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1. What: in your esti ,-.,o.t ion, is the best or no3t feasible 8.~p1·oci.ch to the pi·o"':ll::Ll o:::' housing clispb.c ccl pe:csono? Persons displaced by governrn.ental action rn.ust be r e located within the general ·confines of tl).eir immediate :neighborhood. Displac eme nt of families or persons . outside their;' neighborhood disrupts family unity and creates untold social problems. Programs which w ill allow gradual demolition and replacement of housing rather than wholesale demolition of neighborhoods must be established. 2. Whe:'e, E',re your vieHs conc e1·ning t er::po1·s.1::' reloc,J..tc.b le hou sing ? Pros ancl Cons I favor temporary relocatable housin~. It "vill hel p prevent disruption oI neighborhoods and familie s . Such temporary housing must not be allowed to dev e lop into permanent u:..r1de s irab le, bel ow code housing. ·~

. What posit ion does City Eall te.ke uith rega rd to relocatable housing?

specificall:,r the tn>e to be used in the Bedford ?ine Project. Then City hall proposed a n d encourag ed the relocatable housing demonstration 1n B e dford-Pin e and Mod e l Citie s .

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l~. \':'hat rol e •,rill the City pl £>.;," ,rith r ez;urcl to this t e::.pore.r;r reloce.t o.b l e housi:rlg? See Numb e r 3 . Atla nta Hous i n g Authority is t h e City ' s agent for a d min iste ring th e urban r e n e wal and h ous i ng p rogram. 5. ~foat ple.ns does Ci t y- Ha ll ha ve in ,1ind 1rith re3:8.rd t ::i th e Bedford. F ine are2.? HoH do the s e p l ans differ fr o!:! the actual plans? The actual pl ans a s submitte d b y the Atl a nta Housing Authority ar e the p lans of th e City s i nc e Af{A 1s the City's agent for ,housing red e v elopmfn t. 6. Wha t long r a ne; e go!l.1 s n.nd plans 2..re projected for the ar ea ? �~- 7. ·1 !hat :i.n your e stir~o.t ion, ,-rould be1~efit the area the r,wst? \'[hat are their ir:uJ.ediate neecls? The immediate needs in the ~rea are in the area of providing decent housing. Parks and sGhools have been dev e loped and are in operation. Economic Oppo7:..tl;l-nity programs must of necessity go hand-in-hand with the development of physical facilities. 1,1 6. 11·/hat conrcrt..mication lfoks does the Cit~-- have with the I,e,~_ford Pine Ne::,;ro leacle1·ship? Beclford-Pine Negro leader s hip communicated with City Hall through t he Bedford-Pine Urban Renewal Corn.rnittee or Sub--Cori-irnittee to the Citi zens • Advisory C on1.mittee for Urban Renewal. by using these tet:1pora17 relocat ab le housing units it .-rill heJ.p strengthen the nei,chborhoocl concept? Encourage people to st r..y in the area? Explain. 9. Do you think that Yes. People establish roots in an area and even though it might be substandard, it is hoE1-e to them. ".:i. .


10. Do _you antici:pat.e usinr; t he t e~:.1:)o r e.ry housin6 else·.rllere i.n the futur e? I f so for ~ihat use· irnd i'rhe1·e? ~Ihat uill b e do~--ie with th a nnits during the interin? Yes in th e Model Cities p roj ect. The red e velopment needs in thi s city are so great that ther e would always be a us e for temporary housing units and ther e would be no inte rim period w h en these unit s wo uld be allowe d to stand vacant . 11. What type o:£' reloca tion pb.ns are there for retaini::-1g c~mrches a.71d locs.l stores in the neir;hbor~ood ': See Atlanta Housing Authority plans. 12. Are you a•.-r:?..re of' · any- neu -propos3.ls -for the :area, such as ex;,~·n::ling the c1.v1.c cent er or utilizing t he a.re;_ f;r co::::::ercial development purpo ses? ·,·Tr.at are City Ralls vie•.-rs? How 1-rould you like to see the area deve lop ed? Expound. I am aware of no specific proposal for expanding the Civi"c Center or utilitizing the area for commercial d e ve l opment . The area should be primarily redevelop e d for housing. W e should not, howe ver, d eny the ~tl anta a rea ad e quate c1;vic faciliti es a nd the total n ee d s of th e city mus t be weighed with th e needs of the Bedford-Pine community in d e t ermining reuse. 13. ~foe.t is t he curre;1t status of the 3edfo~·d Fine pro ject? Se e Atl anta Housing Authority. �.. 11~. Does the City· plan to initiate 2.ny ne,-! types of · lou cost housing for the area? If so explain. See Atlanta Housing Authority. 15. ~·That oth er asencies, on e. loce.1 r;overnnental level, are envolved in the planning · or developr:ient stages of this project? Atlanta Housing Authority and City Planning Department. 16. ';[hat suggestion s Hould yot1 h2.ve for copfog with the housing proble:n other than using the t er.:1"901·a ry- r e loce.t2.ble housing? .~ ., . List alternatives. The Mayor's Housing Program sets forth specific goals and has provided for machinery to push housing plans. A copy of this program is attached. '. '. Dan Sweat Director of Governmental Liaison City of Atlan ta Thank you �