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Dear Mr. Leftwich: Mr. Vaughn of Pittsburg Civic League asked rr.e to write you a letter, thanking you for coming out to see him. You will receive it later. you wLa.t a good thing it was--your coming out. I just wanted to tell You always do all you can to help but there are circumstances you don I t know any-1::hing about that made this doubly a good move. As you probably know, EOA is trying to force the City to turn Model Cities over to them. They know it is just a matter of time for EOA and want to insure keeping their jobs this way. participation". jobs at EOA. This is what is behind their charges of "no citizen John Hood is helping them because he gets votes by getting people The Center Directors in the "Model City" area are meeting with John a couple of time s a week--at the Southside Day Care Center (the EOA nursery where he has an office). They are really stirring people up against the City---the people don't know what it is all about--they just do what they are told. The latest development is that EOA Center s are working on voter r egistration---I am in charge of it here and at a staff meeting I remarked that it was hard to get people to come register in a non-election year. Terrill told me I was negltative thinking. To tell them that the aldermen and representatives in this area weren't doing • anything to protect them from Model Citie s--that this ITB ant their homes would be taken--and for them to come register so they could vote new alder~e n and r epresent at i ve ~ y.:r in next year. We really had it·- after the staff !TE eting was over--I told him I di dn't I appr e ciat e t he reference s to you, Hugh and G. D.--that he di dn't even live i"n this part of town ard we r ese nted people coming in trying to run our politics. Als o, that he didn't even know when the ele ctions would be he ld, as the next City e l ection would be in 1969. He told me that EOA was t he b iggest vote getter in the City and EOA could make or bre ak any politican because the people in the areas ser ved by EOA would vote for anybody t hey were told to . After a few more words , he threate ned �-2to fire me for disloyalty to EOA. I told him I owe d my loyalty to the City and to the City Adminis tration and if he could find an y conflict in that with the EOA operation--to go ahead. Things haven't been too pleasant since. Meantime, Eliza Paschall complaine d to Mrs. Crank , who is Terrill's Supe rvisor about the bu siness about the phone c alls--sa id she thought I should file charge s with the Community Relations that I was being discriminated against. He · jumped me about this too, but when I told him :t-'irs Paschall was not the only on e complaining about the. phone--that John Greer had compl ained to Emmerich-:--he c_almed do,-m. to in the Democratic Party, is on the board of EOA. John Greer, who I am clos e I take my complaints to him-- since this way Terrill can't claim political pressure. It is terrible the way the three r emaining white girl s are treated he r e ---but I am not going to q~i t until I get ready---where else c ould I draw a good salary for doing about an hours worl<: a day. I run the entire de partment--the re were three of us in Housing orig inally--I am the only one left and I stil l don' t hurt myse l f worki ng- -which shows how over- s t a f fe d the Cente r s are . I have good work h ab i t s , I ge t along wi t h the oth er e mployees , and I respect supe rvision--so if he fires me , he is going to have to co!TB up with some pr etty go od c harge . I have ch e cke d up and f ound th at th i s bit about t he Aldermen not he lping the • people about Model Citie s is true a.t all Ce nters--this is what the p eopl e are be ing told. My i de a of what EOA s houl d do is to work wi th t he City--but a ll t he y are doing is encour aging peop le to fi ght i t! Wh e n I hear all thi s it r e ally b urns me up . Espe c ially when t he criticism come s f rom a Vi s t a volunt eer- - all they do i s stir p e ople up. _;). I d on' t want a ny of my fr iends to get mixed up in my per s onal pr obl ems , but some t hing s hould be done about the breach EOJ! i s creating between t h e City and the people in the Nade l Citie s areas . I h ave t alked to G. D. and t old h i m t o keep in touch wit h Mr . Vaughn, Hrs . Bill ingsley and Mrs . Wright ---they are the leaders in ?j ttsburg and while t he y are · on the · Advi sory Board of · EOA-,-they are not f oo_led b y it . They all b eg _me t o stay �-3every time I threaten to quit because they say it is the only way they have to know wbat is going on. Most of·the Advisory Boards go to meetings and agree with all they hear--but not t he Pittsburg leaders. As proof of the poor com-·.u nication --rrDst people would have eone to EOA----Y~. Vaughn carr~ directly to you with his problems, and all the II street corner hanger outersn have been praising you ever since--because you bothered to come out! These· are good people in Pittsburg, if the west side negroes would not come out here stirring them up. I have good influence over all the leaders but I cannot get them to believe anything against John Hood. Something needs to be done to stop him from knocking the City however. I had so~e phone calls from some of tr~ negroes in the Democratic Party witj me-telling me i,.;hat all they had heard about the negroes "going after" the Wrens Nest until they changed their admittal policy. With Calvin Craig meeting in ·;-. re st End, I figured it would really cause trouble if the negroes started breaking out windows and storming the cb ors as they were threatening to do. I discussed t his with Irving Kaler and made the motion that t he Community Relations ask the Wrens Nest to change their policy. Don't know if this will help, but figured it would show good faith on oi..:.r part or as Helen Bullard puts our movements nact as a asprin towards helping f the headache. I really enjoyed see ing Richard Freeman in ac tion at the Comnmnity Relations n:eeting last week. Concerning this Dixie Hills rnes s , he really pinned do,m some of the people who claimed they witne s sed "police brutality"--- - when he got through --all they knew was what somebody else told them! He is really good in this job and the be st police committee chairman we have ever had. Mrs . Leftwich told all right now. rre you h ad to go back into the ho spit al- --hope you are f ee ling Take it easy, cause wecan 't get along without you. Mary Terrill backed do,m on the phone c all s---I can have i ncoming ca.l l s-- I just ca,n' t make any! �