroes currently working in this classification Aviation Airport Utility Worker I Automotive Serviceman (SSW II) Motor Transport 10 Building Mechanic I Building Mechanic II Building Me chanic III Bd/F.d 15 Bd/Ed Bd/Ed 4 4 36 Comm.unity Recreation Leader Parks 6 30 Equipment Operator I Equipment Operator I Equipment Operator I Sanitary Water 1 1 27 Day-27; Night-28 Fireman Fire 18 35 Groundskeeper Bd/Ed 25 26 Housing Code Inspector I Urban Reneval 1 38 Incinerator Trainee Sanitary 3 30 Labor Foreman

Librarian I

Librarian II

Librarian III

Parks Library Library Library 3 2 1 28 36 39 l

Library Aide II

Li brary l 42 25 Nurse Mo.tron Prison l 27 Plasterer Police Detective Police Lieutenant Police Patr olman Police Ser geant Prison Matron Bd/Ed Police Police Police Police Police 2 7 l 39 Bd/F,d ·-\ ··- xrn oi , ,,. y I ·xE-;, "ot ror•v r ,.....

, 26 28 1 2

Statistics for Li brary current as of 12- 13- 63 .

I Salary Range l .5 32 34 II II II II 37 36 (6) 40 35 37 26 �Recrea ~ion Leader Parks Parks Recreatio·n Supervisor Re gional Maint. Supervisor Bd/Ed Semi Skilled Worker I Semi Skilled Worker I Semi Skilled Worker I Semi Skilled Worker I Sewage Plant Operator I Steno Clerk II Switchboard Operator Construction Motor Transport Traffic Engineering Water Construction Bd/Ed Police Trades Helper Typist Clerk II Bd/Ed Police Waste Collection Driver Waste Collection Driver Water Meter Reader Sanitary Sanitary (Extra Board) Water Total 22 25 1 1 36 38 55 26 26 26 26 28 JO 24 6 10 65 4 1 2 2 28 1 27 8 Day-29;. Night-JO II · 1 II ti II 30 2 .3.36 CITY OF ATLANTA SALARIES ACCORDING TO SALARY RANGE Salary Range Monthly Salary for the range 24 25 26 27 28 29 JO 31 32 33 34 35 .36 36 (6) 37 38 39 40 41 42 BY COMPARISON Building Custodian (day) Building Custodian (night) ' r,<, 'I ," ,,,., $225 $234 $244 $254· $265 $276 $288 $300 $313.;. $326 $340 $.355.:. 276 288 JOO 313 326 340 .355 370 386 40.3 420 4.38 $.370 - 457 $457.;. 555 $386 - 476 $403 $420 $438· $457 $476 - 495 515 535 555 575 "' Salary Rruige 18 (4) Salary Range 19(4) $199 - 244 $208 - 254 ( Xr AO· l ,,• y ; r------- - I '1( 1 p() , I II ' , �l -V -"t~ ' U c !..· _.,..1.._p_ ,~:(c .. J ........... . T.:.L -,-- - ., '.:! ~

.• ,

,.1 T.·.-"""'" .;., . ··~- •\.': 1 ~ I. ·-


r ~~::. __;_. ; .. 'c:1.:1..11::.c ~ B\.: ::.:, __ 1.. ~ ./..:,~:ln.~ic II Ei.:::..ldi::-:; !--:-.:~~ln.r..ic III 1 1 8 7 2 .3 -, 7 1 1 1 2 3 I "lo Ec_uip . Oper. I Bd/3d Equip . C~er. I S:1n. Equip . Oper. I Water ..I. I: 1 l 18 16 1 2 Fireill~'1 Gro1-:r.dskeeper 13 Rous . Code Inspo I l Inciner ator Trainee 3 6 6 12 2 1 3 I Labor Forema..'1 Li br2.ria....'1 I Librari an II Librari an III 3 2 J 1 1 1 1: l~m.-se !fatron 1 !i Plasterer Police Det ective Police Lieutenant Poli ce Patrolman ·Police Serge2.nt Prison Natron 2 !~ Library Aide 12 II (l ii i1 1! 1 30 1 - ~_j...L C. A._.) 1 2 9 4 4 11 I! Ii 6 I 3 3 I 6 6 8 \ _2 i I 3 .3 (5) 1-1-63 2 2 .. .., i 'I II 2 l 2 I Switchboard Oper. 2 2 I Trades Helper Ty}:)ist CJ.erk II Waste Coll . Driver WCD (Extra Board ) Wate r Heter Re ader 2 l 2 l 3 ' ·" nnl Recl assified 1 I 3 , .. . ,,,. , y ~ 3 I l ('.-later) Tot al 1 l V Sevage Plant Oper. I Steno Clerk II .3 IiI' Ii 5 Re.creati:m Leader 14 Re creation Supv . 1 1 P£gional Mai~t Supv. Semi Skilled Hkr . I Cons • 52 Semi Skilled Wkr. I rvo ...,o,.. . Trru~ ,·po-+ ) .J. Se:ni Skilled Hkr. I 7 ('"'l.r " .,..c-~c '?ncr o• ) Sere.i Skilled ·,:kr . I 63 \ - - 3 l 1 1 6 1 1 1 24.3 9.3 40 2 l I 1 2 2 Extra Boarc.. 38 39 lL1- 0•• r,n1 t· , ,... ... 1' ,. ~ 1 0 6 �May 17, 1967 Hon . Milton G . Farris Chairman City Job Opportuni ties Committee, P . O . Box 7245, Station C Atlanta ,. Georgia Dear M ilton : I am attaching a copy of the requests made by the Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference . They were not familiar with the fact that you have been appointed as Chairman of the City Job Opportunities Comxnittee. I would recommend that you call a meeting of this committee at an early date to receive the la st report of the PeJ."sonnel Department, and look into any other matter that might be brought before the committee at that time. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. IAJr:am Enclo ure be: Jesse Hill �May 17, 1967 Mr. Jesse Hill Atlanta Life Insurance Company 148 Auburn Avenue., N . E . Atlanta, G e orgia Dear Jesse : Following our meeting of last Wednesday, I asked the Personnel Board to give me a condensed summary of employment within the city government. I am enclosing a copy of that summary for your information. This report factually sustain that employment of Negro citizens in Atlanta has steadily increased in the last several years, and that a vast number of new positions have opened up for qualified a pplic.ant • I am attaching a copy of my letter to the Personnel Board, the Library Board of Trustees, and the City Job Opportunity Committee. I believe the e letters are self-explanatory. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:am Enclosures �5/12./67 I\1EGROES ARE EMPLOYED IN THE CLAES IFIC TIONS LLSTED BELOW Total Positions AIRFIELD Mr'\.Il'lTENANCE MECHANIC I AIRFIELD MAI NTENANCE MECHANIC II AL"RPORT PATROL"MAN AUDIO- VI SUAL TECHNIC.IA_T'if I Al.1DIO - VISU L TECHNICIAN II AlJ1)ITOIUUN UTILITY WORKER I AUDITOR i u11 lITILITY WOR..1<ER II AUTOHOTIVE MECHA-T'ifIC AUTOMOT IVE SE.r1VICEM.A_T'if I AlJ"TONOTIVE SERVICEMAN II BOOKMOBILE OPERA.TOR BRIDGE WORKER BUILDING CLEANER BUILDING CUSTOD IAN CARPENTER CASH IER I CLERK COEHUNITY CENTER DIRECTOR co~ IMUN ITY RECREATION LEADER CORRECTION OFF ICER I CUSTODB.L ATTENDET--l"T Cl!"STODIAL WORKER DUPLICA'I'IKG "MACHINE OPERATOR I EQUIPI•lENT OPERATOR I EQUIH·:1El'IT OPERATOR II F irlE AP?ARATUS OPERATOR F IRENA.t""i/ GEr'l°"ERAL 1-".A:rnTENANCE MECHANIC I GOLF STA.i.'1TER GU.A.RD HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHA.T'ifIC HOUS I NU CODE INSPECTOR I I NCINERATOR OPERATOR I INCINERATOR OPERATOR II KEY PUNCH OPERATOR LABOnATOTIY TECHNICIAN xr no j ,...... 20 2 5 10 5 47 34 17 3 13 -18 4 41 8 42 34 74 32 3 44 8 234 86 177 455 32 8 10 l 3 16 ·4 2 1 4 7 38 4 3 35 4 61 13 3 100 4 l 1 l 2 7 2 4 26 13 29 l 22 9 18 14 1 7 52 8 17 10 4 10 ~-- l 1 1 10 5 3 19 3 25 14 · 27 206 ' 5 2 11 750 LABOP.ER LABORER II I.A'B O FOREMAN LA.l'IDSCAPE DES IGNER LIBRARIAN I LIBF.ARY AIDE NASON METER MECHANI C MILITARY PROPERTY CUSTODIAN I NUlIBE-J.v1ATRON PAINTE...'ft I PA.11KING HETER SERVICEM8\N PA..1tKS CUSTODIAN PAHKS PATiWLMAN PLASTERER PLUNBER r I If, '( 10 Negroe s Emplo;zed rxrno , , , I/ • y 1 498 145 2 1 3 3 2 5 l 2 15 '-, l 2 2 3 1 C · v1 no �Tota l Positions P OLICE DE'l'ECTIVE P OLICE LIEUI'E~ANT P OLICE tfATRON P OLICE PATROLNAN P ORTEn PRE-LIBR4.R IAN PRESSER pm;pnm PLANT OPERATOR RE~{EATIOrl SUPERVISOR REGI OI':AL ClJ-STODIAL SUPERVISOR TIOOFER S.Af\IITATION ASSIS TAJ.W ThTSPECTOR SCHOOL CUSTODIA..W SCHOOL CUST ODIAL WORKER SCT.:iOOL MAINTENANCE :MECHANIC I S:CHOOL 11AHJ"TENANCE l1ECHANIC II SECURITY GU~ SEt-U:- SKILLED WORIIBR SENIOR CL&lK SErIOR STENCGRAFHER SENIOR TYPIST CLERK SE"wE:i.l SETIV ICE!-'JL'I\: I SEWER SEI'VICEMflJ ~ II STi TLSTI CIA..l"\J STEHOGRA.r7IER S~·Oi:IBF:EEPER I STOREKEEPER II SWITCHBO!L~D OPERATOR I TAlIDEM DU}1.P EQUIPME.N'r OPERATOR TENi1iIS PE:C'FESSIONAL TI'.AFF IC SERVICEMAN TREATHEi';T PLANT OPERATOR 'l'RRE TRIM:t-IBR I TREE TRINMER II TYPIST CLERK l 12 1 22 10 23 4 • 11r 113 279 39 3 40.,, 100 48 61 32 82 18 2 73 17 7 24 10 2 14 106 9 7 140 W ASTE COLLECTOR II 235 49; WATf':,R W/ISTE WATF.i WATER 2is 15 15 WASTE COLIECTION DRIVE.'{ x , no t\ ( 1'( 129 37 12 643 ME'l'ER READETI COLLECTOR I SEl VlCES FOREMAN I SERVICE I NSPECTOR f xrno 1 · 1 11 • '( Negroes Employed 19 1 5 52 1 l 1 1 1 5 l , .L 106 266 .28 l 3 28 1 2 l 69 18 1 4 1 1 10 9 1 7 17 3 1 19 65 436 5 176 1 1 YI nn �,', .l 1 1 . , ._u tJ ..JX l9_LJ_:.i_x__. 7, 669 10 7, 679 TCtI AL PCS ITIONS : , ,. ,. toe., ........ _ 1 ". • A .J U . J I iiumber ed posi t ions U143.215.248.55umbered Clerk positions (I ncludes Libra ry, I.aw, General Court, and St at e Tra f f ic Court) VACANT POS ITIO~:S : VEG O EMPLO'Yf<..;E;:i WHITE EMPLOYEES 641 2, 428 4,~10 1, 19 EXTRA BOAI;D EI•lPLOYEES : WASTE COLLECTOR I WASTE COLLECTOR II LlffiOf\ER WASTE COLLECT I ON DRIVER I NCINERATOR OPE TO,..


~ 133 12 14 2 220 2,428 220 2, 648 WHITE 3 29 4 7'b" 4, 610 36 4,b4b 34. 356 percent age of Negroes in present force Negroes are employed in 93 classes 30 . 87 percent of the employment service were Negroes a s of 1/ 1/64 CHECKED AGAI NST KARDEX 5/ 12/67 BP �S/16/67 SI NCE JANUARY 1, 1964, NEGROES RAVE I:EEN APPOJNTED TO THE FOLLOWTI-JG CLASSES FOR THE FIRST TIME: AIRFIELD M..AJN 'IENAN CE MECHANIC I AIRFIELD MAINTENANCE ~HANIC II AIRPORT PATROLMAN AUDIO-VISUAL TECHNICIAN I AUDI O-VISUAL TEX:!HN ICIAN II AUTOMOTIVE MECHAN IC AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMAN II CARPENTER CORRECTION OFFICER I DUPLICATlliG ASSISTANT DUPLICATING l'iACHJN E OPERATOR I ENGINF.ERING AIDE I GENERAL :MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I GOLF STARTER GUARD HEAVY EQUI PMm T MECHANIC HOUSING CODE INSPECTOR I IDENTIFICATION AND REDORDS TECHN ICIAN I lliCINERATOR OPERATOR I INCINERATOR OPERATOR II KEY PUNCH OPERATOR LABORATORY TEDHNICIAN LAIDR FOREMAN LANOOCAPE ARCHITECT LANDSCAPE DESIGNER (1) �SINCE J ANUARY 1, 1964, NIDROES HAVE BEEN APPOINTED 'ID THE FOLLOWI NG CLASSES FOR THE FIRST TIME MACHINIST MAS ON METER MECHANIC MILITARY PROPERTY CUSTODIAN I NURSE-MATRON PAINTER I PARKThIG METER SERVICEMAN PARKS CUSTODIAN PARKS PATROLMAN PLASTERER PLUMBER. REGIONAL CUSTODIAL SUPERVISOR ROOFER SANITATION ASS I STANT I KSPECTOR SAN ITATION ThISPECTOR SCHOOL MAINTENANCE MF.CHANIC I SCHOOL MAIN 'I'ENANCE MECHANIC II SECURITY GUARD SEN IOR CLERK SENIOR STENOGRAPHER SENIOR 'lYPI ST CLERK STATISTICIAN STOREKEEPER I TANDEM IDMP EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TENNIS PROFESS ION AL (2) �SINCE JANUARY 1, 1964, NEGROES HAVE BEEN APPOINTED TO THE FOLI.OWING CLASSES FOR THE FIRST TIME TR!&\ TmT T PLANT OPERATOR TREE TRIMMER I TREE TRIMMER II WATER POLLUTICN CONTROL FOREMAN WATER SERVICES FOREMAN I WATER SERVICES INSPECTOR WATER SERVICES SUPERVISOR WATER WORKS MECHA!\TIC - -- - Total Number of (3) Classes • • • 58 �THE ATLANTA SUMMIT LEADERSHIP CONFER ENCE . . __., .. - . The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta T~: ~ -: From: ! ' i •. .Subject: The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference, A Coordinating Coalition of Atlanta Organizations and Community Leadership. Primary Sponsors: ·NAACP, Opera ti on Breadbasket, Atlanta Negro Voters League, All-Citizens Registration Committee and ·· ACCA. Summit Co-Chairmen: Jesse Hill, Jr., .Rev. $. W. Williams and Alderman Q. V. Williamson . State of Our City and the Negro Community, special requests and concerns. Presented by Special City Affairs Committee. Our Committee is here to reaffirm its interest and confidence in __ ,__ _ t_h~ __{ut_ure __gf _Atlanta and to express our desire to share in the responsibility of its continued growth and greatness. It is our desire and intention to share at all levels and in all arease This morning we wish to make the following requests and express concerns indicated: .I. / ,.-1 . II. Special Requests - A. The appointment of a Negro to Deputy Staff level in the Personnel Dept., under General Sutherland» and the hiring of a Negro Recruiter. B. An Equal Employment Opportunity clause with in enforcement provisions in all City Purchasing Contracts. C. The immediate desegregation of the Main Library staff and the desegregation and merit promotion of personnel in branch staffs. D. The hiring of Negro Housing Inspectors. E. The hiring of Negro Judges in the Traffic and Municipal Courts not as Ad Hoc Judges but regular Judgeship statu~. F. The Installation of an Information Desk ·in lqbby of City Hall. G. The revival of the City's Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, formerly headed by the late Alderman John A. White, and included the late Attorney A. T. Wolden and Clarence Coleman. ' H. Second Request for a list and description including · purpose and top staff of all federal funded or assisted programs of the City of Atlanta. This request was made

many. months ago shortly after Mr. Dan Sweat was named to

his current position • Ho~sing Urban Renewal, Modei Cities . . . Our Community and our City Government are on a "collision · course" in Urban . Renewal, Housing the prop~sed .Model - Cities Prog~am • . We have already informed· yo~ of our ·endbrsement of our community po siti on on Housing as setforth by the NAACP through President A. M. Davis. ... . �I ! -- ~--__,__ ' ___ --------- The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference ·- · · ·I. -- -. - - ·---- - - Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr Page 2 I .I · May 10, 19q7 I I ... .. ., "-7 · - - • ·r-;·; - ~ -• We take this opportunity to inform you of our endorsement of the proposals submitted by Rep·. John Hood on "Model Cities" including 1 immediate action for changes in the Executive Board. i ,! We also request that the Planning Fund Request, Technical Advisory aoard be revised to I ! include our suggestion for Negro experts to be included (plus other ! job categories). Urban Renewal The Negro Community has seen Urban Renewal too often implemented as "Negro Removal". We also see it as business and sizable financial , transactions, where representatives of our race have been excluded , ____ _from major financial transactions, a crucial item that could along with i other ills in Model Cities, and Housing cause Atlanta to lose the Negro ' Community support of all Federal HUD Programs, a strong united complaint from our community to HUD Secretary Robert Weaver requesting a h.a l t in HUD funds for Atlanta. ·' The crucial case in point is the Rockdale Project. (Alderman Williamson will explain our position) where a Negro church, Union Baptist is the sponsor, a Negro architect and Negro agents are pri. maril y tnvol ved. III. ··' In view of the evils and discrimination uncovered by Alderman Williamson recently in the City Construction Department, we request a survey or investigation of all city departments. The investigating staff should include representatives of the Equal Employment Opportunities Committee and the City Human Relations Commission. · We also request a summary report of involvement of Negroes in . the City Government (staff and policy) and a summary report of the status of compliance of Atlanta with the Civil Rights Law. Negroes are still . receiving public accommodati?p insults in our city. -·· IV. ., I .. I I · Park Facilities We request a Crash Program to correct the many years of discrimination in the location of park facilities and the quality of park facilities ~nd golf courses in our city. V. Status of Alderman Q. V. Williamson . . . We · wish to .. . · reference. Ii !

I .r I . ,.f apologize -to Alderman Williamson for · this pe·rsonal He had no knowledge . that this item would be included. I .. .. �1. . l . ' .I I - --- . - - - ---- -- --- -- -- -- -- -

- - - - - - - -- - --- - - -·· -------

. ·---· ··- --- --- --- - - ·-------·- - ---.--- -

·· ---- ---- - -

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The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr Page 3 May 10, 1967. . ... . .. , • ,t I . I However, we note that you have appointed every one i-n his tenure class or older to charimanships of committees but him. In the case of Hugh Pierce he has a chairmanship and a vice chairmanship. Mr. Williamson has neither a chairmanship nor a vice chairmanship. We suggest that he be considered as chairman of the Equal Employment Op- . portunity Committee to succeed the late John White as a beginning to correct this situation • . __, ,, ..',,. ~ �·'· ~·. .:. ·\ I I \ I ) . . . :-·· .. 1! I! I: ••; 1: ', Ju ly 21 1 196 5 I' Ii I I/ 'J:n e 1-'.i. a::_ro r 1


ii,: s Ci·cy Job O?p ortu, i t ie s Corrurc .. t tee c o nve ned -I c .. ·- 2:00 p .. m. Wednc ~ay, J u l y 21 1 96 5, i n Commi t tee Room NoQ 2 ~ I: ~: i ·' Ci ty Hal .. I- 'Ync f o llowing we re p r esent: John A., vfu.i.. te·, Ch a irman C ., Do Co leman s .. w.. Grayd o n Q., V ., Wi llia;-ns on Carl To Suthe rland ~-.. ft e r c alling the me e tL.g to or a.e· "I I ,. i 1 if anyo ne knew of any dis cr imi nation anywh e re., John .. • ~JX. ih · t e a s ked Oo V o I !i Wi lliamson s aid t hat h e had heard some c ompl ain ts f ~ om citi z ens !1 'I ·' 1: wh o fe e l that ne roes are not gettir..i; a f .::.:'... r c n'ance to obtain ' !, employme nt in "wh i te c o.i..: . .J.r II jobs.. 2·ir,., Gr aydon e xp la i ned tha t the


i·t i. . . .. ... ···,·:--· .i ,,\h i te co llar" jobs have to be f illec. by promotion., Lro S uth erland continue d by say~ng that f il l i ng jobs by ~r emot i on can be a disadvant 2g e nc cause somet ~me s people who bare ly me et the require;:nent s have to .oe hired. Mr., Su t·.. c rl and also expl ,. r.e d the syst em of fi ll L-:.c; job:. b :/ p romo t i o n., in a depar tment .


2- He stat ed t ha t wh en a job is open · y one pe rson in that de:?a ~:-tmen:t-qua1..ifies..,,....._ _ ____ ... I~ I' he ha s to be pr omo ted. If no one qualifies . L.1 the ' .cpa rtment in whi ch the va c ancy occu rs, then any person in t ~1 e -C~ty gover.nment . who qu a l ifi2 s is eligib l e for pr omo tion. ./ I· I Tl.e h ead o f the depai ment in wr.i ch the vacancy occurs has a choice of thr ee in City-wide I I I I ' ' 'I I, 'I ' - · - , --~> �~ --:::- -·- ' ~- I pr o:;;:o t i o n als" I I I f t he r e ar e o n ly on e o r two wi.10 qu c :i.i:::y , he may . . ! .I i

-equest tha t t he j ob be f i ll ea. b y ope:r:. - c om. e t itive e;-~a..'1\in ati o n.,

u • Coleman ask c. if the pr omo t i o na .... s ys te:cl. o - ..:i l. i ng job s wa s a l aw o f the ?er sonne l Bo ard l' rv::c ~ Graydon answe r e d by s a yi n g

. ,

t hat i t wa s an act o f the l eg i sl ature~ He s tat e d that h e a nd Ca rl Su therl and oppo s ed t h e a pprov al of the a c_t, bu t th e l e gis- latu r e adopted i t o Fo l l owi n g the d iscus s i on o f t he Ci ty' s promot ional ,,.· sy s ,.::em, c .. D., Co::'..eman said that he wo u ld th a t ike t o me n t i on t h fa c t about half of th ~ neg r o es wh o apply for j ob s o the r t h an Lab o rer do ~ot pass t h e e xaminations .. Co leman s u gge s t ed th at a training prog:cam be set up t o he l p mor e ne g ro'es pas s examina t ' o n s. Mr . White ag r eed that a training p r o g ram would be bene_fi c ia l t o _ negroes. He appoint ed Carl Su the r lan d and together on setting u p a traini . p_ogram. c. .... , .. · -\ - ..- .. .. D. Coleman t o work He al so appr ove d th e suggestion of Mru Col ema n t hat a negr o be hi red to go i n t o t h e I colored s ch o ols to recru i t neg ro es ~o r City employmento I ! ,. Car~ Suthe rl and r e ad a li st which included stati sti cs of employmen·.: by the City o f Atl anta from Octobe1::_ 5 r 1964 1_ t h _rou gh J une 30 , 1965. Aft er hearing tne figures q1~oted i n this list (a c opy of whi ch is ;:ittached a n d made a p a rt o :f th ese minutes ) the , I I . J memb e r a of the Committe e ag r e e d that good pr o gre ss is being made, (( , in providing equa l opportunities for negroes for employment with . :.:., ! I -- ---- - -- - - II - - - - - - -~- • - , - • -• I �. ~> ~ .... -...- ~:. .·_ th e C~ty of t lantao A s~ggestion wa s m~ce by C o Do Col eman that Mr o Paul We ir be asked · t o :)resent a repo :..: '.: con c e r n.; n i r-, -~1e W-:.,·_2 _ the _ :::o g ress made Depar t ment :.'...n pr ovidins equal o~)_;_:ior tuni. :,,e s for empl oyr,lent for both white ~nd co lor 2do ~n e Cha i rman and mem- be rs of t1:e Co rr:.:.i_·;: tee con c ur red tha t Mr o Coleman 's suggestio n was a good o ne anc t h a t Mr o Weir vmuld be i n cluded at t :1.c. nex eetir-.g., '.:1herc being n o f urther business, the meet :i ·- 1 wa s uclj our, _c.., Respectfully submitted, 11 : 1 At:tachme:-.t

!I I I ' ,i .I \" l I I I, I .-....· · ·'., . .LL . l . .-:_ . ... -.:.. I '

I .. . ~ -. I, . �- - ·- - -- -- -- - EMPLOYMENT BY CITY OF ATLANTA JULY 11 1965 through SEPTEMBER 24, 196$ TOTAL NUMBER OF APPOINTMENTSs WIITTEa • 245 NEGRO& . 338 . 31, ' TOTAL NUMBER OF APPOINTMENTS TO CLASSES OF LABORER., BUILDING CUSTODIAN, WASTE COLLECTOR, PORTER, BtµLDINO CLEANER, AND CADDY MASTERS WHITE: NEGROa 32 . ' . 301 SI X NEGROES WERE EHPLOYED IN SIX CL.ASSES WHICH JULY 1 1 1965, ~ {) .· I I NCLUDED ONLY WHITE JOB OCCUPANTS. THESE CLASSES ARE: ·. CLERK II, ~ CLERK III, GENERAL l'1AINTENANC~ MECHANIC I, IDENT!FICATION ·AIDi I, KEY ._ PUNCH OPERATOR, AND WATER SEijVICE INSPECTOR. . . . -· UNTIL ·, ~ · �' -. I I INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PERSONNEL OPERATION t I FROM fI MARCH 29, 1965 THROUGH JULY 2, 1965 I. A. LABORER Applications Received 0 B,. 570 BUILDING CUSTODIAN ~--· Applications Received Tested 316 252 316 Applications Received -252 Tested••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79~75% 64 Have not reported for written exam .............. 20.25% 100.00% II. A. B. III . APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (Excluding Laborer, Building Custodian and Promotional Examinations.) 1,735 2,246 White Colored J,981 Total APPLICAi1TS TESTED 1,480 1,538 White Colored 3,018 Total ., Many people who apply for a position do not report for the examination. The following figures show the percentage for both white and colored not reporting. COLORED 2,246 Colored Applications Received 1,538 Colored Applicants Tested•••••• ••••• 708 Colored Applicants have not r epor ted f or wri tten exam•• ••• •• •• ••• ••• • •••• 68.48% 31.52% 100. 00% I �I,I .. Page 2 WHITE 1,735 White Applications Received 1,480 White Applicants Tested••••••••••••• 255 White Applicants have not reported for written exam•••••••••••••••••••• e All Persons Taking Written Exams 3,0:i.8 Total -1,271 Passed 1,747 Failed - 42.11% 57.89% 100.00% B. All Persons Passing Written Exams 1,271 Total -401 Colored 870 White 31.55% 68.45% 100.00% c. All Persons Failing Written Exams 1,747 Total -1,137' Colored 610 White 65.08% 34.92% 100.00% D. All Colored Taking Written Exams 1,538 Total - 401 Passed 1,137 Failed 14,70% 100.00% w.. · IV. EXAMINATION STATISTICS A. 85.30% - 26.07% 73.93% 100.00% �I INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PERSONNEL OPERATION FROM JANUARY 1, 1965 THROUGH MARCH 26, 1965 I. A. LABORER Applications Rece!ved B. ... . 530 BUILDING CUSTODIAN Applications Received Tested 582 256 582 Applications Received -256 T~sted ......•...........•..•••.••.•...... 43,99% 326 Have not reported for written exam•••••• 56.01% 100,.00% II. A. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (Excluding Laborer, Building Custodian and Promotional Examinations) 1,918 1,727 3,645 B. White Colored Total APPLICANTS TESTED 1,307 952 2,259 White Colored Total III. Many people who apply for a position do not report for the examination. The following figures show the percentage for both white and colored not reporting. COLORED 1,727 Colored Applic(.tions Received -952 Colored Applicants Tested•••••••••• 55.12% 775 Colored Applicants have not reported for written exam., •• •• •••• • •••••••• 44.88% 100.00% �INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PERSONNEL OPERATION FROM JANUARY 1, 1965 THROUGH MARCH 26, 1965 I, A. LABORER Applications Recefved 530 ,r.. . B, BUILDING CUSTODIAN Applications Received Tested 582 256 582 Applications Received -256 Tested ••....•...........•.••••.••.•••...• 43,99% 326 Have not reported for written exam•••••• 56.01% 100,.00% II. A. ., APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (Excluding Laborer, Building Custodian and Promotional Examinations) 1,918 1,727 J,645 B. APPLICANTS TESTED 1,307 952 2,259 III. White Colored Total White Colored Total Many people who apply for a position do not report for the examination. The following figures show the percentage for both white and colored not reporting. COLORED 1,727 Colored Applic,.tions Received - 952 Colored Applicants Tested•••••••••• 55.12% 775 Colored Applicants have not reported for written exam••••••••••••••••••• 44.88% 100.00% �I' r Page 2 1-1-65 - 3-26-65 (Continued) WHITE 1,918 White Applications Received -1,307 White Applicants Tested••••••••••••• 68.14% 611 White Applicants have not reported for written exam ••e•••••••••••••••••31.86% - - 'lit.. · 100.00% IV. EXAMINATION STATISTICS A. All Persons Talcing Written Exams 2,259 Total ~873 Passed 1,386 Failed B. 38.65% 61.35% 100.00% A11 ·Persons Passing Written Exams 873 Total -206 Colored 667 White - 23.60% 76.40% ioo.00% c. All Persons Failing .Written Exams i ,386 Total - 746 Colored 640 White - D. 53.82% 46.18% 100 .. 00% All Colored Taking Written Exams 952 Tot al -206 Passed ~ 746 Failed - 21.64% 78.36% 100. 00% �r-. Page 3 1-1-65 - 3-26-65 (Continued) E. All White Taking Written Exams 1,307 Total -667 · Passed - 6/40 Failed• - 51.03% 48.97% 100.00% -!if' . V. COMPARISON DATA, · This information will be on the basis of average per working day. This excludes Laborer, Building Custodian and Promotional Exams. l-1-65 through 3-26-65 (60 Days) Applications Received Applicants Tested , Passed Failed 'IDTAL AVERAGE 3,645 2,259 873 1,387 61 38 15 23 �.. December 29, 1964 /11,J. . .·.v>'- lF-•·cf ;<S). .. J:ll!NIC DISTRIBUTION SUl!V~Y OF CITY EMPLOYM!CNT ~ . Total Number of Negro Employees exclusive of Board of Education 12-26-63 ,~-~8-64 1,514 1 ,·788 371 1,885 387 2,175 Board of Education under Civil Service -Total BREAKDOWN BY CLASSIFICATION Classification 12-28-64 12-26-63 White Colored Airport Utility Worker I Airport Utility Worker II Automotive S_erviceman . O· 1 Briclonason ·Building Mechanic I Building Mechanic II Building Mechanic III

.. . . . ... . 10 0 15 4 4 .. Colored 3 8 19 10· 2 4 14 6 1 20 7 4 1 4 Carpenter Community Recreation Leader ', 0 6 .31 28 Duplicating Assistant .o 3 2 4 164 · '. 28 0 18 5 .394 25 0 31 11 · 1 24 7 1 Equipment Operator I Fingerprint Roller Fireman ,. Grounds keeper . 1 36 ' I . Housing Code Inspector '. I Incinerator. Operator . : · Incinerator Trainee · ·.. Labor Foreman I Librarian I Librarian II Librarian III Library Aide II Library Assistant I 1 7· ·•.\ .. . .. ' ., ~. ':

 :; 1

', .. " ·., "'

. 0

.3 3 ' '2 1 1 1 0 11 17 17 9 · 22 19 3 3 2 1 1 .1 . 1 �., J .. 12-26-6.} Colored 1 Clas s i f icat i on Nurs e Matron 12-~8-64 White Colored 1 .3 0 0 2 7, Parks Trainee Painter Plasterer Pol ice Detective · Pol ice Lieutenant Pol ice Patrolman Police Sergeant Prison Matron ' 1 . . 39 1 5 22 Recreation Leader Recreation Supervisor Regional Mai ntenance Supervisor. Regional Supervisor · 1 1 0 136 Semi-Skill ed Worker I Semi -Skilled Worker II • Steno-Clerk II Switchboar d Operator I '.' . ! ': .; Tenni s Professional Trades Helper Traffi c Engi~eering _Serviceman Typist-Clerk II . ·, {' • . ' 1 28 4 0 4 94 28 485 32 .6 10 29 5 5 5 17 1 1 144 . 1 1 2 1 47 1 5 1 2 1· 24 73 2 12 0 2 1 29 10 97 1 183 16 0 26 21 46 .35 16 19 1 ., .

. ! ~.

o·; 1 ,; 5 2 9 ·1 Waste Collection Driver Waste Collection Driver (Extra Board) Was te Colle ct or II Watchman Water Met er Reader Water Polluti on Contr ol Operator I Water Purification Operator I Water Works Mechanic Zoo Attendant 8' 1 oi 0 2 4 0 0 _Q Total 337 6 12 0 1 10 2 4 6- ---1. 2,135 · 483 .., 1963 337 Negroes empl~yed in 36 classes 1964 MS3 Negroes employed in 5i classes \ Above . information i ndicates Negroes employed in classes ot her t han: Porter, Laborer, Was t e Collector I, Building Cleaner, Building Cust odian, and Caddy Mas~er. �-:-·.- ,, . '.

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, •• ·1. \.: july 21, 1965 The Mayor's City Job Opportunities Committee convened at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, July 21, 1965, in Committee Room No. 2, City Hall. The following were present: John A. White, Chairman c. D. Coleman s. w. Graydon Q. v. Williamson Carl T. Sutherland After calling the meeting to order, John A. White asked if anyone knew of any discrimination anywhere. Mr. Q. v. Williamson said that he had heard some complaints from citizens I ,, I who feel that negroes are not getting a fair chance to obtain employment in "white collar 11 jobs. ,- •..:·.-:. ...,__ 1f· Mr. Graydon explained that the "white collar" jobs have to be filled by promotion., Mr. Sutherland continued by saying that filling jobs by promotion can be a disadvantage b e c ause sometimes people who barely meet the requirements have t o be hired. Mr. Sutherland also explained the system of filling jobs by promotion. He stated that when a job is open in a department, if any one per-son in that department ·· quaJ..;i f...,j.._e...,s..,. ,,_ __ he has to be promoted. . "-btr&f?: i If no one qualifies.in the department i n which the vacancy occurs , then any pers on in the ,C~ty government , I who qua lifies is e ligible for promotion. The head of the deparµ - ment in which the vacancy occurs has a choice of three in City-wide --· ---N ' �~ 1\ ' I . -- l ' , .:. ..1:.: 2 , j -0 , I promotionals. If there are only one or two who qualif);, he may.__ ·.1 request that the job be filled by open-competitive examination. Mr. Coleman asked if the promotional system of filling jobs was a law of the Personnel Board~ Mr. Graydon answered by saying that it was an act of the legislature ~ He stated that he and Carl Sutherland opposed the approval of the act, but the legislature adopted it. Following the discussion of the City's promotional system, c. D. Coleman said that he would like to mention the fact that about half of the negroes who apply for jobs other than Laborer do not pass the examinations. Coleman suggested that a training program be set up to help more negroes pass examinations. Mr. White agreed that a training program would be beneficial to • a. negroes. • - -· - He appointed Carl Sutherland and c. D. Coleman to work together on setting up a training program. He also approved the suggestion of Mru Coleman that a negro be hired to go into the . I I colored schools to recruit negroes for City employment. I Carl Sutherland read a list whi ch included statistics of employment by the City of Atlanta from Octobel::_ 5, 1964, through June 30 1 1965. After hearing the figures q~oted in this list (a c opy of which is at tached and made a part of these minutes) the I I ,i / members of the Committee agreed that good progress is being made, in providing equa l opportunities for negroes for employment with ~-------- - - - - -• - - - ···•- I �the City of Atlanta. A sugges t ion was made by c. D. Coleman that Mr. Paul Weir be asked ' to present a report concerning the progress made in the Water Dep ar tment in providing equal opportunities for employment for both white and colored. The Chairman and mem- bers of the Committee concurred that Mr. Coleman's suggestion was a good one and that Mr . Weir would be included at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted, 1 Attachment cJ:ttrtrl±N ' .I A I ' dl.. J .• . _. \, '..,. ... �News Release I VAN AL L EN, JR . Ma yor of A tl a nt a For further information ca ll - Ja 2 - 4463 Mrs . Ann Drumm o nd Exe cuti ve Se cr e ta ry F e brua ry 15, 1965 For Immediate Release Alderman John A. White, Chairman of the City Job Opportunities Committee, has released a report pointing up progress in the. effort ·to hire qualified Negroes for city jobs. At the close of 1964, there were 483 Negroes employed in 52 classes of employment, as compared to 337 employed in 36 classes at the close of 1963. These classes cover jobs above the level of porter, laborer or custodian. Significant in this report is the increase in several classes of employment including: Building Mechanic I, from 15 to 20; Building Mechanic II, from 4 to 7; Equipment Operator I, from 4 to 28; Water Pollution Control Officer I, from 4 to 10; Water Works Mechanic, from none to 4; Typist-Clerk II, from 1 to 9; Fireman, from 18 to 36; Police Patrolman, from 39 to 47, and Police Detective, from 7 to 10. Alderman White, in concluding this report to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., who appointed the committee in October, 1963, stated: 11 We are pleased to report the progress of the City Job Opportunities Committee in eliminating discrimination in hiring of city employees. Just a s Atlanta has led tre way in eliminating other areas of discrimination, so we a r e setting the pace in providing job opportunities solely on the basis of ability to handle the job. 11 - 30 - �~

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February 8 , 1965 Honorable John A . Whit 218 He l y Buildi g Atlanta, Georgi D r John: I have copy of th 1 tter which Carl Suth rland .rot you on. February 1 t reg rding the City' • Equal Employm t Oppo:&-tunity Commit e . I do not re ith Sutherland that the meeting hould po tponed. •hould bold m . tin imm • tely to pr•• t · at ye ·r'a ccompliehment d t%'y to g t publicity fo-r it. P ggy Ba r in my office will d to .l ist in p blicity. Sincer ly., .- Jr. IAJr: d cc: Mra. P Carl Su: I' 1r �CITY OF A TLA TA PERSONNEL BOARD CITY HALL Atlanta, Georgia 30303 CARL T . SUTHERLAND February 3, 1965 Dire ctor Mayor Ivan Allen 1 Jr. city Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Yesterday I mailed you a copy of a report of ethnic distribution of City employment but inadvertently failed to include with i t a copy of my letter to Alderman John A. White, Chairman of the Committee. I am enclosing herewith a copy of that letter. Sincerely, J / ~ERLAND Director of Personnel CTS/cbt Enc: ATLANTA T l-I E DOG W OOD C I TY �February 1, 1965 Honorable John A. White, Chairman Employment Opportunities Committee 218 Healey Building 57 Forsyth Street, N. W. Atlanta 3, Georgia Dear Mr. White: I am enclosing a copy of a report of ethnic distribution of City employment showing the numbers of Wh ites and Negroes employed in classes other than Porter, Laborer, Waste Collector I, Building Cleaner, Build i ng Custodian, and Caddy Master as of December 28 , 1964. This report also lists total number o f Negroes employed in each o f the listed classes as · of December 26 , 1963 . You will note that as of December 26 , 1963, 337 Negroes were employed in 36 job classes, and that on December 28 , 1964, 483 Negroes were employed in 52 classes other than those listed above . This report shows that steady progress is being made in providing job opportunities in a wide variety of classes for qualified Negro applicants. Since heavy ~o~k concerned with the budget prevented your calling a meeting of the Committee during the month of January, I suggest that you not call a meeting until April if you feel that this report is sufficient for the January meeting. I am mailing a copy of this report to the Mayor and to each member of the Committee. Sincerely, CARL T., SUTHERLAND Director o f Pers onnel CTS/ cbt �News Release IVAN ALLEN , JR. Mayor of Atlanta For further information call - Mrs. Ann Drummond Executive Secretary Ja 2-4463 For Use Tuesday, October 29, 1963 STATEMENT BY IVAN ALLEN, JR, I have appointed a committee of city officials and Negro leaders in order to study job opportunities and recommend new areas of city employment. I am asking this City Job Opportunities Committee /I tj · work with the Personnel Board, the Personnel Director and all City Department Heads in seeking employment for Negroes who qualify for City jobs through the Personnel Department. This Committee is to report to me periodically. Members of the Board of Aldermen are invited to consult with the Committee and to cooperate with it in seeking solutions to a problem which concerns our City government. The following people named below have been appointed to this committee: Jahn A. White, Chairman R. A. Nixon C. E. Coleman Stafford W. Graydon A. T. Walden Q. V. V'1illiamson Carl T. Sutherland - 30 - �