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u L. .L -' -, ~: RECEIVED April 7, 1967 APQ 10 rn 1 w~~ijv ~ ,~~liRV'~ Mr . Carrol Trosclair United Press International 520 Royal Street New Orleans, Louisiana Dear Carrol: From our street corner conf erence Thursd~y : Some members o f the Louisiana domed stadium a ut h ority ~re planning to vis··t tl , nta ou April 13 for t he .As I understand it, they wi ll be guests of Mayor -vn, Allen and will make a n ins pection o f the nev A lanta ztadium . o p:ming o f ~he Braves b a seball Gcas o n . Maybe you would be i n terested in having y o ur Atlanta bureau file someth·ng on this visit -- react ions t o the stadium, comparisou of Atlanta- New Orleans n e eds, etc . -- for the state wire . would i magine the Atlanta Mayor's o ffice is co- ordinating the visit and could help _your people there . ~ Atlanta architects for the stadium there George T . Heer y and Bil l Finch , p a rt ners in t\'/o firms which co-vent ured design of the stadium and a re also double teaming the planning of a new stadium i n Ci n cin na ti . An interestin g a spect of t h e Atlanta stadium is the fact that it wus desi gne d and built in under 2 1 mo nths as c ompared with from four to s i x yea rs for other major new stadia . The architectura l tc~m e x pects to bring in the Cincinnati stadium in from 2 2 to 26 months . We will be hap p y to s u pply any needed fill in data on either the Atlanta or Cincinnati projects . Thanks . Sincerely , Robert W. Smith , J r . Rl'!S, ~ / d \'! h i . �