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, 0 ..-te.(lo X c A\\ n,, ~t,tu... / MU\\£ I ! I HOUSING AUTHORITY OPPOSED ~ f .. I t~NTI.1"1~\-....,__ .. f ~-·O, A~ St.vt:1\ D EOA Asks Legal Aid, . e •yi'!~ ·· J nonsty . 8 9 l ! Economic Opportunity Atlanta i overiruled objections of the AtJ lanta Housing A u t h o r i t y Wednesday in asking for federal · funds of the Atlanta Legal Scrvi~s progrnm.

M. B. Satterfield, AHA diirec'tor, wrote EOA to ask that fund. ing be delayed untii an investiga'. tion could be made into activi! ties of Legal Aid whic'h SaHeri field called .a "disruptive 1nflu, ence on tJhe public housing pro1 gram and serves only to cause

fri ction in the community." . The boaird of directors of . IDOA, on the recommendation of . member Jesse Hill, approved the $326,695 budget-$271,939 in · feder al funds . " It is 1rnap.proprlate not to move ahead," board Chairnm n Boisf.euillet Jones said. He · sa id he would "honor ,the complaint fo ,t he extent of look,ing into 1ts meirits." I Robert Dobbs, another board memher, also urged ithe request for funds, despite ,the AHA let.ter. "The housing authority ought to look at itself. H has some problems itself." Jones said he had 1received an anonymous ca.J.I several months ago about Michael Padnos, director of Legai Aid. Jones said the caUeir threa,tened Jones unless he got rid of Padnos. "'11hat's the last I heaird of it," Jones said with a l,augh. Satterfield's letter said that rthe AHA was withhoJ.ding "endorsement of this a pplication ait rthiis time, pending cl arification of certain acl!ions ,t aken by Lega,I Aid which a fifec,t the Atlanta Housing AuthorJty and the community." SaLterfield's letter saJd Padnos !had made "serious general allegations conc,erning Atlanta Hol.l'sing Aubhority po1icy and conduct of activities." But, the The EOA board also approved fedeml funds, a111<i_4u.mmi>r recletter said, wheri called on for the Head St:;irt program, which rna.tion, including $620,000 iii' specific f.aots behind the allega- includes a request for $516,649 in (,e<lernl lunds .• -tions, "Legal Aid has refused to flLl'nish such facts ... That refusaI can be documented." P.adnos'. objections generally were that the AHA operates "arbitrnrily." He said he refused ito give names of those complaiining bec,a use of ,t he lawyer-client reJ.ationship. Jones explained ;tihat the AHA had been infm·med of the application for legal services, but solely b.ecause they were. an in,t eres.ted party, not a holder of a veto . KIDNEY n.u..,r-ci> c:1r.Nt.l c. Gr· · · qi ~: G ~t, pa dr




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