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SENDING BLANK ~:~ERS ]fJT ~ ll/l,,3/67 ~~ARGE City of Atlanta, Mayor's Office J. D . Grier, Fred C. Bennette, Jr., J. C. Ward, Joseph E . Boone, E. M. Dorsey;, J. R. Hurley Operation Breadbasket Refer to Wire: A LLW 18 PD FAX Atlanta 10:32 p. m. Estll/10 Ackn owledge receipt of your wire reference to Atlanta Metro Area Civil Defense Council ~ Have previously offered to have this matter brought to the attention of the City Job Opportunity Committee and/or the Community Relations Commission. Advise whether complaint is in reference to old issue of Sterres Johnson employment, or what other specific question in the defense council set up . Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Send the above message, subject to the terms on bade hereof, which are hereby agreed lo PLEASE TYPE OR WRITE PLAINLY WITHIN BORDER-DO NOT FOLD 1269-(ll 4·SS1 �~,;:~::nr:~~

= 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST),:N: ~~":~:::.:::;~:~~

~:~:.~:1:, : xodcr or the me,saa:c a.od t bc T elq:ro.pb Company as rollows: t. The T,lcsrapb Company shn.11 not €e liable !or mlstUes or tltl•>~ In the t rnn.~mL'Won or dell\·ery. or ror non-delivery. or any m~e reeeh·ed for tran'Ullls.slon at t he unrepeated• m e,sue rate beyond the sum of n\•e bundred dollal"S: nor ror mt,ta.,..et or d£1!1.}'3 In t he tra.?L'lml.Mlon or d eliver>·. or ror non~elt"·rry. or sn1,· mt11tta.1te rf"CChcd rnr trnn.volllRton a.t the repented.mu.s~e rate beyond t he 11wn c,r nvc tbousnnd doll&.1"!!:. unlo.-t specially Yulued ; nor In eny ca:.c tor d cJan: tLrblug rrom uru.•.-alda.ble lntern1r,tlon In t he worklag or I~ llnes. cau•ed b;·t~~ ~~II16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST) tt,e1~e!c143.215.248.55c;,~~r~~t,~~1~;!1~ i~~b~erl~~ld143.215.248.55"~t (~~ m!i}~~e1'n°!n~~'tJ'in~0tt~e.ii~~T143.215.248.55'7116~d:~~·~J;,i~.':~ ~r~,'1·6:~::J'efQ'r:a~ :;~~! ftprc;enti t hat the me,:azu:;~ Li \'Alued, unle<.$ ts wreater value L-. :;ta l td In, ltlni;r by th1• ,;,-n,lcr tJ1rr,•Q! At tht: ,1rnc t he mc-...1ve I!< r.-ndcrcd tor tr1'1l.." lllb!tior.,aoc1 unlt'S.i the repcuted•mr.si;q;o rate Ls pb.ld or 91trecd to !Jc p:ild and an ti.ddltloh.lil cbA.tKe equ.J to ooe-u:ntll or.one ~r ctnt. o f tJ1e omouM by wblcb such vnJ.u.atlon sbllll cseeed o,·e t bou:sa.nd·dollant. • 3. T ho Tclegroph Company ls hereby mnde t be agent ot Ule aenc1('r. without 11:,,blllt:.·. to rorwQ.l'd t hb m~e O\·tr tbt lines or any other compan),· whee necessary to-reach its d eatinatloo. • • , • • • , .. 4. The nppllcable- tarlrTchanrcs on a me,.• 3,ge d ~ tlnt'd to a.ny ty)lnt In the conllnrntll l 1 nlted St.it'!"' ll:tl'd In the Tcltj?r11,ph Comp!lny'!I O!rettory ot Sp,tlon_,;: co\·er Its dtlh·ery within the ~tabH:ihed city or comr.ounlty 1tm1t1 or the dc:,;tlnatlon point. Ueyut,11 :.uch 1:mlts nnd to ;.o•nt.'f not II !ed In the Tclr;;;-aph L"C'1!llP-',ny·,i DU'i.:cto1ry ot .:t:1.tloti..i, thl'! Tel~rapb Com1,.1ny dol!S ~=~t.~e;~~:yJ~id143.215.248.55ceaait':f ~r~3 0 tbc unl1cn.t:1udlog the 1>cnl1er liuthorUcs tile eotlectJuo ~~;~'iuta~~l r~~!;rat~tv~d~ft.~~r C16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)·lr~!i~~tn.~;Jic~nr~!~t~::~i:i~~;.h tbut one o r t hiT~~r;-:16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)~fn~~!":he-1r~0 R~t;:. Ig1143.215.248.55r~g~~T~i~~:'u:~s;.;<n:.:316:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)~J~{ ~°c1:::'~1~"l~J!;l~~0n16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)Jir~t":'~t ~i:nniu~~U:: ~~e!~ ae.o.cr ID tJlht IMUUl~ act.a as the ngeot o t t he Tt:ltKrapb Comp:iuy lo 11.tet'Pllng the: m~e. the T cle:.roph Com~ny &aumlll8 r~ponstblllt;o rrom the time or such ru:cepta.uor. afttr the ~r!,h~;;?~~"~1143.215.248.55 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST)gt&;-C:h~~:~ ~1i11ri:i~r.:...?~n9in t~~i~~f~I:~~ bhr~i~~m~t!i't01t Yo~l~t1143.215.248.55 16:34, 29 December 2017 (EST) t'?ni~~l~i i~tr:x~~f,~:rt~c~~P;r"ffl (t~tr'::!~~i~ ~ttic:~ar~ lu,nd ~m~i"'~~ ?~erh~l143.215.248.55;1~~f~:i~d~.°t~~[v~.rt~~'~i'.~l~lg;d:r1~~1~ri~;cn~~ !p~r;~rz~1~f1r~er~~ j143.215.248.55"oi1~~-~~J~~cr~i!\~,\~·h1~11:h~!fe~o~I0tici:':J~;<t irJn~t o~i:rc~h: T eu.t1) or bctwrf'n a point In the Cnlt~ litinrs on the one ,.nd a point In AJ:.l.)ku. r:in::.<:kl, ~!l'xlco. or M. Plrrr,._.:,t1auclon 1111.nd... 011 tl1e othN hand. Cir between o Nill1t lo the liolte:d St.ates and o. ahU> a t ~ea. or In the r.lr . 1b) within 9.S da:r~ afU'T t he cau.,,e n r .artlon. If 1tr.'Y. bhlfll h11.vc accrued In t he c:a:...- <ir an lntr&.1>tate m :l1'C In Te't!o.S. an:J (c) flithln 180 ,faya nrtc:r 1 AC\ ot 1~3-4, a:t amended. , 7. Ith aare-cd that In nny a('tlon by tho Telegraph Company to recover the to ll.3 ror any m~ce or mC->Sn.;;e:, t be prompt nod correct. transml.3slon o.nd delivery t.hcreof ahall be presumed, aubJect to rebuttal by competent e,1deoee. a.II tbe fo143.215.248.55Jr~~;19 go\'etn.10& t he t ransmts.,Jon o r mcs:s11c:es aocordtna; to their cl!lSSC5._o.a cnume.rat.ed below. ah4ll apply to m~e::s ln tACb or such respect h·e clMSeS In :idditlon to 9. No employeQ. of the T elc,rapb Compa.oy ls a utl:lorlud to vary Ule fortaoln(;. CLASSES OF SERVIC E DOMESTIC SERVICES TELEGRAM T he ~Lcit. d omestic ee:rvlcc. DAY L ETTER (DL) A deterred same--doy sen·lcc. at low rites, N IGHT L ETTER (NL) Economlc3.l ovrrn•a,:t-it .,,., vice. Accepud up t o 2 A. M. for dell very Ulo rollowtng mornla£'. o.t ratca lo"·cr Ulan ,be Te.It.ram ur Day Lett.er ra'-Cl. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES F U LL FIATE ( F FI) ~ ':'ii9omo;ri~~rs~n1ce. l\by be writ tt.n lo code. cipher. or 1n aoy la.n.tUACe ex- LETTER T EL EGRAM (LTl For overnlgbt. pJAJo lnnauaae m ~. a t hAU·rMe. M1Dlmum cb4rge rorZ2 word!! oppU~ SHIP RADIOG RAM For lll~CH to nnd from ships at ~ �