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WILLIAM R, FISHER, M .D. JAMES E, PRUm , M .D, SUITS 265-C, DOCTORS BUILDING 490 Po ach!roe Slroa!, N. ii , ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 JA 4- 2666 J une 28, 1967 Chief Herbert Jenkins Atlanta Police Department Atlanta, Georgia Dear Chief J enkins: I have a pr oblem with which I hope you can he lp . Because of the nature of my wor k , I am unable to attend ma jor league sporting events as often as I · would like . I have severa l children, two of whom are avid ba seba ll and s occer fans. It has been my habit to carry them to the games when I cannot also attend and then pick them up after the games . In the past this has been no problem because I simply entere d the taxi lane, drove to the front of the stadium as any other taxi might do, picke d t hem up and left;,. I have never before been stopped or even questipne d in my use of this lane after the games. However, on the afternoon of J une 25th, when I attempted to enter this lane I was st oppe d by one of your officers . I explaine d the situation, but he laughed and said he couldn 't help it . If his orders were as he sa id, to prevent anyone using the taxi lane, then I think his orders should be change d. If these were not hi s orders , then I think he should be punished. In any event I fe el that he should be counsele d in how to m eet the public even when refu sing a c itizen's r equest . Exce pt for the use of the bus and taxi lane, I have be en unable to find any other route to the stadium after a stadium event. Las year I calle d the Atlanta Police Department and a sked for a dvice in this m atte r and was tol d that there was nothing they knew of or any way t o get t o the stadium. It was that night that I began using the taxi lane .and I had use d it on Saturday, June 24th , in this manner . On Sunday afternoon, as I stated earlier, when I attempted to turn from Me morial Dr ive onto Capitol Avenue into the taxi lane, I was stopped by a police officer , badge number 1319 . At that time, for a period of approximately a minute and a half, there was not one vehicle in sight up over the Expressway ramp in the taxi lane. This is a distance, as you well know, of approximately a block and a half to two blocks. My presence in tlrls lane would not have crowded it in the least and would not have inconvenienced anyone in the stadium area. It would , however , have spared me a great deal of distress in that it required me approximately 20-25 minutes to get close enough to the stadium to allow one of my other children to go and search for the ones who were waiting to be picked up. �