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W IU IAM R. FISHER, M.D. JAMES !. PRUETT, M.D. SUITI 265,C, DOCTORS BUI LDING 490 Peachlr.. Sir 11, N. e. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 JA 4-2666 Chief Herbert Jenkins June 28, 1967 Page 2 I know you have many problems and I know your officers are called on for many things. I do not want to add to your burdens or to theirs, but I do feel that it would be a better set-up if you allowed private citizens traveling to the stadium to pick up spectators to do so with the same privileges as commercial vehicles exercise. Certainly, before the game starts, I can see where the taxi lane should not be used, particularly since there are several other lanes leading to the stadium itself. However, after the stadium events are over there seems to me to be no logical reason why we could not use the lane for the same purpose as the commercial vehicles use it. I would appreciate your giving this your careful consideration. For their information, I am forwarding copies of this letter to Mayor Ivan Allen and to Mr. William C. Bartholomay. Respectfully, William R. Fisher, M. D. WRF/lp COPIES: Mayor Ivan Allen Mr. Wm. c. Bartholomay �