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, •• ·1. \.: july 21, 1965 The Mayor's City Job Opportunities Committee convened at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, July 21, 1965, in Committee Room No. 2, City Hall. The following were present: John A. White, Chairman c. D. Coleman s. w. Graydon Q. v. Williamson Carl T. Sutherland After calling the meeting to order, John A. White asked if anyone knew of any discrimination anywhere. Mr. Q. v. Williamson said that he had heard some complaints from citizens I ,, I who feel that negroes are not getting a fair chance to obtain employment in "white collar 11 jobs. ,- •..:·.-:. ...,__ 1f· Mr. Graydon explained that the "white collar" jobs have to be filled by promotion., Mr. Sutherland continued by saying that filling jobs by promotion can be a disadvantage b e c ause sometimes people who barely meet the requirements have t o be hired. Mr. Sutherland also explained the system of filling jobs by promotion. He stated that when a job is open in a department, if any one per-son in that department ·· quaJ..;i f...,j.._e...,s..,. ,,_ __ he has to be promoted. . "-btr&f?: i If no one qualifies.in the department i n which the vacancy occurs , then any pers on in the ,C~ty government , I who qua lifies is e ligible for promotion. The head of the deparµ - ment in which the vacancy occurs has a choice of three in City-wide --· ---N ' �~ 1\ ' I . -- l ' , .:. ..1:.: 2 , j -0 , I promotionals. If there are only one or two who qualif);, he may.__ ·.1 request that the job be filled by open-competitive examination. Mr. Coleman asked if the promotional system of filling jobs was a law of the Personnel Board~ Mr. Graydon answered by saying that it was an act of the legislature ~ He stated that he and Carl Sutherland opposed the approval of the act, but the legislature adopted it. Following the discussion of the City's promotional system, c. D. Coleman said that he would like to mention the fact that about half of the negroes who apply for jobs other than Laborer do not pass the examinations. Coleman suggested that a training program be set up to help more negroes pass examinations. Mr. White agreed that a training program would be beneficial to • a. negroes. • - -· - He appointed Carl Sutherland and c. D. Coleman to work together on setting up a training program. He also approved the suggestion of Mru Coleman that a negro be hired to go into the . I I colored schools to recruit negroes for City employment. I Carl Sutherland read a list whi ch included statistics of employment by the City of Atlanta from Octobel::_ 5, 1964, through June 30 1 1965. After hearing the figures q~oted in this list (a c opy of which is at tached and made a part of these minutes) the I I ,i / members of the Committee agreed that good progress is being made, in providing equa l opportunities for negroes for employment with ~-------- - - - - -• - - - ···•- I �the City of Atlanta. A sugges t ion was made by c. D. Coleman that Mr. Paul Weir be asked ' to present a report concerning the progress made in the Water Dep ar tment in providing equal opportunities for employment for both white and colored. The Chairman and mem- bers of the Committee concurred that Mr. Coleman's suggestion was a good one and that Mr . Weir would be included at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted, 1 Attachment cJ:ttrtrl±N ' .I A I ' dl.. J .• . _. \, '..,. ... �